(1) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切


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Presentation transcript:

(1) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切 ‘Twas a life filled with aimless desperation; without hope walked the shell of a man. 生命本如行屍走肉,沒有目的也沒有盼望。 Then a hand with a nail print stretched downward; Just one touch, then a new life began. 一隻有釘痕的手伸下來,一接觸它, 新生命就開始了。 And the old rugged cross made the diff’rence in a life bound for heartache and defeat. 古舊十架改變了一個本來注定要痛心和失敗生命。 (1) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切

(2) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切 I will praise Him forever and ever, for the cross made the diff’rence for me! 我要永永遠遠讚美祂, 因為十字架為我改變了一切。 There’s a room filled with sad, ashen faces without hope; Death has wrapped them in gloom, in gloom. 有一間充滿了憂傷,土厭沒有希望的臉,死亡在幽暗中包圍著他們。 But at the side of a saint, there’s rejoicing, for life can’t be sealed in a tomb! 但在一位聖者的週邊卻有歡樂,因為生命不會被封閉在墳墓裡! (2) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切

(3) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切 I will praise Him forever and ever, for the cross made the diff’rence for me! 我要永永遠遠讚美祂, 因為十字架為我改變了一切。 There’s a room filled with sad, ashen faces without hope; Death has wrapped them in gloom, in gloom. 有一間充滿了憂傷,土厭沒有希望的臉, 死亡在幽暗中包圍著他們。 But at the side of a saint, there’s rejoicing, for life can’t be sealed in a tomb! 但在一位聖者的週邊卻有歡樂, 因為生命不會被封閉在墳墓裡! (3) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切

(1) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切 For the cross made the diff’rence for me! The old rugged cross! 十字架為我改變了一切!這古舊十架! (1) The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference 古舊十架改變一切