中國地方治理專題研究 潘兆民 東海大學 通識教育中心暨大陸研究學程副教授.


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Presentation transcript:

中國地方治理專題研究 潘兆民 東海大學 通識教育中心暨大陸研究學程副教授

第一章 中共研究的方法論(研究途徑) 一.極權主義的研究途徑(totalitarianism) 集權主義的研究特徵 二.行為主義的研究途徑(行為科學時期)

派系理論(factionalism)的模型: 權力問題在中國政治中遠比社會、經濟、政策來得重要,經濟、社會、政策只是用來提出問題的工具。 例如:地方主義所關切著正是權力,假借經濟發展之名,行權力之實,實際上是搞地方山頭。 中共領導者間的權力鬥爭,實際上是為了權位、影響力和安定。 政治鬥爭不僅僅是為了領導者自己,也是為了周遭的追隨者。 操作經濟路線的爭執,都是領導者用來鬥爭的工具。

三. 新制度主義時期(neo-institutionalism)→ 第三代學者

新制度主義 Douglass North (1990) Institutions define as (1) “the rules of the game in a society, …the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction.” Institution vs. organization, “institutions are the rules, but organizations are the players. The purpose of the rule is to define the way the game is played. But the objective of the team within that set of rules is to win the game…”

制度的功能 資訊散佈 (Information Emission) 協調行動 (Coordinating Actions) 保護期望穩定 (Protection of Expectations) 促成合作 (Enforcing Cooperation) 設定「得失」 (Rent Setting) 降低交易成本 (Transaction Costs)

理性選擇制度論 基本假定 人對不同的結果,具有偏好(preference)。 人是理性的,能夠選擇對自己最有利的行動為之。  理性選擇制度論 基本假定 人對不同的結果,具有偏好(preference)。 人是理性的,能夠選擇對自己最有利的行動為之。 資源是有限的,資源配置是社會最重要的工作。 人具有作出「正確」判斷的智能。

新制度主義強調 中國大陸的制度一旦形成之後,可能會有一段穩定時期,但是它總是會隨著社會的變遷而有所變遷。學者: Victor Nee Jean C. Oi、 Nan Lin Andrew Nathan, China's Transition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997)

市場愈重要:地方分權;市場愈不重要:中央集權。 John Michael Montias(孟帝亞斯)提出制度比較模式,來解釋地方分權、中央集權以及市場經濟等制度,而分類四種社會主義的經濟體系。 制度比較模式的三種分類標準: 1.促進政權目標的動員程度。 2.中央依賴垂直指令→依賴程度高: 中央集權;依賴程度低:地方分權。 3.市場的相對程度重要性高低→ 市場愈重要:地方分權;市場愈不重要:中央集權。

high Mobilization Low High importance of market reliance on hierarchically transmitted commands low low

依據三種標準,分析出四種經濟發展型態: 動員型(mobilization) 中央集權型(centralization) 地方分權型(decentralization ) 市場社會主義型(market socialism) 透過市場供需來決定價格和產量。

研究農村改革的兩個特別的理論 Nan Lin pp. 301-302 1.市場轉換理論(market transition theory) Victor Nee 2.地方政府統合主義(local state corporatism) Jean C. Oi

第一章 地方主義的興起 一、中國的意識形態與地方主義 (Franz Schurmann)  pure part(核心部分)  why this goal is the           best? 目標:共產主義是最好的。       Practical part(實踐部分)     How to complete this goal?

核心部分 實踐部分

Hard budget constraints 二、中共解決計畫經濟所產生的問題: Hard budget constraints 「硬預算制度」,即中央不再補貼,地方要自負盈虧,地方政府要自行創收,為了要使地方政府市場化以及自負盈虧,所以下放地方權,而走向地方分權。 改革後農村幹部獲得更大的自主空間,此時幹部與農民之間的「保護--被保護」關係變得十分緊密。



社團主義(Corporatism或corporativism)是一種政治体制,立法的權力交給了由產業、農業、和職業團體所派遣的代表。 Historically, corporatism or corporativism refers to a political or economic system in which power is given to civic assemblies that represent economic, industrial, agrarian, social, cultural, and professional groups. These civic assemblies are known as corporations (not necessarily the business model known as a 'corporation', though such businesses are not excluded from the definition either). Corporations are unelected bodies with an internal hierarchy; their purpose is to exert control over the social and economic life of their respective areas. Thus, for example, a steel corporation would be a cartel composed of all the business leaders in the steel industry, coming together to discuss a common policy on prices and wages. When the political and economic power of a country rests in the hands of such groups, then a corporatist system is in place. 社團主義(Corporatism或corporativism)是一種政治体制,立法的權力交給了由產業、農業、和職業團體所派遣的代表。

Political scientists may also use the term corporatism to describe a practice whereby a state, through the process of licensing and regulating officially-incorporated social, religious, economic, or popular organizations, effectively co-opts their leadership or circumscribes their ability to challenge state authority by establishing the state as the source of their legitimacy, as well as sometimes running them, either directly or indirectly through corporations. This usage is particularly common in the area of East Asian studies, and is sometimes also referred to as state corporatism. Some analysts have applied the term neocorporatism to certain practices in Western European countries, such the Proporz system in Austria. At a popular level in recent years "corporatism" has been used to mean the promotion of the interests of private corporations in government over the interests of the public.




造成地方主義的原因 1.制度因素 2.政策因素 政策傾斜 投資傾斜

地方主義的結果 地方主義就是挑戰中央的權威,中央指令無法貫徹到地方。 一、國家整體主義弱化 二、中央和地方行為契約化 三、條條塊塊的經濟:互不流通的小市場 1.諸侯經濟 2.資源大戰 3.地方自主性不斷增加