Ezekiel 1 以西結書 Making Worship Your Primary Ministry 讓敬拜神成為你最主要的服事


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Presentation transcript:

Ezekiel 1 以西結書 Making Worship Your Primary Ministry 讓敬拜神成為你最主要的服事 by David Bielby September 2012

Babylonian Exile 流亡於巴比倫 600 B.C. Jewish people in Babylon (Iraq) Judgment had fallen on them for idolatry 600 B.C. 猶太人被虜於巴比倫(伊拉克) 因他們崇拜偶像所以審判臨到他們

Temple in Jerusalem Destroyed 耶路撒冷聖殿被銷摧毀 God's people were slaves in Babylon 神的子民在巴比倫為奴 Daniel, Ezekiel's peer, was elevated to greatness during this time period. 在這段時間以西結的同儕,但以理,被提升到偉大的地位。

Jeremiah was their elder 耶利米是當時的長老 Jeremiah was an older prophet who almost lost his life when he prophesied accurately what was about to happen in Jerusalem. 耶利米是一個老先知。當他準確的預言將要發生在耶路撒冷的事時,他差點丟了性命。

Kebar River 迦巴魯河邊河

Ezekiel was a priest & prophet 以西結是祭司和先知

Vision of God's throne 異象看見神的寶座 CNV5 Ezekiel 1:1 第三十年四月五日,我正在迦巴魯河邊的時候,天開了,我就看見 神的異象;那時,我是在被擄的人中間。 ESV Ezekiel 1:1 In the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the exiles by the Chebar canal, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.

Encountering God Starts It All 一切從經歷神開始 Any prophetic priestly ministry starts with an encounter with the Living God who rules above the heavens. In short this is what Ezekiel 1 is all about. 任何先知性的祭司事工都是始於親身遇見,經歷這位活的真神。這就是西結書第一章的重點。

Ezekiel encounters God in the middle of judgment, rejection, despair & utter poverty. When we are desperate God is still able! 以西結書是蔡在審決,拒絕,絕望和極端貧困中遇見神。當我們在絕望中,神仍然能。

Because we traded places with Jesus at the cross, we are qualified to come before God's glorious presence and worship freely! 因為耶穌在十字架上與我們交換了身份,所以我們現在有資格來到神面前,自由的敬拜祂。

Recognize How Incredible God Is 看到神是多麼好的令人難以置信 He is holy! 他是聖潔! He is love! 他是愛!

Thankfulness 感恩 Praise 讚美 Worship 敬拜

Make Worship Your Top Priority 讓敬拜神成為你的第一 At home 在家裡 At work or school 在工作中或學校 At Church 在教會

Completely Surrender When God Comes To You During Worship CNV5 Ezekiel 1:24b 牠們站著不動的時候,翅膀就垂下來。 ESV Ezekiel 1:24b When they stood still, they let down their wings.

In His Presence Surrender!! 在祂的面前放下一切! CNV5 Psalm 46:10 你們要住手,要知道我是 神;我要在列國中被尊崇,我要在全地上被尊崇。 ESV Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

Know He Is God = Experience God 知道他是神 = 經歷神 Let His great glory transform you when you are worshipping Him! 在敬拜中讓神極大的榮耀來改變你!

18 我們眾人臉上的帕子既然已經揭開,反映主的榮光,就變成主那樣的形象,大有榮光。這是主所作成的,他就是那靈。18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Cor 3)

Being Still = Letting Go 住手 (靜站) = 放手 Ezekiel 1:24 & Psalm 46:10 以西結書1:24,詩篇46:10

King David was not supposed to count his warriors King David was not supposed to count his warriors. But in 2 Samuel 24 we read that he disobeyed the Lord and counted them. So judgment fell on Israel because of this. The angel of the Lord began striking down the people. 大衛王不應該數算他有多少戰士。但在撒母耳記下24章,我們讀到他違背了神,他數算了。因此,審判臨到以色列,開始有主的使者(天使)擊打眾人。

CNV5 2 Samuel 24:16 當天使向耶路撒冷伸手,要毀滅耶路撒冷的時候,耶和華就後悔降這災禍,就對那毀滅眾民的天使說:"夠了,現在住手吧!" ESV 2 Samuel 24:16 And when the angel stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD relented from the calamity and said to the angel who was working destruction among the people, "It is enough; now stay your hand."

רָפָה (Hebrew) can mean 'to let go or fall' רָפָה (希伯來文),意味著"放手或跌下" This is similar to what happened in 2 Samuel 24 這就像是發生在撒母耳記下24章的事

Forgive = Drop it or let it go! 原諒 (饒恕) = 放下它,讓它走! We should drop it or let it go because the cross brought justice not only to us but for those we are angry with or hurt by. 我們應該放下它或讓它走,因為十字架不僅是為我們付上公義的代價,也是為那些我們生氣的或傷害我們的人付上。

ἄφες = to drop it or to let go CNV5 Luke 11:4 赦免我們的罪,因為我們也饒恕所有虧負我們的人;不要讓我們陷入試探。'" ESV Luke 11:4 and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation." ἄφες (Grk word forgive)

在敬拜中在上帝的面前,讓我們完全的降服於祂。讓我們放下一切,放下我們所有的防備,讓神的榮耀奇妙的的流過你! In the presence of God during worship, completely surrender to Him. Let everything go. Drop your guard and allow the glory of God to wonderfully flow through you! 在敬拜中在上帝的面前,讓我們完全的降服於祂。讓我們放下一切,放下我們所有的防備,讓神的榮耀奇妙的的流過你! Ps. 46:8–11 God Will Be Exalted Among All Nations. God’s goal for his choosing of Zion is that out of it the word might go forth to the peoples of the whole world, bringing them all to live in godly peace with one another (Isa. 2:1–5). This will be the means by which hemakes wars cease (Ps. 46:9). Since the address in v. 10, be still, and know, is plural, readers should imagine God speaking these words to the nations, among whom he will eventually be exalted. This is the meaning of the Lordof hosts being with his people (v. 11; cf.Matt. 28:20): he will indeed see to it that the mission of Gen. 12:1–3 is accomplished. (ESV Study Bible notes on Psalm 46:8-11)

As you do this you will be energized and transformed into a radiating priest in God's Kingdom. You will be powered up and made able to worship Him with all your heart and change lives! 當你這樣做時,你會被充電且改變成神國度榮耀的祭司。你將被充滿能力,能全心敬拜祂並且改變他人生命!

Make worshipping God your top priority! 讓敬拜神成為你的第一 Come into His presence & surrender 來到祂面前並放下一切降服於祂

Let everything go. Drop your guard and forgive Let everything go. Drop your guard and forgive. Receive the glory of God and be transformed from one degree of glory to another! Then go change lives around you! 讓一切都過去。放下你的防備也給予饒恕 。接受神的榮耀讓祂把你從一個榮耀中改變到另一個榮耀!然後去影響你周圍的人!