Unit Six Fool’s paradise


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Six Fool’s paradise I. Objectives --- to learn the new words and phrases ---to learn the translation skill ---翻译技巧:如何处理词汇空缺

I. Background information 1. Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991) A polish Jewish American author noted for his short stories. He was one of the leading figures in the Yiddish(意第绪语言---一种犹太语言)literary movement , and received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1978.

2. Paradise A place in which existence is positive, harmonious and timeless. It is conceptually a counter-image of the miseries of human civilization, and in paradise there is only peace, prosperity, and happiness. Paradise is a place of contentment, but it is not necessarily a land of luxury and idleness. It is often used in the same context as that of utopia (乌托邦).

3. Saint (圣徒) A holy person, who becomes a religious hero by exemplifying (例示) a virtue or virtues of his or her religion.

Nobel Prize in literature Since 1901, the Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded annually to an author from any country who has, in the words of the will of Alfred Nobel, produced “in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction” A Literature Nobel Prize laureate earns a gold medal, a diploma(证书) bearing a citation, and a sum of money.

Warming-up activity Do you believe there is such a place called paradise in the universe? And why?

II. The text organization Part one (Para. 1-7) Setting of the story: The place: a rich family Characters: Kadish---the father Aksah---an orphan girl and a distant relative of the family Atzel---the only son of the family, but somehow got sick.

Part two (para.7---50) Dr. Yoetz, a wise man, managed to cured Atzel’s strange illness. Part three (the last 8 paras.) Atzel learned his lesson and so did the readers: Paradise may not be the perfect place to live.

III. Text study Questions for part one: What happened to Atzel, the only son in the family? Where did he learn about paradise? Why was the illness so difficult to treat?

To the grief of his parents, he is willing to die. grief: deep or violent sorrow 悲伤;忧伤 e.g. Friendships multiply joys and divide grief. 友谊可增加快乐,分担忧伤。

(P) The parents felt very sad because their son want to die.

It was taken for granted that when they grew up they would marry. ---to take sth. for granted: to believe or assume that sth. is true or probably true without knowing that it is true 理所当然地认为 (T) 人们理所当然地认为他们长大后会结婚。

;one drank the wine that the Lord reserved for the just; the Lord: a title given to God or Jesus Christ 上帝 The just: people who are guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: 公正的人;正直的人 (T) (在天堂) 人们喝着上帝为正直的人保留的酒

The family did everything to try to convince Atzel tha the was alive. to convince: to make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something 使…确信;说服 e.g. Abroad, he wants to convince the world that China's rise poses no threat to other countries. 在国外,他想使世界确信中国的崛起不会对其他国家形成任何威胁。

In despair, Kadish went to consullt a great specialist, celebrated for his knowledge and wisdom. to consult: to seek advice or information of 向某人请教、咨询 e.g. I have to consult my lawyer about the matter. 关于这个问题我得咨询律师的意见。

celebrated for: known and praised widely for 以…而知名 e.g. Tokyo is celebrated for cherry blossoms. 东京的樱花远近驰名。

(P)The father felt so hopeless that he went to seek advice from a great man who was famous for his knowledge and wisdom. (T)在绝望中,卡迪什去求教一位以学识渊博与智慧非凡著称的了不起的医学专家。

The boy lay lay on his bed, plae and thin from fasting. fasting: eating very little or abstaining from (戒绝) certain foods, especially as a religious discipline. 斋戒;禁食

…but Atzel face lit up with a smile and he said, “ You see, I was dead to light up: to become or cause to become animated or cheerful (使)快活; (使)面露喜色

Atzel was so exhausted with happiness that he slept right through it. exhausted: very tired (P) Atzel felt so happy and weak that he fell fast asleep while his family were having his funeral. (T) 阿采尔快乐得精疲力尽, 在整个葬礼中都沉睡着。

When he awoke, it was morning but it could just as well have been night. can just as well be: can also be (T) 他醒来的时候已经是上午了,但也可能是晚上。 (注:天堂里没有时间的观念。)

For a while Atzel shook his head, pondering. to ponder: to reflect or consider with thoroughness and care 考虑;沉思 e.g. There are many things to ponder over in regard to this project. 关于这项工程有许多事情要考虑。

He missed his father, he longed for his mother, he yearned for Aksah He missed his father, he longed for his mother, he yearned for Aksah. He wished he had something to study; he dreamed of traveling; he wanted to ride his horse, to talk to friends. Notice the verbs the authored used to illustrate Atzel’s eagerness to see his family and to live a normal person’s life.


Atzel was beside himself with joy. be beside himself: to be in a state of very great, uncontrolled emotion 处于某种极度的情绪之中 e.g. She was beside herself with excitement as her holiday approached. 她的假期快到了,她欣喜若狂。

IV. Questions to think about? What do you think the moral of the story is? How does the author manage to show that paradise may not be an ideal place to live?

V. Exercise

Part IV Translation skill(三) 3. 词汇空缺 3.1 指原语词汇所承载的文化信息在译语中没有其“对等语”或“对应语”。 如:karaoke,该词从日语进入英语,kara-意思是“空”,-oke是日语外来词ōkesutora(orchestra)的前三个字母。意为“没有乐队的演奏”,汉语中无对应语,只能音译为“卡拉OK” 3.2 空缺的词汇都是“文化负载词”。文化负载词的翻译一般采用下列方法:

A. 音译 人名、地名以及某些专有名词采用音译 姚明 Yao Ming 李白 Li Bai 上海 Shanghai 香港 Hong Kong Bill Clinton 比尔・克林顿 Marilyn Monroe 玛丽莲·梦露 London 伦敦 Washington 华盛顿 马达---motor engine---引擎 coolie---苦力

B. 直译 纸老虎 paper tiger 丢脸 lose face 气 Qi 阴、阳 Ying and Yang microwave 微波 supermarket 超市 the tear of crocodile 鳄鱼的眼泪 strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁。

C. 增译 音译或直译加意义补充的翻译法 France 法国 Germany 德国 England 英国 beer 啤酒 jeep 吉普车 rifle 来福枪 golf 高尔夫球

三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。 The wit of three cobblers combined surpasses that of Zhuge Liang, the master mind. 班门弄斧 showing off one’s proficiency with axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter

D.意译 the last straw 无法忍受的最后打击 once in a blue moon 千载难逢 alibi 不在现场的证明 a pound of flesh 合法但不合理的要求 carry the house 博得满堂彩 smell a rat 感到其中有诈

骨瘦如柴 as thin as shadow/as lean as a rake 一模一样 as like as two peas 栩栩如生 as large as life 多如牛毛 as plentiful as black berries

E. 音译加注释 “天”-Tian Heaven “气”-qi ("chee") “the life force or vital energy” 科举- the keju (the imperial civil service exam)。“感情”ganqing, a measure which reflects the depth of feeling within an interpersonal relationship, “人情” renqing, the moral obligation to maintain the relationship。