Mine eyes have seen the glo-ry of the com-ing of the Lord


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(1) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光
Fill this land with the Father’s Glory, Blaze, Spirit, blaze,
Lord, the light of Your love is shining;
聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 全能的大主宰 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Lord God Al-might-y 聖哉﹗聖哉﹗聖哉﹗全能大主宰
至 高 權 柄, 至 高 神, 超 越 全 地 一 切被造萬 物, A 4/4 超乎一切
懇求主使用我們 我們心中有個熾熱盼望 直到主耶穌再來那日 懇求主使用我們 我們心中有個熾熱盼望 直到主耶穌再來那日.
Yahweh our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
经上写着:“主说:"我凭着我的永生起誓,万膝必向我跪拜,万口必向我承认.”(罗马书 14:11)
起來 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 我主耶穌 讓我們榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀主耶穌 讓我們榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀主
This is Amazing Grace 這是奇妙恩典 Who breaks the power of sin and darkness 罪惡和捆綁 已得著釋放 Whose love is mighty and so much stronger 全因你恩典 愛何等偉大 The King of Glory,
讓我們全心全意讚美主 用我們心靈誠實敬拜主 向主歡呼 聖哉 全能聖潔主
Shine, Jesus Shine 真光普照.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus 當轉眼仰望耶穌
当转眼仰望耶稣 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
祢的同在 何等榮耀 我們敬拜 尊榮聖主 榮耀同在 O the glory of Your presence
全然聖潔 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy Is He Holy is He and great is His glory ! Holy is He and worthy of our praise !
我心獻曲/My Tribute 我要感謝祢 因為祢奇妙的作為 祢將萬項有賞賜我 來證明祢疼我 眾天使讚美稱讚之聲 未能表達我的感謝 親愛的主
常常喜乐 Rejoice Always.
Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord !
(1) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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主降臨的大榮光; Mine eyes have seen
你真偉大 How Great Thou Art S002.
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主啊 我神 我每逢舉目觀看 祢手所造 一切奇妙大工 看見星宿 又聽到隆隆雷聲 祢的大能 遍滿了宇宙中
Christ the Lord is risen to-day Sons of men and an-gels say:
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glor S489 我的眼睛己看見 1/4
Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, You sol-diers of the cross;
I will give You all my life
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O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架.
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Shine, Jesus, Shine 哦!主發光
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我的眼睛已經看見 主降臨的大榮光 祂正踏盡一切不良葡萄 使公義發光
S412 當轉眼仰望耶穌 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 1
Mine eyes have seen the glory
我是神的朋友 I Am A Friend of God
主曾離寶座 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 全能的大主宰 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Lord God Al-might-y 聖哉﹗聖哉﹗聖哉﹗全能大主宰
我每思念十字寶架 並主如何在上懸掛 我就不禁渾忘身家 鄙視從前所有驕傲
在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died
你真伟大 How Great Thou Art 1/3
唱哈利路亚赞美主, 唱哈利路亚赞美主, 唱哈利路亚, 唱哈利路亚,
打開我心裡的眼 Open the Eyes of My Heart
復 活 慶 典 2019年4月20日 夜 間 禮 儀 主題 生命喚醒生命.
偉大的救主 Our Great Saviour
我心渴慕你 My Soul Longs for You
我來到主 捨命十架前 哀求我主 洗淨我罪愆 Down at the cross where my Sav-iour died
我要感謝祢 因為祢奇妙的作為 祢將萬項有賞賜我 來證明祢疼我 眾天使讚美稱讚之聲 未能表達我的感謝 親愛的主
基督已經從死裡復活! Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!
約翰和路加所描述的聖靈 約翰:生命的聖靈 如氣(約20:22),如水(約7:38) 路加:能力的聖靈 如風(徒2:2),如火(徒2:3)
The Anointing of the Indwelling Spirit
Presentation transcript:

Mine eyes have seen the glo-ry of the com-ing of the Lord 我的眼睛已經看見 主降臨的大榮光 Mine eyes have seen the glo-ry of the com-ing of the Lord 1/12 Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory

He is tram-pling out the vin-tage where the grapes of wrath are stored 1b 祂正踏盡一切不良葡萄 使公義發光 He is tram-pling out the vin-tage where the grapes of wrath are stored 2/12

祂已抽出祂的怒劍 發出閃閃的光芒 祂真理在進行 1c 祂已抽出祂的怒劍 發出閃閃的光芒 祂真理在進行 He hath loosed the fate-ful light-ning of His ter-ri-ble swift sword; His truth is march-ing on. 3/12

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! (3x) His truth is marching on 1d *榮耀榮耀 哈利路亞 (3x) Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! (3x) 祂真理在進行 His truth is marching on 4/12

He has sound-ed forth the trum-pet That shall nev-er call re-treat 救主號角聲已吹響 要我們繼續前進 He has sound-ed forth the trum-pet That shall nev-er call re-treat 5/12

He is sift-ing out the hearts of men be-fore His judg-ment seat 祂正坐在榮耀寶座 上審判世人的心 He is sift-ing out the hearts of men be-fore His judg-ment seat 6/12

我的靈速回答主我 心在祂面前歡欣 真神正在進行 2c 我的靈速回答主我 心在祂面前歡欣 真神正在進行 O, be swift, my soul, to an-swer Him, be ju-bi-lant, my feet! Our God is marching on. 7/12

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! (3x) His truth is marching on! 2d *榮耀榮耀 哈利路亞 (3x) Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! (3x) 祂真理在進行 His truth is marching on! 8/12

In the beau-ty of the lil-ies Christ was born a-cross the sea 基督誕生於猶太地 美麗正如百合花 In the beau-ty of the lil-ies Christ was born a-cross the sea 9/12

With a glo-ry in His be-ing that trans-fig-ures you and me 在祂心懷滿有榮光 使我們改變像祂 With a glo-ry in His be-ing that trans-fig-ures you and me 10/12

祂捨命使世人成聖 我也願捨己救人 真神正在進行 3c 祂捨命使世人成聖 我也願捨己救人 真神正在進行 As He died to make men ho-ly let us live to make men free; While God is march-ing on. 11/12

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! (3x) His truth is marching on! 3d *榮耀榮耀 哈利路亞 (3x) Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! (3x) 祂真理在進行 His truth is marching on! 12/12