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坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 | | 6 • | | 4 • • 6 | | | | | | • • 坐在寶座上聖潔 羔 羊, 我 們俯伏敬拜 •
Presentation transcript:

主活著He Lives 1. 我所事奉復活主 祂今在世活著  I serve a risen Saviour, He’s in the world today 我知道祂確活著 不管人怎麼說 I know that He is living, whatever men may say

我見祂手施憐憫 聽聞祂安慰聲 I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer 每次當我需求祂 總必答應 And just the time I need Him He’s always near

基督耶穌今天仍然活著 He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today 祂與我談,祂伴我走 生命窄路同過 He walks with me and talks with me a long life’s narrow way

基督耶穌救恩臨到萬邦 He lives, He lives, salvation to impart 若問我怎知祂活著 祂活在我心中 You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart

2. 在我所處環境中 主愛常在我旁 In all the world around me I see His loving care 我雖有時心煩惱 但卻永不失望 And tho’ my heart grows weary I never will despair

我知救主引領我 衝破暴風狂濤 I know that He is leading thro’ all the stormy blast 一日我主必再來 大顯榮耀 The day of His appearing will come at last

基督耶穌今天仍然活著 He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today 祂與我談,祂伴我走 生命窄路同過 He walks with me and talks with me a long life’s narrow way

基督耶穌救恩臨到萬邦 He lives, He lives, salvation to impart 若問我怎知祂活著 祂活在我心中 You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart

3. 歡欣聖徒當歡欣 大家高聲讚揚 Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian lift up your voice and sing 不息的〝哈利路亞〞 歸於基督我王 Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King

尋祂的人有盼望 祈求者得幫助 The hope of all who seek Him the help of all who find 無人有祂的愛心 仁慈,善良 None other is so loving so good and kind

基督耶穌今天仍然活著 He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today 祂與我談,祂伴我走 生命窄路同過 He walks with me and talks with me a long life’s narrow way

基督耶穌救恩臨到萬邦 He lives, He lives, salvation to impart 若問我怎知祂活著 祂活在我心中 You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart

愛的禮物/The Gift of Love 我若能講萬人言語 Though I may speak with bravest fire 我又會唱天使之歌 and have the gift to all inspire 在我內心若是無愛 and have not love, my words are vain 言語歌聲攏總無影 as sounding brass, and hopeless gain

盡我所有賙濟貧窮 Though I may give all I possess 身給火燒也無路用 and striving so my love profess 在我內心若是無愛 But not be giv’n by love within 就無利益放棄生命 the profit soon turns strangely thin

懇求聖神 降臨我心 Come, spirit come, our hearts control 俾我心靈 感化真深 our spirits long to be made whole 懇求聖神 O come, spirit come 俾內心之愛來引導我言行 Let inward love, let love guide ev’ry deed 得真自由 讚美恭敬 By this we worship, we are freed 阿們 阿們 A-men, A-men

坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 〈華〉坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 〈台〉坐佇寶座頂聖潔羊羔 〈華〉我們俯伏敬拜祢 〈台〉阮向祢敬拜俯落 〈華〉昔在今在以後永在 〈台〉古昔現在直到永遠 〈華〉唯有祢是全能真神 〈台〉只有祢是全能上帝

〈華〉坐在寶座上尊貴羔羊 〈台〉坐佇寶座頂尊貴羊羔 〈華〉我們俯伏敬拜祢 〈台〉阮向祢敬拜俯落 〈華〉頌讚尊貴榮耀權勢 〈台〉 謳咾尊貴榮耀權勢 〈華〉都歸給祢直到永遠 〈台〉攏歸給祢直到永遠

〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉唯有祢配得敬拜和尊崇 〈台〉只有祢堪得敬拜與尊崇 〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉我們高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈台〉阮欲高舉祢聖名直到永遠

〈華〉坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 〈台〉坐佇寶座頂聖潔羊羔 〈華〉我們俯伏敬拜祢 〈台〉阮向祢敬拜俯落 〈華〉昔在今在以後永在 〈台〉古昔現在直到永遠 〈華〉唯有祢是全能真神 〈台〉只有祢是全能上帝

〈華〉坐在寶座上尊貴羔羊 〈台〉坐佇寶座頂尊貴羊羔 〈華〉我們俯伏敬拜祢 〈台〉阮向祢敬拜俯落 〈華〉頌讚尊貴榮耀權勢 〈台〉 謳咾尊貴榮耀權勢 〈華〉都歸給祢直到永遠 〈台〉攏歸給祢直到永遠

〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉唯有祢配得敬拜和尊崇 〈台〉只有祢堪得敬拜與尊崇 〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉我們高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈台〉阮欲高舉祢聖名直到永遠

〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉唯有祢配得敬拜和尊崇 〈台〉只有祢堪得敬拜與尊崇 〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉我們高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈台〉阮欲高舉祢聖名直到永遠

〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉唯有祢配得敬拜和尊崇 〈台〉只有祢堪得敬拜與尊崇 〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉我們高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈台〉阮欲高舉祢聖名直到永遠

〈華〉我們高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈台〉阮欲高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈華〉我們高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈台〉阮欲高舉祢聖名直到永遠 〈華〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈台〉萬王之王 萬主之主 〈華〉萬王之王 〈台〉萬王之王