PHOTO FUN Name:黃齡誼   Number:91405253 Class:應英三C Guide Teacher:蔡佩倫 老師.


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PHOTO FUN Name:黃齡誼   Number:91405253 Class:應英三C Guide Teacher:蔡佩倫 老師

Photo Fun Yet another trend is making its way from Japan to Taiwan: Print Club, or Datoutie in Chinese. These are fun photo- stickers, usually taken in booths, that kids exchange with one another. The booths allow kids to choose a fun frame for their pictures. Some students in Japan spend all their money on Print Club photos when new frames come out. Then, they stick them on their notebooks, diaries, and cell phones. The booths have been springing up around Taiwan recently, and Polaroid has even introduced an inexpensive camera that lets kids take Datoutie photos anywhere. Unfortunately, the film is a little expensive. Also, kids could do much more with a digital camera and a computer. Still, whether in booths or by camera, it looks like Datotie will be sticking around for a while.

自己的大頭自己貼 另一股風潮從日本燒到台灣:Print Club,就是中文所說的大頭貼。這是一種好玩的相片貼紙,通常是在照相亭中拍攝的,而年輕人可以互相交換相片。 這些照相亭可讓年輕人給他們的相片選擇有趣的邊框。在日本當大頭貼推出新的邊框時,有些學生就把所有的錢都花在上面。然後把它們貼在筆記本、日記本和手機上。 近來這樣的照相亭在台灣如雨後春筍般林立,而寶麗來甚至引進平價的拍立得相機,讓年輕人隨時隨地都可拍大頭貼。 可惜的是底片有點貴。而且,年輕人可用數位相機或電腦做更多的事。無論是在照相亭照或用相機,看來大頭貼仍然還會再風行一陣。

1. Trend:(道路、河流)走向、延伸、傾向、動向時尚,流行式樣 [款式   political trends 政治傾向 set a trend (在風尚、式樣上)開個頭,領個頭 the latest trends in fashion 目前最新款式的時裝. The trend of opinion is conservative. 輿論趨向於保守. 2. Print:印刷、 印刷字體、版次,版、把…印記在心 put...into print 付印,出版 in large [small] print 用大號[小號]活字印刷的 The scene is printed on my memory. 那景象銘記在我心中.

3. Booth:展覽會等隔開的)小房間;(市場等的)售貨篷,貨攤,攤位、. 電話亭、(選舉)投票站、(餐館、酒吧間等中的)火車座; 3. Booth:展覽會等隔開的)小房間;(市場等的)售貨篷,貨攤,攤位、 電話亭、(選舉)投票站、(餐館、酒吧間等中的)火車座; 售票房、篷,窩篷;哨房,崗亭 a telephone booth 電話亭 a polling booth 投票所 4. Frame:(建築物的)骨架,構架;(車輛的)車架;(飛機的)機架;(船舶 的)肋骨、 (人、動物的)骨骼  a man of fragile frame 單薄的人. vt. ( 及物動詞 transitive verb ):創作(詩歌),制定(法律等),建 立(理論等);構想出 oneself 想像…

5. Come out:出現 When the sun, moon or stars come out, they appear in the sky. 當太陽、月亮或是星星出現,他們會呈現在天空上。 6. Spring up:突然出現 He always springs to his feet when she walks in the room. 當她走入房間的時候,他總是跳到他的腳。

7. Unfortunately:運氣不好的,倒霉的,不幸的;時運不濟的、不吉 利的,不祥的、可嘆的,令人遺憾的   unfortunate in one‘s wife [children] 不幸的是娶了惡妻[生了壞孩子]. It's unfortunate that you missed the chance. 真可惜,你錯過了這個機會 8. Stick around:呆在那不走 I like this place; I think I’ll stick around for a while. 我喜歡這個地方;我想在這裡待一會兒。

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