Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning


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Presentation transcript:

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Chapter 7 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

The Three Major Steps in Target Marketing

Patterns of Consumer Preference Homogeneous preferences Diffused preferences – Hotelling’s model Clustered preferences Position in the center (undifferentiated marketing) Position in the largest market segment (Concentrated marketing) Differentiated marketing

Levels of Market Segmentation Undifferentiated marketing (mass marketing) Differentiated marketing (segment marketing) Concentrated marketing (niche marketing) Micromarkteting (Individual marketing)

Mass Marketing (大量行銷) Mass production, mass distribution, and mass promotion of one product for all buyers. E.g. Ford’s Model-T; Coca-Cola’s 6.5-ounce bottle; 綠油精.

Mass Marketing Pros Cons Create the largest potential market Lowest cost → lower price and higher margin Cons The increasing splintering of the market The proliferation of advertising and distribution channel

Megamarketing (巨行銷) Megamarketing is the strategic coordination of economic, psychological, political, and public relations skills, to gain the cooperation of a number of parties in order to enter or operate in a given market. 4Ps + 2Ps (politics & public opinions) Examples: PepsiCo in India, Harley-Davidson.

Segment Marketing Market segment: a group of customers who share a similar set of wants. The marketer’s task: identify (NOT create) the segments and decide which one(s) to target.

Estee Lauder Junior League → older consumers Clinique → middle-aged woman M.A.C → youthful hipsters Aveda → aromatherapy enthusiasts Origins → eco-conscious consumers who want cosmetics made from natural ingredients. Jane by Sassaby → teens

中國廣播公司 類型 男/女 成熟度 教育水準 收入水準 流行網 綜合 46/54 39歲以下 80% 專科以下 82.9% 5萬以下 70.9% 音樂網 流行音樂 48/52 80.8% 61.8% 新聞網 新聞 71/29 30歲以上 91.4% 專科以上 63.1% 5萬以上 62.1%

白蘭氏雞精 傳統雞精:針對忙碌的上班族。 冬蟲夏草雞精:針對精神及元氣長期透支而導致氣虛的上班族。 花旗參雞精:針對疲倦易燥的現代人與上班族。 四物雞精:針對青春期以上的女性。 學進雞精:針對13-18歲,正處求學階段的青少年。

Segment Marketing Pros More fine-tuned product or service and appropriate price More easily select the best distribution and communications channel Clear picture of the competitors

Niche Marketing Niche: a more narrowly defined group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits. E.g. Oshkosh Truck → airport rescue trucks & front-loading concrete mixers (largest); Tetra → tropical fish food (80%); Steiner Optical → military binoculars (80%).

Niche Marketing Many companies start as nichers to get a foothold, e.g. Southwest Airlines, 美國人壽一定保. The Internet facilitates the niche marketing, e.g. Ostrichonline. Determine the attractiveness of a niche: distinctness of need, premium, competitors, specialization, size, profit and growth potential. Niche marketing involves higher-than-normal risks.

The Long Tail

The Long Tail

The Long Tail

The Long Tail

The Long Tail 力量 商機 案例 1 生產大眾化 長尾 工具製作者 生產者 數位攝影機、桌面音樂和影像編輯程式、部落格工具 2 配銷大眾化 整合者 Amazon, eBay, iTunes, Netflix 3 連結供給和需求 篩選器 Google、部落格、狂想曲的推薦、暢銷排行榜

「長尾」真的有商機? 賣座前10%的歌曲,佔全部交易的78%;前1%的歌曲,則佔所有交易的32%。 銷售前10%的DVD,佔總租片量的48%;前1%的DVD,佔總租片量的18%。 研究發現的確有相當程度的銷售量移往尾部。以往賣不到幾片的影片,每週的銷售量幾乎成長一倍;而一片都不曾賣出的,銷售量更成長四倍。 尾部不會脹大,而是變得更長更扁平。 哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版 (September 2008)


「長尾」真的有商機? 暴露理論Theory of exposure (William McPhee, 1963) 現象1:自然獨占 現象2:雙重危害 租用冷門片的客戶,一般來說,交易的次數也多。 Quickflix客戶的通訊排行顯示,冷門片商品平均比暢銷片不受青睞。 哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版 (September 2008)

Individual Marketing The ultimate level of segmentation Mass customization, e.g. 台新銀行imake卡. Choiceboard Champion Enterprise 結合「組合屋」與「工地建商」之優勢。 織夢社頭 – 個性襪DIY訂作 My m&m’s My DNA Fragrance:基於個人DNA訂製香水,售價是134.99美元。市場上有超過3萬種設計師香水品牌,但是My DNA Fragrance能保證沒有任何2個人的香水味是一樣的。 mymuesli:讓德國的消費者從75種有機原料中,做成自己喜歡的麥片。 NIKEiD:讓消費者可以在線上設計自己喜歡的NIKE鞋子與衣服,從1999年到2004年NIKEiD的業績有3倍成長。

Marketing Debate Is mass marketing dead? Take a position: Mass marketing is dead versus Mass marketing is still a viable way to build a profitable brand.

Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

Market Targeting Single-segment concentration Selective specialization E.g. Porsche, Tesla, 一陽旅行社. Selective specialization E.g. 金門酒廠入主遠東航空.

Market Targeting Product specialization Market specialization E.g. 蔡司. Market specialization E.g. Amazon, LV, Pigeon, 地方性3C產品經銷商. Full market coverage E.g. Panasonic, ASUS.

Segment-by-Segment Invasion Plan

Segment-by-Segment Invasion Plan Pepsi: grocery market → vending machine market → fast-food market Toyota: small cars (Tercel, Corolla) → midsize cars (Camry, Avalon) → luxury cars (Lexus)。

The Incumbent’s Advantage 哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版 (October 2008)

The Incumbent’s Advantage 哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版 (October 2008)

The Incumbent’s Advantage 哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版 (October 2008)

The Incumbent’s Advantage 哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版 (October 2008)