讚美昇起 Praise Is Rising 讚美昇起 眼目都轉向你 都轉向你 盼望燃起 人心嚮往著你 嚮往著你


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Presentation transcript:

讚美昇起 Praise Is Rising 讚美昇起 眼目都轉向你 都轉向你 盼望燃起 人心嚮往著你 嚮往著你 慕譯 050 1/5 讚美昇起 Praise Is Rising   讚美昇起  眼目都轉向你 Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You 都轉向你 We turn to You 盼望燃起  人心嚮往著你 Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You 嚮往著你 We long for You 讚美昇空 Praise Is Rising

聽見人心不斷回轉向你 回轉向你 破碎生命在你的國度裡 全被更新 We turn to You 慕譯 050 2/5 聽見人心不斷回轉向你 Hear the sound of hearts returning to You 回轉向你 We turn to You 破碎生命在你的國度裡 In Your kingdom broken lives are renewed 全被更新 You make us new 讚美昇空 Praise Is Rising 2

當遇見你 就有能力過每一天 你同在裡 一切懼怕將被挪去 被挪去 慕譯 050 3/5 當遇見你  就有能力過每一天  Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day 你同在裡  一切懼怕將被挪去 In Your presence, all our fears are washed away 被挪去 Washed away 讚美昇空 Praise Is Rising 3

* 和撒那 和撒那 你是我們救贖主 配得所有的讚美 Hosanna! Hosanna! 慕譯 050 4/5 * 和撒那  和撒那 Hosanna! Hosanna! 你是我們救贖主 You are the God who saves us 配得所有的讚美 Worthy of all our praises 讚美昇空 Praise Is Rising 4

和撒那 和撒那 來成就你的旨意 願你降臨 主耶穌 Hosanna! Hosanna! Come have your way among us 慕譯 050 5/5 和撒那  和撒那 Hosanna! Hosanna! 來成就你的旨意 Come have your way among us 願你降臨  主耶穌 We welcome You here Lord Jesus 讚美昇空 Praise Is Rising 5