靠著神 我們心存勇敢 因為祂將仇敵踐踏腳下 靠著神 Through our God we shall do valiantly


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Presentation transcript:

靠著神 我們心存勇敢 因為祂將仇敵踐踏腳下 靠著神 Through our God we shall do valiantly Cm-001 靠著神 靠著神 我們心存勇敢 Through our God we shall do valiantly 因為祂將仇敵踐踏腳下 Because He will tread down our enemies

We’ll sing and shout His victory 來歡呼歌唱祂已勝利 We’ll sing and shout His victory 祂是王 Christ is King

For God has won the victory 哦 神已經贏得勝利 For God has won the victory 釋放祂的百姓 and set His people free

祂的道已經制死仇敵 全地要看見 因為靠著神 His word has slain the enemies The earth shall stand and see that

Because He will tread down our enemies 我們心存勇敢 We shall do valiantly 因為祂將仇敵踐踏腳下 Because He will tread down our enemies

We’ll sing and shout His victory 來歡呼歌唱祂已勝利 We’ll sing and shout His victory 祂是王 Christ is King

靠著神 我們心存勇敢 因為祂將仇敵踐踏腳下 Through our God we shall do valiantly Because He will tread down our enemies

We’ll sing and shout His victory 來歡呼歌唱祂已勝利 We’ll sing and shout His victory 祂是王 Christ is King

祂是王 Christ is King

有許多讚美敬拜神的方式 尊崇祢聖名哦耶和華 Cm-002 讚美敬拜神 有許多讚美敬拜神的方式 Many styles to praise and to worship 尊崇祢聖名哦耶和華 revere Your Holy name, O, Jehovah

有許多高舉榮耀神的方式 但是我現在我願意這樣 Many styles to lift and honor You, Lord 但是我現在我願意這樣 Now I want to do it in this mode

We all praise You, Lord Jehovah 啦啦啦啦啦 - - La La La La La - - 我們齊讚美主耶和華 We all praise You, Lord Jehovah

Because Lord is worthy of all my praise 啦啦啦啦啦 - - La La La La La - - 因為祂配得 我如此讚美祂 Because Lord is worthy of all my praise

祂將我生命從灰塵中抬舉 並賜我尊貴屬神子民 He lift my life high from all the dusts 並賜我尊貴屬神子民 Reward me as His honorable people

耶和華神使軟弱變為剛強 為此我要快樂讚美祂 Lord Jehovah strengthen those weaknesses 為此我要快樂讚美祂 Thus, I want to praise Him joyfully

We all praise You, Lord Jehovah 啦啦啦啦啦 - - La La La La La - - 我們齊讚美主耶和華 We all praise You, Lord Jehovah

Because He is worthy of all my praise 啦啦啦啦啦 - - La La La La La - - 因為祂配得我如此讚美祂 Because He is worthy of all my praise

主我神正向前行 祂正率領大能軍隊 主我神正向前行 For The Lord Is Marching On Cm-003 主我神正向前行 主我神正向前行 For The Lord Is Marching On 祂正率領大能軍隊 and His army is ever strong

And His glory shall be seen upon our land 祂的榮耀光輝照耀在全地 And His glory shall be seen upon our land

揚聲歌唱得勝凱歌 來讚美祂 爭戰已勝利 Raise the anthem, sing the victor’s song Praise the Lord for the battle’s won

No weapon formed against us shall stand 主的軍隊有誰能夠抵擋 No weapon formed against us shall stand

我們的元帥是耶穌基督 我們齊步跟隨主的腳蹤 For the captain of the host Jesus 我們齊步跟隨主的腳蹤 We’re following in His footsteps

No foe can stand against us in the fray 有誰能夠抵擋主的軍隊 No foe can stand against us in the fray

我們乃是彌賽亞軍隊 得勝權柄在祂手中 We are marching in Messiah’s band the keys of victory in His mighty hand

Let us march on to take our promised land 來啊 我們齊步行進迦南地 Let us march on to take our promised land

主我神正向前行 祂正率領大能軍隊 For The Lord Is Marching On and His army is ever strong

And His glory shall be seen upon our land 祂的榮耀光輝照耀在全地 And His glory shall be seen upon our land

我們的元帥是耶穌基督 我們齊步跟隨主的腳蹤 For the captain of the host Jesus 我們齊步跟隨主的腳蹤 We’re following in His footsteps

No foe can stand against us in the fray 有誰能夠抵擋主的軍隊 No foe can stand against us in the fray

那得勝者活在我心 那得勝者活在我心 那得勝者活在我心 His victory dwells in me Cm-004 那得勝者活在我心 那得勝者活在我心 His victory dwells in me 那得勝者活在我心 His victory dwells in me

無論何環境 我心皆堅定 那得勝者活在我心 In all circumstances, my heart is resolute His victory dwells in me

我要歌唱 我要讚美 我要跳舞 因主耶穌得勝 I want to sing, I want to praise I want to dance because Jesus overcome

我不懼怕 勇往向前 因主將得勝賜給我 I will not fear, marching forward Lord’s victory is my reward

我要歌唱 我要讚美 我要跳舞 因主耶穌得勝 I want to sing, I want to praise I want to dance because Jesus overcome

我不懼怕 勇往向前 因主將得勝賜給我 I will not fear, marching forward Lord’s victory is my reward

祂賜給我(x3) He award to me (x3) 嘿! Hey !

Cm-005 倚靠耶和華 若非耶和華建造房屋 建造的人就枉然勞力

若非耶和華看守城池 看守的人就枉然儆醒

我行若非神所悅 一切將拆毀

我做若無神祝福 一切都將枉然

我所需要持守的 只是一顆心

一顆完全相信的 堅定倚靠的心