ABC 2015 課碼(Workshop): CT-201 教室(Room #): 東E2


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Presentation transcript:

ABC 2015 課碼(Workshop): CT-201 教室(Room #): 東E2 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 課碼(Workshop): CT-201 教室(Room #): 東E2 講員(Speaker): Rev. Benjamin Chen 陳炳中牧師 授課語言: 華/English 題目(Topic): 當代文化的衝擊與機會 Facing postmodern culture: impact & opportunity 專題簡介: 面對當代高舉個人、包容與多元,對教會來說是一大挑戰,特別是要如何吸引較年輕的族群? 基督徒/教會如何化此危機為轉機?

ABC 2015 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 西方當代文化:後現代文化 Today’s Western Culture: heavily influenced by Postmodernism 討論:後現代有什麼特色? What are some traits of postmodernism?

ABC 2015 前現代Premodernism (Beginning - 1650s): 現代Modernism (1650-1950) 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 前現代Premodernism (Beginning - 1650s): 重要的:權柄 authority 是重要的 權柄:Kings/Leaders 君王/領導、Church教會/God神 現代Modernism (1650-1950) 重要的:知識 knowledge、思想 Empiricism、理性 Rationalism、科學 Science. 權柄: Governments 政 府, Experts 專家, Universities 學院 後現代Postmodernism (1950-Present) 重要的:多元包容pluralism、intuition / feeling 感覺權柄: Less Authority/Expert 不高舉任何權柄

II. Bridges & Opportunity 橋樑與機會 ABC 2015 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Traits & Challenges 現象與挑戰 II. Bridges & Opportunity 橋樑與機會

當代文化/後現代文化 Culture Today/ Postmodern: Traits & Challenges 注重相對,沒有絕對真理 Relative/Local/Personal Truth, no Absolute Truth Rejection of "grand narratives"對[宏大敘事]反感 注重包容、多元 Inclusive, Tolerance, & Pluralism 注重平等 Equality & corporate knowledge 沒有權威,專家 Deconstruction of authority &expert 注重主觀感受Thinking  Feeling (Subjective) 注重自由、表達 Freedom of Expression, Reject Rigidness 注重個人關係(以自我為中心?) Relational (Self-centered?) 注重「全人福音」Holistic Gospel

Main Stream America 美國主流 1.5G 代 年輕第一代 Younger 1st Gen (From Tw) (台灣來) 1.5G代 From China 從中國來的 1st Gen Asia 住在亞洲 Europe 歐洲 北美第二代 2nd Gen 後現代 Postmodern 現代 Modern

現代 Modern 現代 Modern 1st Gen China 1st Gen Taiwan (HK) Younger 1st Gen 無神論 Atheist 現代 Modern 現代 Modern 前現代 Premodern  後現代 Post 美國夢 American Dream Folk Religion 傳統民間信仰 1st Gen China 1st Gen Taiwan (HK) 美國夢 American Dream Folk Religion 傳統民間信仰 Younger 1st Gen 1.5G China Younger 1st Gen 1.5G Taiwan 北美華人教會 現代/後現代 Modern / Postmodern 後現代 Postmodern 2nd Gen Main Stream America 後現代 Postmodern

Liberal 新派/自由派 Evangelicals 福音派 Fundamentalist 基要派 保守 Conservative 開放 Emerging Churches 新興教會? 新福音派? Liberal 新派/自由派 Evangelicals 福音派 Fundamentalist 基要派

II. Bridges & Opportunity 橋樑與機會 ABC 2015 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Traits & Challenges 現象與挑戰 II. Bridges & Opportunity 橋樑與機會

Seeking for a spiritual guide 尋找心靈導師 Christianity is known to adjust to different cultures in different times without losing its core essence. 道成肉身的信仰 A new openness to spirituality 對屬靈事物的開放 Spiritual Formation 靈命造就 Inner Peace 尋求內心平安 Seeking for a spiritual guide 尋找心靈導師 George Hunter:How to Reach Secular People  Awareness 知道 Relevance 關係 Interest 興趣 Trial 困難/需要  Adoption 接受  Reinforcement 堅固

Christianity is known to adjust to different cultures in different times without losing its core essence. 道成肉身的信仰 A new openness to spirituality 對屬靈事物開放 Spiritual Formation 靈命造就 Inner Peace 尋求內心平安 Seeking for a spiritual guide 尋找心靈導師 More emphasis on action/answers & experience 實際行動/答案和真實經歷. A hunger for community and authenticity 需要真實關係、群體 Discipleship 門徒/門訓關係

First Encounter --> Interest --> Accept --> Baptism 接觸 有興趣 接受 受洗 --> Discipleship --> Spiritual Formation 門訓 靈命造就 First Encounter接觸 --> Spiritual Formation/Discipleship (Interest) 靈命造就 有興趣 --> Accept --> Baptism 接受 受洗

ABC 2015 跨文化心態 Cross culture mentality 事工重心 Ministry Emphasis 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 跨文化心態 Cross culture mentality 事工重心 Ministry Emphasis 門徒關係 Discipleship 靈命造就 Spiritual Formation 個人佈道法與關係 Relational Evangelism (timing) 主日崇拜、講道方式 Sunday Service: Worship Style, Preaching Style 講道內容 The message itself & How it’s delivered

ABC 2015 北美華人基督徒教育大會 References Access Bible Convention References Hoffman, Louis. (2005). The Three Major Philosophical Epochs. Vattimo, Gianni, 1988. The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Postmodern Culture, Jon R. Snyder (trans.), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Klages, Mary. (2012). Postmodernism. Retrieved from University of Colorado, Boulder, Rohde, Ross. (2000). The Gospel and Postmodernism. Retrieved from Woodbridge, Caleb. Christianity & Postmodernism 7: Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved from Hunter, George G. , 1992. How to Reach Secular People. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. Willard, Dallas. What Significance Has 'Postmodernism' for Christian Faith? Retrieved from

ABC 2015 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention The END