特性 格蘭式陰性短桿菌 不產孢子 厭氧 毒素是Bacteroides fragilis toxin(BFT) (一種extracellular heat-labile protein toxin) 作用在細胞骨架,使腸道表皮細胞變形 extracellular heat-labile protein toxin 胞外對熱敏感的毒素
Bacteroides fragilis toxin(BFT) 1983年在羊群腹瀉的糞便中發現,刺激羊的結腸 的分泌反應 1987年在急性腹瀉成人和小孩的糞便中發現 依據能否分泌BFT來將菌種分類為 enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis(ETBF) nonenterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis(NTBF) 有3種BFT異構體,即BFT-1 ,BFT-2 ,BFT-3 BFT-1 , ETBF-VBI 13784 BFT-2 , 86-5433-2-2 BFT-3 1&2 92%相同胺基酸序列, 主要差異 1.陰離子交換純化的時候,使用的NaCl量不同,靜電荷量不同 2.SDS-PAGE表現出不同的電泳特性 BFT-3和BFT-1 BFT-2有11和12個AA的差異, AA序列表示BFT-3與BFT-2關係更密切 (*陰離子交換,BFT洗滌所使用的NaCl濃度和SDS-PAGE時電泳特性相同, 但是兩者在結構上不同,BFT-2缺乏純在於BFT-3C末端的同時具有疏水和親水的雙重區域) 有一定的區域性(歐洲從ETBF中分離的BFT-3比亞洲少)
致病性 除了家畜外,人類也會感染 成人大多感染的是bft-1 兒童大多感染的是bft-2(其中1-5歲幼兒腹瀉感染 關係較為密切) 也可能致癌 致病機制:改變纖維肌動蛋白的結構,裂解黏著小 蛋白(E-鈣黏素),導致腸上皮細胞的緊密聯繫被破 壞增加了通透性 也可能致癌: 促發原癌基因表達導致結腸癌
鑑定&耐受性 用 primers 404/407 和PCR 去鑑定B. fragilis enterotoxin (fragilysin) 基因 菌株對抗生素的耐受性由藥物敏感性測試(Etest) 決定 (對amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, imipenem and metronidazole是 susceptible ) 在體外(in vivo)實驗中, 和 beta-lactamase inhibitors, carbapenems and metronidazole結合的beta- lactams 最有效用
http://www. newswise. com/images/uploads/2009/08/20/ETBFGramStaining http://www.newswise.com/images/uploads/2009/08/20/ETBFGramStaining.jpg Gram stain of Enterotoxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF) under oil immersion. 100x.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/images/2009/08/090823184353-large.jpg Tumors in the colons of multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) mice colonized with enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF) for 3 months compared to Min mice not colonized with ETBF. The colons are stained with methylene blue.
References: CAT.INIST Cat.inist or about 15 million bibliographic records (back to 1973) of documents held in the INIST/CNRS collections and covering all fields of worldwide research in Science, Technology, Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences. http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3582450 Myers LL, Shoop DS, Stackhouse LL, Newman FS, Flaherty RJ, Letson GW, Sack RB. Isolation of enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis from humans with diarrhea. J Clin Microbiol. 1987 Dec;25(12):2330-3. Vu Nguyen T, Le Van P, Le Huy C, Weintraub A.Diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis in children less than 5 years of age in Hanoi, Vietnam. Anaerobe. 2005 Feb-Apr;11(1-2):109-14. Epub 2004 Dec 9. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/eccmid14/abstract.asp?id=14528 http://www.cqvip.com/onlineread/onlineread.asp?ID=15949818&SUID=EGBNBFDHDNCBC OPIBOLGEMCBCDOIPNFP#