Canton Tower Guangzhou TV Astronomical & Sightseeing Tower


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Presentation transcript:

Canton Tower Guangzhou TV Astronomical & Sightseeing Tower 廣州塔 廣州新電視塔 市民俗稱“小蠻腰” Canton Tower Guangzhou TV Astronomical & Sightseeing Tower

輪面向公眾開放。該摩天輪位於塔頂450~454米處,主要由觀 光球艙、軌道系統、登艙平台、控制系統等構成。整套摩天輪 2011年9月1日,位於廣州塔頂部的世界上最高的橫向摩天 輪面向公眾開放。該摩天輪位於塔頂450~454米處,主要由觀 光球艙、軌道系統、登艙平台、控制系統等構成。整套摩天輪 擁有16個觀光球艙,每個球艙直徑 3.2米,可容納4~6名乘客 。艙圍繞傾斜的橢圓形塔頂緩緩旋轉,遊客可在其中鳥瞰廣州 全貌。 The world's 'highest ferris wheel' is set to open for business today, 1st September, 2011, on top of a 1,480 ft tower in China - with passengers riding in see-through pods. Built on the 450-meter- high Canton Tower, known as the Guangzhou TV Tower, the amazing wheel consists of 16 pods holding a total of 96 fearless passengers. Each capsule is just over three meters wide, and built using a special macromolecule material which allows a 360-degree crystal clear view.

廣州塔(Canton Tower),又稱廣州新電視塔、新電視塔,昵稱 [小蠻腰],位於中國廣州市海珠區(藝洲島)赤崗塔附近地面。標 高600米,距離珠江南岸125米,與海心沙島及珠江新城隔江相望。 是一座以觀光旅遊為主,具有廣播電視發射、文化娛樂和城市窗口 功能的大型城市基礎設施,為 2010 年在廣州召開的第十六屆亞洲 運動會提供轉播服務。 廣州塔由上海建工集團負責施工,在 2009年9 月竣工。並於 2010年10月1日起正式對公眾開放。廣州塔竣工後的整體高度達到 600米,其中塔身主體454米,天線桅杆146米,成為廣州的新地標 。廣州塔比世界第一高樓哈里發塔(828米)矮 228米,在世界最 高的獨立構築物列表中排名第3。廣州電視觀光塔根據不同的功能 規劃而分成了9 個區域,這當中包括電視和廣播設施、觀光平台、 旋轉餐廳、電子遊戲、餐廳、展覽空間、會議室、商店和四維影院 、跳樓機等。

塔身底部隱藏了一個地下功能區,連接地鐵、公交車站以及一個 通往珠江北岸的地下行人隧道。地下層同樣被規劃建設多樣的服務設 施,包括博物館、美食區、商業區和一個擁有600 個車位的停車場。 地下入口分為兩個,一個與地面景觀相連,另一個則通往公交系統和 停車場。兩個入口都設有慢速觀光電梯和高速雙層電梯可供使用,高 速電梯的提升高度將達到 438米,單次提升高度為世界上最高,一分 半鐘即可到達頂層。 塔身中段距地面80米至170米的區域,包含一個四維影院,一個 遊樂場,飯店,咖啡廳以及有茶座的室外花園。步行樓梯設在距地面 170米處,由此開始螺旋上升,遊客可以攀登將近 200 米的高度,全 程穿越塔的腰部。 樓梯之上就是塔頂,塔頂同時包含了技術區和觀光區:一個雙層 的旋轉餐廳,一個風阻尼器和一個上層觀景台。從上層觀景台遊客可 以通過樓梯繼續向上攀登,來到塔頂最高的一個圓形露天觀景平台, 俯瞰廣州的市容。

Canton Tower, formerly Guangzhou TV Astronomical and Sightseeing Tower, is an observation tower in the Haizhu District of Guangzhou, China.  It became operational on 29 September 2010 for the 2010 Asian Games.  The tower briefly held the title of tallest completed tower in the world, replacing the CN Tower, before being surpassed by the Tokyo Sky Tree in 2011.  It is the tallest structure in China, the seventh-tallest structure in the world, and the fourth-tallest freestanding structure in the world.  It is named after "Canton", the traditional European name of the city. The idea of the tower's design is simple. The form, volume and structure is generated by two ellipses, one at foundation level and the other at a horizontal plane at 450 m.  These two ellipses are rotated relative to another.  The tightening caused by the rotation between the two ellipses forms a "waist" and a densification of material half way up the tower.  This means that the lattice structure, which at the bottom of the tower is porous and spacious, becomes denser at waist level.  The waist itself becomes tight, like a twisted rope; transparency is reduced and views to the outside are limited.  Further up the tower the lattice opens again, accentuated here by the tapering of the structural column-tubes.

Structural engineer Prof. Dr Structural engineer Prof. Dr. Joop Paul introduced near mass customisation to the joint design, in combination with parametric design methods, and applied a simple structural concept of three elements: columns, rings and braces, to this more complex geometry.  The waist of the tower contains a 180 m open-air skywalk where visitors can physically climb the tower.  There are outdoor gardens set within the structure. The interior of the tower is subdivided into programmatic zones with various functions.  A deck at the base of the tower hides the tower's functional workings.  All infrastructural connections -- metro and bus stations -- are situated underground. This level also includes exhibition spaces, a food court, a commercial space, a parking area for cars and coaches.  There are two types of lifts, slow-speed panoramic and high-speed double-decker. The zone from 80 to 170 m consists of a 4D cinema, a play-hall area, restaurants, coffee shops and outdoor gardens with teahouses. An open-air staircase, the Skywalk, starts at the height of 170 metres and spirals almost 200 metres higher, all the way through the waist. The top zone of the tower begins above the stairway, housing various technical functions as well as a two-storey rotating restaurant, a damper and the upper observation levels.  The rooftop has a outdoor public observatory 488 m above the ground, which takes the form of a terraced elliptical space, roughly the size of a small city square.  Opened in December 2011, it is currently the highest and largest outdoor observation deck in the world.

謝 謝 瀏 覽 Thank you for watching Edition 2012-03-15 by Herbert K. Lau