Before the throne of God above I have a strong a perfect plea


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Before the throne of God above I have a strong a perfect plea
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因祂活着 Because He Lives.
Presentation transcript:

Before the throne of God above I have a strong a perfect plea 在神高天寶座之前 在神高天 寶座之前 容我盡情 傾心吐意 Before the throne of God above I have a strong a perfect plea 1/12 Before the Throne of God Above by Vikki Cook & Charitie Lees Bancroft

至尊祭司 之名是’愛’ 長遠活着 為我代求 Who ever lives and pleads for me 1-2 至尊祭司 之名是’愛’ 長遠活着 為我代求 A great High Priest whose name is ‘Love’ Who ever lives and pleads for me 2/12

My name is graven on His hands My name is written on His heart 1-3 我名刻劃 在祂手心 我名記錄 於祂心版 My name is graven on His hands My name is written on His heart 3/12

No tongue can bid me thence depart (2x) 1-4 深知祂在 高天之上 無有人事 阻攔其情 無有景况 隔絕其愛 I know that while in heav’n He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart (2x) 4/12

When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within 2-1 惡者誘我 陷入絕望 激動我内 罪疚澎湃 When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within 5/12

Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end to all my sin 2-2 當我抬頭 仰望耶稣 即將我罪 全然塗抹 Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end to all my sin 6/12

Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free 2-3 正因救主 為我而死 負罪之身 從此自由 Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free 7/12

To look on Him and pardon me (2x) 2-4 公義主神 乃是我過 犯得救之 單一靠托 罪債得償 獨一憑證 For God the Just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me (2x) 8/12

Behold Him there! The Risen Lamb My perfect spotless Righteousness 3-1 來看我主 復活羔羊 那公義完 美無暇疵 Behold Him there! The Risen Lamb My perfect spotless Righteousness 9/12

The great unchangeable I AM The King of glory and of grace 3-2 且永不改 變之主神 正是榮耀 恩慈君王 The great unchangeable I AM The King of glory and of grace 10/12

One with Himself I cannot die My soul is purchased by His blood 3-3 信從祂者 必有永生 祂用寶血 買贖我命 One with Himself I cannot die My soul is purchased by His blood 11/12

又藏我靈 在至高處 與神基督 救主同在 (2X) My life is hid with Christ on high 12/12 3-4 又藏我靈 在至高處 與神基督 救主同在 (2X) My life is hid with Christ on high With Christ my Savior and my God (2x)