Products From Space 太空產品


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Presentation transcript:

Products From Space 太空產品 Class 6 Products From Space 太空產品

Today’s missions Homework 1 2. “Products From Space” (Translation) 3. Quiz 2 下週考(這次不考翻譯,但期中考一定考) 4. 下次交作業2 5. 4/09(五)語四教室 Outside Reading: Skyjack Time: 12:10~1:00

1. 作業1: * 寫下這些國家的形容詞(人)及其首都 Korea, Japan, China, Iran, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, England/Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, America, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Chile

1. -a -an Korea, India, Indonesia, Russia, Egypt, Nigeria, Canada, South Africa, America, Colombia, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Iran, Morocco, Mexico, Korean, Indian, Indonesian, Russian, Egyptian, Nigerian, Canadian, South African, American, Colombian, Australian, Peruvian, Brazilian, Chilean, Iranian, Moroccan, Mexican,

2. -ese -ish Japan, China, Sudan, Japanese, Chinese, Sudanese, England/Britain, English/British

特殊 Pakistan, Philippines, Pakistani, Filipino (Philippine) , Turkey, France, Germany, Turk (Turkish), French, German, Argentina, Argentine

Products From Space 太空產品

Do you know these words 1. spin-offs 2. bar codes 3. various materials 4. lightweight metals – tennis rackets, eyeglass frames 5. scratch-resistant lenses 6. shock-absorbing materials – moon boots, athletic shoes 7. smoke detector – Skylab spacecraft, 8. space-age fabrics – ultra-light fabrics, fireproof clothing

1- Spin-offs 1. spin-offs 副產品(意外收穫) 2. astronauts 太空人 3. devices 儀器 4. fabrics 織品、布料 Waste money -- Spin offs are now part of everyday lives

2. Bar codes benefit 獲得益處 instantly 立刻、立即地 laser 雷射 previously 以前 cash register 收銀機

3. Various materials 不同的、各式各樣的材料 Lightweight metals 超輕金屬 Tennis racket 網拍 Bend 彎曲、折 Eyeglass frame 鏡框 Flexible 有彈性的 Unbreakable 打不破的 Utilize 利用 Scratch-resistant lenses 耐刮鏡片

3. Various materials 不同的、各式各樣的材料 Shock-absorbing materials 吸震材料 Moon boots 登月鞋、登月靴 Athletic shoes 運動鞋

4. Smoke detector 煙測器 Skylab spacecraft 太空實驗室的太空船(交通工具) detector 探測器 sensor 感應器 alarm 警報 thanks to +n 感謝 … thanks to the early warning provided by smoke detector

5. space-age fabrics 太空布料 1. insulation 隔離 2. install 安裝 3. wrap 包裹、纏繞 4. water heater 熱水瓶(熱水器) 5. ultra 極端的、非常的 6. Silverdome sports arena Silverdome運動場 7. Beta Glass – a fabric made by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 8. fireproof clothing 防火衣

6. Conclusion 1. innovation 發明 There will always be people who oppose space exploration(太空探險), but if they say it wastes money, remind them that their way of life is possible due to products from space.

Translation Practice 1. What they might not know is that … 他們可能不知道的是… What they might not know is that life on earth has been improved by missions into space.他們可能不知道的是藉由進入太空的任務地球上的生活已經改善了。 2. Technology, materials, devices, and fabrics that were first developed for use in space are now part of our everyday lives.過去首要發展為太空使用的科技、材料、儀器以及布料現在是我們每日生活的一部份。

Translation Practice Your turn: 提供兩句翻譯題 Your opinions

作業2 Searching for English around us 1.周遭日常生活英語主題探索─實地觀察周遭,選定主題(Topic) 2.選定主題(Topic)後,收集相關單字 (words)與表達(expressions) 3. 以A4一頁為限 4. For example: Coffee, Products, Movies, Music, Education, Disaster, etc.

Assigned Homework 1. 下次考 小考2(第八週)-- 填空與寫單字 (6-2, 8-1) 2. 下次交作業 2 3. 期中考試 (加口試 抽唸單字與句子) 4. 4/09(五)語四教室 Outside Reading: Skyjack Time: 12:10~1:00