Matthew 28:16-20 You as Me as He 你如我如他.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew 28:16-20 You as Me as He 你如我如他

Mt 28:16-20

The life-giving instruction of Mt 28:16-20: The Great Commission is to make faithful, obedient little Christs of Christ. 大使命也就是要使人成為歸屬基督、對基督忠誠、順服的小基督。

Our Different #goals

Our Different #goals: Our #goals gives us: First, a destination. With the destination, an imagination + motivation + direction (preparation) toward the destination.

Our Different #goals: The power of our #goals is NOT just on an individual plane, but also communal i.e. It impacts not just the one who dreams, but those around him/ her

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We enjoy mixing up cocktails and an hors d’oeuvre or two, putting a little mood music on the phonograph and inviting in a female acquaintance for a quiet discussion on Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, sex. That I changed attitudes toward sex. That nice people can live together now. That I decontaminated the notion of premarital sex. That gives me great satisfaction. ~Mr. Hugh Hefner

Our Different #goals: Who would you like to be as you grow up? What would you like to do as you grow up? What is the #goals that will give you a destination worth arriving in? What is the #goals that will bring about the imagination, motivation and direction-preparation?

Jesus’ Grand #goals

Mt 28:18-20 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Mt 28:18-20 18耶 穌 進 前 來 , 對 他 們 說 : 天 上 地 下 所 有 的 權 柄 都 賜 給 我 了 。19所 以 , 你 們 要 去 , 使 萬 民 作 我 的 門 徒 , 奉 父 、 子 、 聖 靈 的 名 給 他 們 施 洗 ( 或 作 : 給 他 們 施 洗 , 歸 於 父 、 子 、 聖 靈 的 名 ) 。20 凡 我 所 吩 咐 你 們 的 , 都 教 訓 他 們 遵 守 , 我 就 常 與 你 們 同 在 , 直 到 世 界 的 末 了 。

亞 伯 拉 罕 的 後 裔 , 大 衛 的 子 孫 ( 後 裔 子 孫 原 文 都 作 兒 子 下 同 ) , 耶 穌 基 督 的 家 譜… Mt 1:1 This is the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham… 亞 伯 拉 罕 的 後 裔 , 大 衛 的 子 孫 ( 後 裔 子 孫 原 文 都 作 兒 子 下 同 ) , 耶 穌 基 督 的 家 譜…

Jesus’ Grand #goals: Intentional closing: Geography ___Mountain

Jesus’ Grand #goals: Intentional closing: Geography ___Mountain ___Galilee

Jesus’ Grand #goals: Intentional closing: Jesus’ words (vv. 18-20) ___There is a King < > “I am the King”

Jesus’ Grand #goals: Intentional closing: Jesus’ words (vv. 18-20) ___There is a King < > “I am the King” ___There are the citizens of the Kingdom < > “You repentant ones are the citizens”  Faithful, Obedient; MADE (imperative)

Jesus’ Grand #goals: Intentional closing: Jesus’ words (vv. 18-20) ___There is a King < > “I am the King” ___There are the citizens of the Kingdom < > “You repentant ones are the citizens”  Faithful, Obedient; MADE (imperative) ___There is the King who is ever present with His citizens

Our Grand Reality

Our Grand Reality: We who are disciples of Jesus are the living Mt 28:18-20! What Jesus first spoke of as the grand prescription and description of God’s Kingdom has become and is already OUR GRAND REALITY now!

Mt 6:31-33 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 所 以 , 不 要 憂 慮 說 : 吃 甚 麼 ? 喝 甚 麼 ? 穿 甚 麼 ?這 都 是 外 邦 人 所 求 的 , 你 們 需 用 的 這 一 切 東 西 , 你 們 的 天 父 是 知 道 的 。你 們 要 先 求 他 的 國 和 他 的 義 , 這 些 東 西 都 要 加 給 你 們 了 。

IG: @skitguys

Our Grand Reality: (Though with hesitancy) BUT when with faith and obedience, we know what we are to do exactly: Do as Jesus the Christ said to do.

Remarkably, Jesus does not foresee a time when any part of his teaching will be rightly judged needless, outmoded, superseded, or untrue. Everything he has commanded must be passed on “to the very end of the age.” ~Michael J. Wilkins

Our Grand Reality: What now will be the message the way you and I live proclaim? (Against the many other #goals that the World has to offer)

Our Grand Reality: Ultimately, WHO WILL THEY SEE AS WORHTY OF WORSHIP!?