损失理算人的角色 Role of Loss Adjuster
损失理算人 Loss Adjuster 當被保險人在風電場相關保險範圍內向其保險公司索賠時,理算人的角色是充當被保險人 與保險公司之間的中介,以期達成雙方都能接受的合理及公平的賠償方案,並一致符合保 單上的條款和條件。 In the event of a claim being notified under wind farm related insurance cover, the role of a Loss Adjuster is to act as an intermediary between the Insured and their Insurers with a view to achieving a fair and equitable settlement acceptable to both parties and consistent with the terms and conditions of the subject policy.
相關方 Relevant Parties 保險人/承保人 Insurer / Underwriter 被保險人 Insured / Assured 理算人 Loss Adjuster 經紀人 Broker
理算人的目標 Loss Adjuster’s Objectives 對事故進行獨立調查 Conduct an independent investigation into loss 向保險公司報告 Reporting to Insurers 確認保證條款合規 Confirm warranty compliance 向保險人提供必要的信息以確定保險範圍 Provide Insurers with necessary information to determine coverage 對被保險人建議索賠包中應包括的文件 Provide advice on what documentation should be included in the claim 監察維修工作並審查/理算索賠提交 Monitor repair works and review / adjust claim submission 向保險公司建議賠償金 Settlement recommendation to Insurers 協助代位追償 Assist in recovery/subrogation
謝謝 Thank you April 19