(1) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌


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Presentation transcript:

(1) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone? Does the road you travel Harbor dangers yet unknown? 你是否靠自己背負重擔與憂愁? 你的人生道路是否覺危險難走? (1) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(2) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 Are you growing weary in the struggle of it all? Jesus will help you, when on His name you call. 你是否在掙扎無限疲倦與痛苦? 當求告耶穌,祂必拯救幫助。 (2) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(3) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 He is always there hearing every prayer faithful and true Walking by our side in His love we hide, all the day through. 主與你同在,垂聽你祈求,信實不改; 主與你同行,一直到永遠享受主愛。 (3) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(4) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 When you get discouraged just remember what to do, Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you. 當你灰心失望,切記求告你恩主, 求告主耶穌,祂必拯救幫助。 (4) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(5) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 Is the life you're living filled with sorrow and despair? Does the future press you with its worry and its care? 你的人生是否充滿憂愁與失望? 是否為著前途滿心掛慮與惆悵? (5) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(6) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 Are you tired and friendless, Have you almost lost your way? Jesus will help you, just come to Him today. 是否困倦孤單幾乎走入了迷途? 求告主耶穌,祂必拯救幫助。 (6) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(7) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 He is always there hearing every prayer faithful and true Walking by our side in His love we hide, all the day through. 主與你同在,垂聽你祈求,信實不改; 主與你同行,一直到永遠享受主愛。 (7) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌

(8) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌 When you get discouraged just remember what to do, Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you. 當你灰心失望,切記求告你恩主, 求告主耶穌,祂必拯救幫助。 (8) Reach Out to Jesus 求告主耶穌