Phylloscopus Collybita


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Phylloscopus Collybita SciVerse Scopus 李秀珍 館員 分機 2513 臺北醫學大學圖書館 This is our mantra - we always kept this in mind during development and with several rounds of user testing over the last two years we were reminded by the more than 300 researchers that this is important. The mission of Scopus is to support the scientific literature research process; i.e., finding relevant articles quickly and investigating current research relationships through citation information Phylloscopus Collybita

SciVerse Scopus特色 圖書館資源的整合服務以及個人化特色 引用文獻分析系統:一探每年被引用之影響力 每位作者都有個人小檔案,另有特別的作者檢索模式 機構辨識系統:探知機構出版概要及合作對象 期刊分析系統:瞭解期刊趨勢表現

Search 檢索功能

基本檢索(Basic Search) 在檢索欄位內,鍵入一個或多個檢索詞彙 可增加更多欄位,檢索更有彈性! For simple, straightforward searches Guides through the basic search elements Drop-down menus list all searchable fields available No need for complex search language Basic search form offers step-by-step process - choose search terms which are specific to the topic - include alternative words, abbreviations and irregular plurals - avoid words that are too general, such as cell, behavior or behaviour 並將該檢索設定於特定日期、主題範圍或資料類型等

進階檢索(Advanced Search) 在檢索欄位內鍵入一串包括關鍵字、布林邏輯運算元、欄位名稱、萬用字元等指令 可參考畫面左下角的各種欄位縮寫 For more complex, complicated searches Provides flexibility of full Boolean searching Allows the use of: Truncation or wildcard characters Proximity connectors Qualification to any data field NOTE: Can be used in the Basic Search Form as well Employs command search syntax

快速檢索(Quick Search) 除了首頁之外,每個畫面都有「快速檢索」這個功能 複合的、固定的欄位檢索 檢索詞彙都被以AND連結 文獻名稱、摘要、作者選用關鍵字、控制詞彙關鍵字、作者 檢索詞彙都被以AND連結 欲檢索片語時,請用雙引號eg. “digital library” 所有的快速檢索歷程都會被放到檢索歷史

再檢索 (Refine Result) Allows users to start search broadly and narrow down to relevant results using tools such as ‘Refine Results’. Located just above the results list, this feature provides an overview of all results according to source title, author name, year, document type and subject area: - Each aspect can be expanded by clicking on More… or contracted again with Less… - Results may be limited to selected articles (limit to) - Articles may be excluded from the results list (exclude) - The newly displayed results are ranked according to frequency (highest to lowest) Refine results can prove very helpful when beginning research on a new topic. Users can get a quick overview of: - Relevant journals publishing articles on their topic of interest - Influential authors working in this area - Highly-cited articles influencing future research

限縮檢索 (Search within Result) 使用檢索結果畫面上方的檢索方格 加入新的檢索詞從原有的檢索結果中「再檢索」 詞彙的檢索範圍被預設為「所有欄位」 使用檢索指令可將檢索範圍限定於特定欄位 FieldName (SearchTerm) title (chi-chi) 無限次數地使檢索結果更精準

檢索歷史 (Search History) Search history is located below the Basic and Advanced search forms: - This is session-based so users need to save any searches they’d like to come back to in future sessions - Displays up to 50 searches - Edit, save or set up an alert for a particular search - Combine two or more searches using Boolean operators

每一筆資料-主要特色 摘要(Show Abstract) 還加上…… 可任意選擇將檢索結果列印、匯出、透過電子郵件寄出或加到個人文獻清單 摘要顯示 還加上…… 參考書目(View References)與被引用連結(View Citations) 相關文獻(Related Documents)連結 延伸的顯示格式 包括語文、作者選用的關鍵字、控制語彙關鍵字 可任意選擇將檢索結果列印、匯出、透過電子郵件寄出或加到個人文獻清單 連結到資料庫外部的全文文獻 Abstract + Refs represents the ‘record content’ in Scopus: - Scopus does not contain full text of articles (users may link to the full text via links from Scopus), several key pieces of information have been included in Scopus to help users decipher whether a particular article will be of interest to them References and Cited-By’s Traditionally, bibliographic (A&I) databases publish the ‘records’ of articles/documents, which include the title, authors and abstract. Scopus publishes these records and also two important pieces of additional information: - References (articles cited by this author) - Cited By’s (articles citing this article) Scopus is open URL enabled: - Access to full text depends on terms of institution’s subscriptions with publishers - May be additional costs

搜尋結果頁 檢視多篇文章的引用文獻或被引用文獻

Author search 檢索作者

作者檢索 ( Author Search) 將姓與名分開輸入 可以排除同名同姓作者的困擾

作者檢索 ( Author Search) 不會顯示於檢索歷史 可顯示作者個人檔案、文獻清單 並可執行引用文獻追蹤功能 Search for a particular author using Author Search form. A list of possible name variations will be listed in your results (see note below) from where you can choose a set of possible matches and view the documents associated with the author - this search does not get listed in search history Note: 1. The entered term results in a list with all spelling variants that match the query entered; e.g., ‘Smith, J’ will find ‘Smith J.’ but also ‘Smith Johan’ and ‘Smith J.L.’ 2. You can also search for a part of an author name; e.g., ‘Moya’ will find Moya, S.A’, ‘De Moya’, ‘Moya-Cessa, H’ and ‘Flores-Moya, A.’ DEMONSTRATION or HANDS-ON: 1. Search on Greene, B 2. Select checkbox for Greene, B and Greene, B. A. 3. Click show documents button

作者辨識功能:Author Identifier 從同名作者中辨識特定作者 深入作者個人檔案 作者歷年作品及其被引用狀況分析

作者辨識功能 (1) 點選人名即可連結到作者個人檔案簡述/詳述

作者辨識功能 (2) 利用E-mail alert直接設定 單一作者引用新知通報 可點選「引用文獻追蹤功能」分析特定作者的作品被引用狀況 提供特定作者: * 所發表的期刊 * 曾服務單位歷史

觀看結果 View Citation Overview 引用文獻追蹤

引用文獻追蹤:View Citation Overview 追蹤特定一位或多位作者的作品 追蹤特定領域中的熱門主題 追蹤特定期刊的文獻被引用狀況 協助分析研究趨勢 匯出、列印以儲存分析結果

被引用狀況 These are articles going forward in time and are called “Cited By” in Scopus. These articles have referenced or cited the article you are viewing - click the number link in the cited by column on the results page, abstract page or My List; or the “cited x times” link in the references on the abstract page 呈現文獻被其他文獻引用的狀況

引用文獻分析 View Citation Overview(1) 檢索關鍵字或作者後,勾選欲分析的文章 搜尋作品 搜尋作者 Please note that screenshots for Citation Analysis functionality are taken from a prototype containing a limited dataset. - To evaluate the work of an author with the name Nierman, start with Author search form, enter the name and click Search button - An Author Results list displays showing all matching Author Names for Nierman - Select the required author name, Nierman, W and note that this author has published 17 documents - Click Citation Overview button to display the information to evaluate the work of W. Nierman. 點選View Citation Overview

引用文獻分析 View Citation Overview(2) 可依照年代或被引用次數多寡降冪或升冪排序文獻 可以排除作者自我引用 可選擇分析的時期、各年被引用概況 將游標移到每篇文章則可顯示完整書目 Please note that screenshots for Citation Analysis functionality are taken from a prototype containing a limited dataset. In this Citation Overview for W. Nierman, the 17 documents written by Nierman, W. are displayed. This enables you to see patterns – for the selected year range of 2001 to 2004, you can see: (1) How often each document was cited in each year (2) The total number of cited by’s for this author in each year (3) The total number of cited by’s for this author within the selected year range (2024) Clicking on the number links displays the documents that cite the selected document. Users find this really useful to find new articles in a known field. Very important feature of this tool is that users determine the parameters for their citation analysis themselves by choosing the documents to include and selecting the year range.

引用文獻分析 View Citation Overview(3) h-index =20 : 至少有20篇文章最少被引用20次 橫觀未來研究趨勢 焦點 縱向深入定位主軸 Please note that screenshots for Citation Analysis functionality are taken from a prototype containing a limited dataset. In this Citation Overview for W. Nierman, the 17 documents written by Nierman, W. are displayed. This enables you to see patterns – for the selected year range of 2001 to 2004, you can see: (1) How often each document was cited in each year (2) The total number of cited by’s for this author in each year (3) The total number of cited by’s for this author within the selected year range (2024) Clicking on the number links displays the documents that cite the selected document. Users find this really useful to find new articles in a known field. Very important feature of this tool is that users determine the parameters for their citation analysis themselves by choosing the documents to include and selecting the year range.

: Output and Download 輸出檢索結果

輸出檢索結果:匯出(Export) Users may export a number of results (citations) to save them to a disc (or hard drive) for later use. Scopus supports this process and allows users to export up to 1,000 cited references at one time. Citations may be exported in RIS or ASCII format and may be imported into various reference management applications (RefWorks, EndNote, Reference Manager and ProCite). Users may choose from two formats: 1. Citations Only – exports the following: Author(s), Article Title, Publication Year, Journal Title and Volume, Issue, Page Range 2. Citations, Abstract, Author Keywords and Times Cited – exports the following: Author(s), Article Title, Publication Year, Journal Title and Volume, Issue, Page Range, Abstract, Author and Index Keywords, Number of times article has been cited.

輸出檢索結果:列印(Print) Select all, page or individual records, before clicking print button - note record display print options

輸出檢索結果:E-mail Select all, page or individual records, before clicking e-mail button - note e-mail format options (HTML, text) and content format options (same as print display options)


文章PDF檔 整批下載 (1) 勾選需要下載的文章 利用Download 功能鍵 將所需的文章整批下載

管理檢索策略 My List & Profile 個人化設定與服務

登入 動態式的登入與註冊首頁 三種檢索型式 瀏覽資料來源 新知通報 個人文獻清單 個人資料夾 連結到Scopus info site 與Scopus Labs

註冊個人帳號/登入 (1) 建立使用者姓名 會比對出ScienceDirect的個人帳號與密碼 從姓氏與名字欄位所填寫的資料產生 使用者姓名間沒有任何空隔 會比對出ScienceDirect的個人帳號與密碼 如果使用者試圖以Scopus中已存在的電子郵件信箱註冊新帳號,則可選擇 請系統將以建立的使用者帳號 / 密碼寄到已存在的電子信箱 用另一個電子郵件帳號編輯註冊資料 在重複的電子郵件帳號註冊另一個使用者姓名 - Username/passwords are linked to email addresses; i.e., only one username/password per email address. - Registering another user name on a duplicated email address will result in loss of any personalisation features previously set-up.

註冊個人帳號/登入 (2) 利用Register 建立自己的個人帳號 - For IP-independent access, there is a marketing homepage that appears with the login bar, which does not show the register link. - For IP-dependant access, it is NOT necessary to login unless using the personalisation features. Scopus will prompt for a login when required. - Registration is a one time process, but note that a ScienceDirect username/password will be recognised by Scopus and vice versa.

註冊個人帳號/登入的好處 新知通報服務 儲存檢索策略 個人文獻清單 檢索的相關資訊 追蹤文獻引用狀況 重新執行檢索以得到最新的訊息 儲存並顯示多批檢索結果

儲存文獻書目資料 勾選文獻,再點選 add to list  My List (暫時) 在My List勾選文獻,再點選 Save  My Profile裡的My Saved Lists (跟隨個人帳號)

儲存個人清單 點選 My List 鍵即可呈現所有在暫存清單裡文獻(本次檢索行為) 勾選特定文獻後,點選 Save ,則可永久儲存一筆或多筆文獻到新的個人儲存清單或已存在的文獻清單中 After clicking Save This List link, provided with two options: 1) save individual records or entire list as new one – need to give it a name 2) add individual or all records to an existing list – need to select which saved list Note: need to be logged in with username and password to make use of this feature

個人設定(My settings) 可在此管理所有的個人化設定