天父必看顾你 God will take care of you


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Presentation transcript:

天父必看顾你 God will take care of you

任遭何事,不要惊怕,天父必看顾你 Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take Care of you 必将你藏他恩翅下,天父必看顾你 Beneath His wings of love abide, God

天父必看顾你,时时看顾,处处看顾 God will take care of you, thro’everyday, o’er All the way 他必要看顾你,天父必看顾你 He will take care of you, God will take care of you

有时劳苦,心中失望,天父必看顾你 Thro’days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take Care of you 危险临到,无处躲藏,天父必看顾你 When dangers fierce your path assail, Godwill take Care of you

天父必看顾你,时时看顾,处处看顾 God will take care of you, thro’everyday, o’er All the way 他必要看顾你,天父必看顾你 He will take care of you, God will take care of you

凡你所需他必供应,天父必看顾你 All you may need he will provide, God will take Care of you 凡你所求他必垂听,天父必看顾你 Nothing you ask will be denied, Godwill take Care of you

天父必看顾你,时时看顾,处处看顾 God will take care of you, thro’everyday, o’er All the way 他必要看顾你,天父必看顾你 He will take care of you, God will take care of you

无论你遇何种试炼,天父必看顾你 No matter what may be the test, God will take Care of you 软弱疲倦靠他胸前,天父必看顾你 Lean, weary one upon His breat, Godwill take Care of you

天父必看顾你,时时看顾,处处看顾 God will take care of you, thro’everyday, o’er All the way 他必要看顾你,天父必看顾你 He will take care of you, God will take care of you