Lesson 4 Vocabulary Teaching Your School Is Big and Beautiful


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 4 Vocabulary Teaching Your School Is Big and Beautiful 惠文高中國中部 授課教師:余肇傑

Lesson 4單字 beautiful (adj) 美麗的 *-通常ful是形容詞字尾 young (adj)年輕的 lady (n)淑女;小姐 *ladies (複) 造句:這位年輕的女士很美麗。 This young lady is very beautiful/pretty. How about the lady? Is she beautiful ? Is she young?

Lesson 4單字 Mrs. (n)太太 ,例Mrs. Ma The president’s wife is Mrs. Ma. talent (n)才藝 例: talent show 綜藝節目 on (prep)在進行;上演中 這綜藝節目’超級偶像’已經在播了。 The talent show, Super Idol, is on now.

Lesson 4單字 late (adj/adv)遲到的 *形容詞、副詞同型 用法be late to/for school 上學遲到 Let’s go. 我們走吧。 *Let’s +原形動詞 造句: 我們上學要遲到了,快點走吧。 We are late for/to school. Let’s go.

Lesson 4單字 singer (n)歌手 *g不發音 Who are they? Are they singers? sir (n)先生 man (n)男人(複數 men) band (n)樂團 *a rock band 搖滾樂團 這五個男人是歌手。他們是在五月天這個搖滾樂團。 The five men are singers. They are in the rock band, Mayday.

Lesson 4單字 Well 嗯… (發語詞) great (adj) 很棒的;優秀的 so (adv)這麼;如此 So + adj/adv son (n)兒子 造句:嗯…他的兒子很優秀。 Well. His son is very/so great. Great Wall of China 萬里長城

Lesson 4單字 song (n)歌曲 song writer (n)作詞者;作曲家 Who is he? What’s his job? 他的工作是作曲家。他也是歌手。他的歌曲都很棒。 His job is a song writer. He is a singer, too. His songs are very great.

Lesson 4單字 fault (n)過錯 例句: 這是我的錯。請原諒我。 This is my fault. Please forgive me. 進階補充(n) 斷層

Lesson 4單字 super (adj)極佳的;超級的 little (adj)小的;年幼的 woman(n) 女人(複數 women) 造句:這兩個女人超級小。 These two women are super little. How about the woman? (請同學練習回答)

Lesson 4單字 town (n)城鎮 造句:這個城鎮超級小 The town is super little. What small towns do you know in Taiwan? 例如: 九份、鹿港

Lesson 4單字 shy 害羞的(adj) 造句:她是個害羞的女孩。 She is a shy girl. How about the little girl? Is she shy? listen 聽 (v) *文法: listen to + N voice 聲音(n) 造句:聽! 他的聲音好害羞。 Listen! His voice is so shy. 造句: 請聽我的聲音。 Please listen to my voice.