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Presentation transcript:

Producer: Zhang Shaolin A Fast Memorization of New Words And Expressions Producer: Zhang Shaolin

a sedate and compact town venerable buildings to feel debonair New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_1.1, B3 a sedate and compact town venerable buildings to feel debonair stop at a café for a cappuccino one’s eccentric behaviour a speaking acquaintance to pull up to the curb to become habituated to doing to unfurl one’s legs 宁静整洁的小镇 历史悠久的建筑 感到快活 到咖啡店喝杯卡普齐诺 怪异行为 泛泛之交 停在路边 习惯于做 伸展腿

extraordinary contortions a ludicrous act to jog extravagant distances New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_1.2, B3 extraordinary contortions a ludicrous act to jog extravagant distances to play squash to walk on a treadmill calorie burn rate facilities for pedestrians to have this brought home to sb to spent the night at a motel to dodge over six lanes 奇特的身体扭曲 滑稽的动作 慢跑特长的距离 打壁球 做脚踏车练习 卡路里消耗率 供步行者用的设施 某人对这一点印象深刻 在汽车旅馆过夜 闪躲通过6个车道

to seem ridiculous and exasperating New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_1.3, B3 to seem ridiculous and exasperating to negotiate the intersection on foot to be a triumph esthetically to coo and take photos tubs of geraniums to thrive anew 似乎荒谬可笑且让人愤怒 步行穿过十字路口 从美学角度看是成功的 低声赞叹并拍照 盆栽的天竺葵 重新繁荣

irreconcilable opposites in aesthetic terms competitive ostentation New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_2.1, B3 irreconcilable opposites in aesthetic terms competitive ostentation to lead to megalomania bad ventilation metropolitan flesh the right heir exaltedly beautiful things paradoxical result a lyric poem 不能调和的对立 从美学的观点看 竞争性的夸耀 导致妄自尊大 糟糕的空气流通 大都市的人们 合法继承人 得意的美丽事物 荒谬的结果 抒情诗

innumerable buildings irrational and infuriating chaos New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_2.2, B3 innumerable buildings irrational and infuriating chaos subordination to the overall effect fluid assets gridiron pattern sewer ordinance geometric grid social zoning elementary contour preconceived pattern 无数的建筑 无理性且令人愤怒的混乱 从属于整体效果 流动资产 格状模式 污水管理条例 几何格子 社会分区 基本轮廓 预想的模式

the rectangular shafts surface ornamentation vertical thrust New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_2.3, B3 the rectangular shafts surface ornamentation vertical thrust skeleton construction proportion and symmetry Gothic cathedral an arbitrary choice a classical cornice masonry architecture the dress the façade 矩形杆状物 外表装饰物 纵向延伸 构架建筑物 比例和对称性 哥特式教堂 随意的选择 古典建筑的飞檐 砖石建筑物 装饰建筑物正面

to be susceptible to sth kitchen gadgets New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12_2.3, B3 a counterfeit illness to stand neuter the modular unit equal propriety to be susceptible to sth kitchen gadgets 装病 保持中立 组件单元 不相上下的得体 易受……的影响 厨房用小器具

deserving respect because of age carefree and happy Old to new U12_1.4, B3 calm and relaxed deserving respect because of age carefree and happy unconventional and strange to come to a halt to accustom spread or open (body) unusual shape causing laughter sedate venerable debonair eccentric pull up habituate unfurl contortion ludicrous

exceeding what is appropriate a person walking in a street Old to new U12_1.5, B3 exceeding what is appropriate a person walking in a street a hotel for traveling tourists to avoid by moving quickly to make very angry to get over or past relating to beauty great success again in a different way to speak in a soft way extravagant pedestrian motel dodge exasperate negotiate esthetically triumph anew coo

leafy residential neighbourhoods a speaking acquaintance Collocations of old words U12_1.6, B3 leafy residential neighbourhoods a speaking acquaintance to depart guiltily the local gymnasium to be tragically simple-minded a faintly horrified editorial the transportation budget to have this brought home to sb to skip coffee 绿树成荫的住宅区 泛泛之交 带着犯罪感离开 当地健身房 头脑简单得可悲 有点令人恐惧的社论 交通预算 某人对这一点印象深刻 不再喝咖啡

swiftly moving traffic to be a disaster commercially Collocations of old words U12_1.7, B3 飞快移动的车辆 从商业角度看是灾难 swiftly moving traffic to be a disaster commercially