等候神 Wait on the Lord 以賽亞書 40:27-31 Isaiah 40:27-31.


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Presentation transcript:

等候神 Wait on the Lord 以賽亞書 40:27-31 Isaiah 40:27-31

:27 我的道路向耶和華隱藏 My way is hidden from the Lord 我的冤屈神並不查問 神不能 God can’t 看不見 can’t see 不能挪開障礙 can’t remove the barriers 我的冤屈神並不查問 My cause is disregarded by my God 神不肯 God won’t 不願意 not willing 不關心 doesn’t care

:28 神的責備 God’s admonishment 神回答他們的問題 God answers their complaint 永在 你豈不曾知道嗎?你豈不曾聽見嗎? Do you not know? Have you not heard? 神回答他們的問題 God answers their complaint 神不能 God can’t 永在 的神 everlasting God 創造地極的主 creator of the ends of the earth 不疲乏,也不困倦 will not grow tired or weary 他的智慧無法測度understanding no one can fathom

:29 神回答他們的問題 God answers their complaint 神不肯 God won’t 神的本性是要照顧祂的子民 God’s nature is to care for His people 以賽亞書 40:29 Isaiah 40:29 以賽亞書 30:18 Isaiah 30:18 以賽亞書 40:11 Isaiah 40:11 以賽亞書 41:10 Isaiah 41:10 耶利米書 29:11 Jeremiah 29:11 彼得前書 5:7 1 Peter 5:7

:30 我們為什麼有時不經驗呢? Why are times we don’t experience this? 我們靠自己的能力,智慧 – 自我為中心 We depend on our own power and wisdom – self-centered 結果是疲乏困倦,全然跌倒 Results in tiredness, weariness, stumbling & falling - 約翰福音15:5 “…離了我,你們就不能作什麼.” John 15:5 “…apart from me you can do nothing” - 腓立比書4:13 “…凡事都能作” Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things…”

:31 我們怎樣纔能經驗祂的照顧和供應呢? How can we experience His care and provision? 等候神 Wait on the Lord 結果 Results: 必從新得力 Will renew their strength 必如鷹展翅上騰 Soar on wings like eagles 奔跑卻不困倦 Run and not grow weary 行走卻不疲乏 Walk and not be faint 馬太福音11:28-30 Matthew 11:28-30

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