Bringing Joy Back into the Classroom


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Presentation transcript:

Bringing Joy Back into the Classroom By Jenny Shih 2013-06 2019/2/5

Touch the heart Taiwan touch your heart. 2019/2/5

老師是個神聖的職業,甚至有人將其比喻成淨化人類心靈的工程師。那你喜歡當老師嗎? 如果喜歡的話,那就讓“心理測驗百分百”來幫你測測你適合當哪方面的老師,以備不時之需。 2019/2/5

題目:喜歡喝飲料嗎?那以下四種類型的飲料你最鍾情於哪種? A.純淨水 B.茶類飲料 C.果汁飲料 D.乳酸飲料 測驗結果: 2019/2/5

A.純淨水 A:由於你的好奇心及敏銳的觀察力,數學、或理化等方面的老師也許很適合你,甚至能有很大發展。 2019/2/5

B.茶類飲料 B:強健的體魄和充沛的精力讓你有使不完的勁,所以你最適合當體育老師。 2019/2/5

C.果汁飲料 C:個性溫柔、毫無架子的你,雖不是那種愛出風頭的人,卻能帶給大家很深刻的印象,因此當學校教官最適合。 2019/2/5

D.乳酸飲料 D:擅長治愈他人心靈創傷且具有包容心的你,最願意開導別人,因此當學校輔導老師最適合不過咯! 2019/2/5

您是怎樣的老師? Do you know yourself? Friday Teacher vs. Monday Teacher Thermostat vs. thermometer. You are wrong. Vs. Why did you say that? 2019/2/5

Friday Teacher vs. Monday Teacher 2019/2/5

Touch your student’s heart.

Thermostat vs. thermometer 2019/2/5

Thermometer Thermostat

You are wrong. vs.Why did you say that? Top10 largest cities in the world by population 2019/2/5

What has teeth, but can’t chew? 2019/2/5

B. 了解您學生的需要: What do your pupil’s need? 1. age, sex and level 學齡前的孩子,畫畫的重點也不太相同 女孩畫的是媽媽、花、小狗、房子、主要是名詞 男孩畫的卻是小汽車相撞、機器人打架、等等動詞。 2. days or minutes 3. readiness, interests and learning styles 2019/2/5



C. 創造幸福的學習環境: Create a happy learning environment 1. Be clear about what matters in the content area. 2. Stay flexible 2019/2/5

D.展開美好的學習開始: Trigger a wonderful learning lesson 1. Put on your thinking CAP. C: Content, Activities and Product 2. Make sure your students are RIPE. R: Readiness, I: Interests, P: Profiles of Learning E: Environments 2019/2/5

E. 提升全方位學習的效率: Keep the pyramid in your mind 2019/2/5







Maslow's hierarchy of needs Jean Piaget的認知發展心理是兒童年齡發展而來的,佛洛伊德的人格發展亦同 2019/2/5


Physiological needs (biological needs for basic survival) Eat, drink and be merry Go to the restroom Seek companionship Nap Snack Doodle to some Tunes Move around Brew coffee or Spray Air Freshener Play headgames 2019/2/5



Safety Needs Needs for security and stability Do it your way . Meet and greet. Enclose students in the circle of life Think and grow rich. Surround yourself with positive. Attend good professional development events. Give people space 2019/2/5

Love and belonging needs Affection and attention from Different groups Encourage often Pray or meditate Become a mentor Team teach Write it down Keep up with social networking Join potlucks Give daily compliments Read and write poetry Tend your flock Enlist big buddies Communicate Face-to-face Listen Open your door 2019/2/5

Esteem needs status, value, and confidence Incorporate game playing Provide choices Connect everything Make it stick Use multimedia and technology Capture students’ curiosity Pose problems Recognize growth Seek input Share stories Show how you know Provide Time for practice Check for understanding Give three cheers for tiers Compact the curriculum 2019/2/5

Self-actualization needs a person’s need to be and do what the person was born to do Think big Enjoy the journey Take thought walks Seek depth, not breadth Don’t worry, be happy Laugh at yourself Be fair Keep it simple Stay humble, don’t grumble Make things better Make every day your masterpiece Be an original Seek peaks practice Set solid goals 2019/2/5

不能錯過的小撇步: Tips you can’t miss 1. The Cubes 2. The boards 3. Lucky Draw 4. Story books 5. Multiple intelligences 2019/2/5

Teachers are not there to make their students smarter. They are there to make them lifelong learners. ~By Dalai Lama ~ 2019/2/5

Serendipity~!! Dear Jenny’s Class Dear Jenny’s

推薦書籍 2019/2/5