Children worship, 25th Mar 12


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主 祢 是 我 盼 望.
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Blessed be Your Name (Verse 1) 稱頌祢聖名
Presentation transcript:

Children worship, 25th Mar 12 Welcome to the House of the Lord Let’s worship the Lord in truth and spirit

This is the Day This is the day, this is the day That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made I will rejoice, I will rejoice And be glad in it, and be glad in it This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice, and be glad in it That the Lord has made (repeat with names)

Blessed be your name Blessed be your name When the sun’s shining down on me When the world’s all as it should be On the road marked with suffering Though there’s pain in the offering

Blessed be your name Chorus Every blessing you pour out I’ll turn back to praise When the darkness closes in Lord Still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be your name Blessed be your glorious name

I was made to praise you I was made to praise you I was made to glorify your name In every circumstance To find a chance to thank you I was made to love you I was made to worship at your feet And to obey you Lord I was made for you

Oh be careful little eyes Oh be careful little eyes what you see For the Father up above Is looking down with love Oh be careful little ears what you hear

Oh be careful little eyes Oh be careful little tongue what you say For the Father up above Is looking down with love Oh be careful little legs where you go

Oh be careful little eyes Oh be careful little heart who you trust For the Father up above Is looking down with love Oh be careful little mind what you think

Our God is a Great Big God Our God is a Great Big God Our God is a Great Big God Our God is a Great Big God And he holds us in his hands

Our God is a Great Big God He is higher than the skyscraper and He’s deeper than the submarine He is wider than the universe and beyond my wildest dream, And He’s known me and He’s loved me Since before the world began How wonderful to be a part of God’s amazing plan!

我们的妈妈是最特别的 我们的妈妈是最特别的 喔,我们的妈妈是最特别的 喔,我们的妈妈是最特别的 (Chorus) 感谢主的恩赐 他给我最好的妈妈 我的妈妈从来不放假, 辛勤为了家 主啊我感谢你 全心保护我的妈妈 让她过着健康快乐的生活, 荣耀全权归你 (Chorus)

我们的妈妈是最特别的 我要感谢妈妈 教我跟随主的话语, 使我成为主的宝贝儿女 永生都受益 妈妈我感谢你 没有拿我和别人比 虽然我常常使你发脾气 你还依然笑嘻嘻 (chorus) 妈妈是我的天使 我要全心的爱护她 我要大声的唱出我的心意 妈妈我爱你 Chorus