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Anti-smoking Laws Antismoking laws 反抽煙法

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1 Anti-smoking Laws Antismoking laws 反抽煙法
Class 2 Anti-smoking Laws Antismoking laws 反抽煙法

2 Today’s missions Vocabulary Reading:分組選段落 1、2、3、4 (for presentation)

3 Vocabulary 參考中文翻譯 tobacco use 使用煙草 preventable death 可預防的死亡
tobacco-related illnesses 與煙草有關的疾病 Non-smokers 非吸煙者 smoker medical expenses 醫療費用 insurance companies 保險公司 government health care programs 政府健保計畫 take action 採取行動 public places 公共場所 shopping mall 購物商場

4 Vocabulary : practice 使用煙草 tobacco use 可預防的死亡 preventable death
與煙草有關的疾病 tobacco-related illnesses 非吸煙者 Non-smokers smoker 醫療費用 medical expenses

5 Vocabulary : practice 保險公司 insurance companies
政府健保計畫 government health care programs 採取行動 take action 公共場所 public places 購物商場 shopping mall

6 Vocabulary tobacco use = cigarette smoke = smoking

7 Reading 1 1. the number one cause of 導致…的第一個
Tobacco use, including smoking, is the number one cause of preventable deaths. 使用煙草,包括抽煙,是導致可預防性死亡的第一個原因。 2. Cigarette smoke Cigarette smoke also harms non-smokers. 吸煙也傷害不抽煙的人

8 Reading 1 3. (money) are being spent on (錢)被花在
數十億美元被花在醫療費用上,而且大部分的錢來自於保險公司及政府健保計畫。 4. Ultimately 最後地,最終地 = Finally put a stop to 停止 damage done by smoking 最後,一些政府決定停止吸煙帶來的損害。

9 Reading 2 : Canada 1. go + adj. 處於、、狀態 2. be fined + 錢 被罰 +錢
went smoke-free 處於無吸煙狀態 sugar-free drink 無糖飲料 smoke-free restaurant 無煙餐廳 (No smoking ) 2. be fined + 錢 被罰 +錢 3. Similarly 同樣地,相仿地

10 Reading 2: Canada 4. These laws, enacted (制定) to improve public health, could have negative effects, too. 5. 反吸煙法正通過 Anti-smoking laws are being passed 法律已經通過 Laws have been passed 6. Owners of bars worry that business will suffer (生意會受損) if guests can’t smoke, but positive effects have already been measured(已經看到了).

11 Can you read these 430,000 people in 1994 in 2004 23.5 percent
$10, 000.

12 Reading 3: Israel / Ireland
1. Israel 以色列 Israeli Ireland 愛爾蘭 Irish Canada 加拿大 Canadian France 法國 French 2. a politician(政客)was caught at the Irish Parliament (國會) light up 點燃 He was immediately fired from the Cabinet! 他立刻從內閣被開除。

13 Reading 4: France 1. enthusiastically 熱心地、熱情地 2. a ban on smoking 吸煙禁令
= smoking ban(n.) to ban smoking (v.)禁止吸煙 3. between classes 下課間 4. students demonstrated (遊行) against it

14 Vocabulary: adverb Ultimately 最後地,最終地 = Finally Similarly 同樣地,相仿地
Unfortunately 不幸地, = unluckily enthusiastically immediately

15 Assigned Homework Next week: Quiz I 範圍今日內容 寫下出現地名的句子 1.Canada,
2.Ottawa, 3.Saskatoon , 4.Alberta, Quebec, and Ontario 5.Israel, 6, Ireland, 7. Scotland Next week: Quiz I 範圍今日內容

16 Practice A: F F T T B: b c b Summary: 1. forbid 2. declined
3. illnesses 4. damage 5. entire strict

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