Re-ignite Spiritual Fire 【重 燃 靈 火】 Re-ignite Spiritual Fire
一、《上帝的風》The Winds of God ※過紅海 Through the Red Sea 〈Ex.出14:21〉 ※以利亞 Elijah 〈1Ki.王上19:11〉 ※五旬節 Day of Pentecost 〈Ac.徒2:1-13〉 1.使平凡的人作不平凡的事 Ordinary people do extraordinary things 彼得(Peter)、約翰衛斯理(Wesley) 奧古斯丁(Augustine) 、司布真(Spurgeon) 馬丁路德(Martin Luther)、慕迪(Moody)…
Ordinary churches do extraordinary things 2.使平凡教會作不平凡的事 Ordinary churches do extraordinary things 「萬軍之耶和華說:不是倚靠勢力,不是倚靠才能, 乃是倚靠我的靈方能成事。」Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. 〈Zec.亞4:6〉 3.使神百姓走出四十年曠野〈Dt.申2:3〉 ※When He leads, we must follow.
二、《台福的火》The Fire of EFC 1.台福人(People of EFC): 福音熱忱(Fervor for the Gospel) 國度異象(Kingdom vision) 2.生命火(Fire of Life): 彼得(Peter) ~能力的火(Fire of Power) 保羅(Paul) ~福音的火(Fire for the Gospel) 巴拿巴(Barnabas) ~愛人的火 (Fire of Love) 以斯帖(Esther) ~使命的火(Fire for commitment)
3.主門徒(Disciple): ※大誡命(the Great Command) ~愛神愛人(Love God; love people) ※大使命(The Great Commission) ~廣傳福音(spread the Gospel)
三、《復興之道》The Way of Revival 1.復興的基礎~﹝悔改﹞ Foundation of Revival~Repent 2.復興的管道~﹝禱告﹞ Way to Revival~Pray 3.復興的目標~﹝宣道﹞ Purpose of Revival~Mission
我們屬於祢,都是祢的百姓; 我們正呼求祢,宣揚祢的聖名 在這黑暗的世代,祢召我們發光; 當我們尋求祢面,主啊,顯祢大能 我們是祢的百姓 We Are Your People 我們屬於祢,都是祢的百姓; 我們正呼求祢,宣揚祢的聖名 在這黑暗的世代,祢召我們發光; 當我們尋求祢面,主啊,顯祢大能 We are Your people who are called by Your name We call upon You now to declare Your fame In this nation of darkness You’ve called us to be light As we seek Your face, Lord Stir up Your might 新歌頌揚※377
建立 祢教會,來醫 治這地, 願 祢國度降臨; 願 祢旨意成全。 Build---Your church and heal this land Let Your king---dom come Let Your will---be done