Unit Three On Price next.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Three On Price next

Sample: Dear…: Thank you for your inquiry of December 23rd, 1999. Enclosed is our price list. A catalog has been airmailed to you under separate cover. This company has exported carpets for years to your country, Canada, England and other European countries. You may be sure that your order will be profitable. Also, because our yearly production is about 30,000 pieces—the largest of all the carpet manufacturers in China—our prices are always lower than others. We look forward to receiving your reply. Sincerely, Encl: a copy of price list

Explanation: Thank you for your inquiry of December 23rd, 1999. Enclosed is our price list. A catalog has been airmailed to you under separate cover. 贵方1999年12月23日的询价函已收到,谢谢。随函附上我方价格表。产品目录已另封航邮寄上。 This company has exported carpets for years to your country, Canada, England and other European countries. You may be sure that your order will be profitable. 本公司向贵国、加拿大、英国以及其它欧洲国家出口地毯已有多年。(因此)贵方订货肯定会有利可图。 profitable adj. 有利可图的,有益的 We hope the transaction may lead to a mutually profitable connection between us. 我方希望此次交易能导致对贵我双方有益的联系。

Also, because our yearly production is about 30,000 pieces—the largest of all the carpet manufacturers in China—our prices are always lower than others. We look forward to receiving your reply. 另外,由于我们的年产量约为30000条(中国最大的地毯生产厂家)我方的价格总是比别的厂家低。 盼早复。

Structure of business letters on offer 1. Advise you have received the inquiry and briefly state the content of the inquiry. 2. The detailed information for your offer 3. Ask the buyer to make a decision early. Structure of business letters on counter-offer 1. State you have received the seller’s offer. 2. If you agree, then repeat the price; if you don’t agree, please show your reasons 3. Ask the seller to reply soon.

Sentence Patterns on counter-offer 1.to make a counter-offer还盘 If you cannot accept it, please make best possible counter-offer. 如不能接受,请尽力给一个最好的还盘。 Your offer is unworkable, as some parcels of Japanese makes have been sold here at a much lower price. 你方报盘无法接受,因为这里有几批日本货以低得多的价格出售。但是,鉴于我们之间的长期贸易关系,特向你方作此还盘。 However, in view of our long-standing business relationship we make you such a counter-offer.

2.to counter-offer还盘 Your price is on the high side and we have to counter-offer as follows, subject to your reply received by us on or before 8 April. 你方价格偏高,我们不得不作如下还盘,以我方在4月8日或以前收到你方答复为有效。 3.out of line with the market, 与市场不一致;in the line with the market与市场一致 The price you counter-offered is out of line with the market, so it is beyond what is acceptable to us. 你方还价与市场不一致,故我方无法接受。 4.to entertain business at…price 考虑按……价格成交 We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is out of line with the prevailing market, being 20% lower than the average. 我们不能考虑按你方价格成交,因为你方价格与现时市场不一致,要比一般价格低20%。