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Producer: Zhang Shaolin

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1 Producer: Zhang Shaolin
A Fast Memorization of New Words And Expressions Producer: Zhang Shaolin

2 to nurture a student's talent to be influenced by one’s peers
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U4A.1, B3 a nurturing attendant to nurture a student's talent to be influenced by one’s peers to peer at sth to bother sb. with rambling complaints to entertain friends at dinner to have an ashtray 保育员 培养学生的才能 受同龄人的影响 凝视某物 用喋喋不休地抱怨烦扰某人 招待朋友吃饭 有个烟灰缸

3 to pass sb hors d’oeuvres to replenish the wine glass
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U4A.2, B3 to pass sb hors d’oeuvres to replenish the wine glass to entail strict adherence to monogamy to adhere to our plan liberty of speech at liberty to be solely responsible for sb/sth 把开胃菜递给某人 把酒杯再斟满 要求严格遵守一夫一妻制 坚持按计划行事 言论自由 自由, 有空 独自承担对……的责任

4 provide nourishment and care disconnected give sb food and hospitality
Old to new U4A.3, B3 provide nourishment and care disconnected give sb food and hospitality fill up again faithful attachment having one wife or husband freedom only appetizer nurture rambling entertain replenish adherence monogamy liberty solely hors d’oeuvres

5 organize according to category end marriage share one’s feeling
Old to new U4A.4, B3 of strong emotions undertake organize according to category end marriage share one’s feeling meet unecpectedly passionate assume classify divorce sympathize come across

6 to give hostages to fortune a speech impediment
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U4B.1, B3 将某人扣留作为人质 付抵押品给命运 语言障碍 事业的羁绊 学校的淘气鬼 在情感和财力上 赋予她美妙的歌喉 以物品作担保 to take sb. hostage to give hostages to fortune a speech impediment impediments to great enterprises a mischief in school in affection and means to endow her with a beautiful singing voice to put an article in pledge

7 to wear a girdle of famous brand to girdle the city to put a garter on
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U4B.2, B3 粗鲁的言语 贪婪的富人 反对某事 减轻污染 减税 系着名牌腰带 环绕城市 戴吊袜带 随时可以逃跑 an impertinent remark rich covetous men to except to sth pollution abatement to abate a tax to wear a girdle of famous brand to girdle the city to put a garter on to be light to run away

8 judges and magistrates a facile victory a facile answer
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U4B.3, B3 逃兵 法官和地方行政官 轻易得来的胜利 肤浅的回答 采用合理的激励诱导手段 粗俗低劣的士兵 慈善组织 适合当严厉的质询者 a fugitive soldier judges and magistrates a facile victory a facile answer to adopt hortative instrument vulgar and base soldiers a charitable organization to make severe inquisitors

9 骄横 纯洁的优点 chaste women to be proud and froward the merit of chastity
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U4B.4, B3 守贞节的女人 骄横 纯洁的优点 chaste women to be proud and froward the merit of chastity

10 classification of people be fresh from a divorce
Collocation of old words U4A.5, B3 classification of people be fresh from a divorce to become economically independent if need be those dependent upon me to keep track of sth to keep clothes mended an adequate social life 众人的分类 新近刚离婚 经济上获得独立 必要时 那些靠我养活的人 对某事明了 衣服破了就补 适当的社交生活

11 to take care of one’s physical needs to pick up after children
Collocation of old words U4A.6, B3 needless to say to lose time at work to take care of one’s physical needs to pick up after children to see to it that… to sympathize with the minute I need it to offer a second helping of the food 勿庸置言 舍弃上班时间 照料饮食起居 跟在孩子后面收拾 确保…… 同情 我需要的它时 为……添饭加菜

12 passionate personality to be in the mood for sth
Collocation of old words U4A.7, B3 热情的性格 对某事有兴致 承担责任 对某人的需要反应敏感 因嫉妒而给学业添乱 passionate personality to be in the mood for sth to assume the responsibility to be sensitive to one’s needs to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies

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