主你是我力量 Lord, You are my strength


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Presentation transcript:

主你是我力量 Lord, You are my strength

我的诗歌 我的拯救 你是我患难中随时的帮助 众山怎样围绕耶路撒冷 你必围绕我到永远 My song, my salvation You are an ever-present help in trouble How the mountains surround Jerusalem You will surround me forever

主是我力量 主你是我高台 坚固磐石 我信靠你必不动摇 Lord You are my strength You are my stronghold O solid rock I trust in You and will never be shaken

主你是我力量 主你是避难所 我的盼望只在乎你 Lord You are my strength You are my refuge My hope is only in You

我的诗歌 我的拯救 你是我患难中随时的帮助 众山怎样围绕耶路撒冷 你必围绕我到永远 My song, my salvation You are an ever-present help in trouble How the mountains surround Jerusalem You will surround me forever

主是我力量 主你是我高台 坚固磐石 我信靠你必不动摇 Lord You are my strength You are my stronghold O solid rock I trust in You and will never be shaken

主你是我力量 主你是避难所 我的盼望只在乎你 Lord You are my strength You are my refuge My hope is only in You

主是我力量 主你是我高台 坚固磐石 我信靠你必不动摇 Lord You are my strength You are my stronghold O solid rock I trust in You and will never be shaken

主你是我力量 主你是避难所 我的盼望只在乎你 Lord You are my strength You are my refuge My hope is only in You

开启我的眼 信心的双眼 看那天使天军在身边 塑造我的心 谦卑地聆听 你的话语深植在我心 Please open my eyes, the eyes of faith So that I might see the heavenly hosts standing by my sides Mold my heart, grant me a listening ears Plant your words deep in my heart

the Victorious King On this path of faith I’ll never return 因你是万王之王 万主之主 有你跟着我 我还怕什么 因你已战胜死亡 得胜君王 这信心的路 我永不回头 For You are the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords Having You to walk with me I’ll fear nothing For you have conquered all deaths, the Victorious King On this path of faith I’ll never return