Living for Christ in the Marketplace


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Presentation transcript:

Living for Christ in the Marketplace 在职场中为基督而活

You are the Light in a Dark Place 你们是黑暗中的光 Key Verse: 1John 2:16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life-not from the Father but is from the world. 经文: 因为凡世界上的事,就像肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的,乃是从世界来的。(约一2:16)

You are the Light in a Dark Place 你们是黑暗中的光 Key verse: 2Cor2:14-15 “through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ…” 经文: 藉着我们在各处显扬那因认识基督而有的香气。因为我们……有基督的馨香之气。(林后2:14-15)

1 How do we live for Christ there? 我们如何在职场中为基督而活? 1) Keep Christ as Lord of all in your life. 将基督视为生命的主。 Key verse: Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 经文:你们要先求他的国和他的义。这些东西都要加给你们了。(太6:33) Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters for either he hates the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. 一个人不能事奉两个主。不是恶这个爱那个,就是重这个轻那个。你们不能又事奉神,又事奉玛门。(太6:24)

1 How do we live for Christ there? 我们如何在职场中为基督而活? What to do? 如何做? Daily routine in the word and prayer. 每日读经祷告。 Give your money away. 放下你自己的钱财。

2.Stay focused 保持专注 Key verse: 经文: 1 Thess.4:11 Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job. 又要立志作安静人,办自己的事,亲手作工……(帖前4:11)

2.Stay focused 保持专注 1) Stay calm when people or events threaten you. 不被人或事惊扰,保持冷静。 What do I do? “We walk by faith not by sight.” 做什么?“凭信心不凭眼见。” Trust His Providence 相信祂的预备 Trust His Presence 相信祂的同在 Trust His Purpose 相信祂的目的 Trust His Power 相信祂的能力

2.Stay focused 保持专注 2) Mind your own business 做好自己的事 What do I do? 做什么? Stay away from office gossip. 远理办公室流言。 Stay away from office politics. 远理办公室政治。

3. Do your job 殷勤做工 Key Verse: 经文: Rom.12:11 Do not be slothful in zeal be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 殷勤不可懒惰。要心里火热。常常服侍主。(罗12:11)

3. Do your job 殷勤做工 Realize you are serving Christ at work, not your supervisor and the owner of the company. 认识到你的工作是为主做的,而不是为你的主管和公司所有者。 Identify why your job exist. (the why) 明确你的工作的原因。 Identify your key result areas of your job. 确定你的工作的关键结果领域。

3. Do your job 殷勤做工 Each day set MIT ( most important task) 每天设定最重要的任务 Set boundaries around your work; defend against interruptions 设置工作边界,防止中断 Set a daily schedule doing the most important tasks first. (Rank the tasks: A,B,C,D,E) 设置每天的日程安排,先做最重要的事。(将待办事项按优先级A, B, C, D, E分类)

30 day cultural challenge 30天文化挑战 Key Verse: 经文: Eph.4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths but only such as is good for building up, as it fits the occasion , that it may give grace to those who hear. 污秽的言语,一句不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话,叫听见的人得益处。(弗4:29)

30 day cultural challenge 30天文化挑战 Practice positive speech only nothing negative. 操练只说积极的话语,不讲消极的话。 Practice praising others only. 操练只赞美他人。 Practice purposeful acts of kindness and generosity. 操练刻意的友善和慷概。 Daily review how you did. Then make changes. 每日省察,做出改变。