Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching for Professional Development 有效教學的研究本位面向 對於教師專業發展的啟示 Gary D. Borich.


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Presentation transcript:

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching for Professional Development 有效教學的研究本位面向 對於教師專業發展的啟示 Gary D. Borich

THE HISTORY OF CLASSROOM RESEARCH IN THE U. S System of research and development centers in the United States 美國研究和發展中心的體系 2. The research and development center for teacher education at the University of Texas at Austin & Michigan State Univ. 德州大學奧斯汀分校和密西根州立大學的師資培育研究與發展中心 3. Process-product (correlational) research 過程-結果(相關性)研究 4. Quasi-experimental research (controlled experiments) 準實驗研究(控制實驗) 5. Qualitative research (interviews, focus groups, observation) 質的研究(晤談、焦點小組、觀察) A synthesis of the results of these research traditions, resulting in the texts: 下列書籍綜合整理這些研究傳統所獲致的成果: EFFECTIVE TEACHING METHODS: RESEARCH-BASED PRACTICE, 5e (2007). Chinese Traditional Language Edition. Wu-Nan Book Inc., Taipei. 有效教學方法:研究本位的實務,第五版 (2007),繁體版,五南出版,台北。 OBSERVATION SKILLS FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING, 5e (2007). Chinese Simplified Language Edition, Jiangsu. 有效教學的觀察技巧,第五版(2007),簡體版,江蘇。

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching 有效教學的 研究本位面向 Flow 溫暖 流暢 Understanding 了解 Warmth Structure 結構 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching 有效教學的 研究本位面向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching 有效教學的 研究本位面向 Flow Classroom Management 溫暖 Understanding 了解 Warmth 流暢 班級經營 Structure 結構 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching 有效教學的 研究本位面向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識

班級經營(建立流暢) CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (TO CREATE FLOW) Establishes classroom rules 建立班規 Creates from 6 to 8 academic work and conduct rules 建立六至八項課業和行為的規定 Develops instructional routines 發展教學的例行流程 Teaches sequences of activities within subjects (e.g, read, question, discuss, summarize) 學科內教學活動的順序(例如:閱讀、問題、討論、總結) Uses low profile classroom management 使用低度介入的班級經營 Anticipation (scanning), deflection (proximity), reaction (warning) 預期(眼光掃描)、轉向(接近)、反應 (警告)

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Flow Classroom Management 溫暖 Understanding 了解 Warmth 流暢 班級經營 學習氣氛 Learning Climate 結構 Structure 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching 有效教學的 研究本位面向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識

Balances warmth and control 在溫暖和控制間取得均衡 LEARNING CLIMATE (TO CREATE WARMTH) 學習氣氛 (建立溫暖) Balances warmth and control 在溫暖和控制間取得均衡 Strikes a balance between being overly gratuitous and conveying a lack of caring 在給予學生過度滿足和冷漠對待之間取得均衡 Arranges the social environment 安排互動的環境 Provides opportunities for collaborative and group work 提供合作和小組活動的機會

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Classroom Management Flow 溫暖 了解 Warmth 流暢 Understanding 班級經營 學習氣氛 Learning Climate 結構 Structure 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Teacher’s Task Orientation 有效教學的 研究本位面向 教師的任務導向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識

Handles administrative and clerical tasks efficiently 有效率地處理行政和文書的工作 TEACHER’S TASK ORIENTATION (TO CREATE STRUCTURE) 教師的任務導向(建立結構) Handles administrative and clerical tasks efficiently 有效率地處理行政和文書的工作 Minimizes clerical tasks during instructional time 在進行教學時文書工作應減至最少 Selects appropriate instructional strategies 選擇適當的教學策略 Matches direct and indirect instruction with the appropriate content 直接教學和間接教學應和適當的教學內容相配合 Maintains focus on unit outcomes 持續聚焦於單元學習成果 • Uses advance organizes to relate lesson objectives to unit goals 使用前導組織架構將教學目的和單元目標相互連結

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Classroom Management Flow 了解 Warmth 溫暖 流暢 Understanding 班級經營 學習氣氛 Learning Climate 結構 Structure 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Teacher’s Task Orientation 有效教學的 研究本位面向 教師的任務導向 焦點 Focus Knowledge Student Engagement 知識 學生投入

Provides opportunities for practice and feedback 提供練習和回饋的機會 STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN THE LEARNING PROCESS (TO CREATE FOCUS) 學生在學習過程中的投入 (建立焦點) Provides opportunities for practice and feedback 提供練習和回饋的機會 Provides real world activities in which to apply skills and concepts learned 提供真實世界的活動,讓學生能在活動中應用 其所學的技能和概念 Uses individual and self-directed learning activities 使用個人和自我導向的學習活動 Provides opportunities for independent learning and personal initiative 提供獨立學習和個人創新的機會 Monitors seatwork and checks for progress 監控學生練習並檢查其進步情形 Provides one-on-one feedback on a regular basis 提供一對一的定期回饋

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Classroom Management Flow 溫暖 流暢 Understanding 了解 Warmth 班級經營 學習氣氛 Learning Climate 結構 Structure 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Teacher’s Task Orientation 有效教學的研究本位面向 教師的任務導向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識 學生成功 Student Engagement Student Success 學生投入

學生成功 (建立知識) STUDENT SUCCESS (TO CREATE KNOWLEDGE) 提供漸進回饋以提升學習 Provides graduated feedback to enhance learning 提供漸進回饋以提升學習 Provides feedback at students current level of understanding 根據學生目前的了解程度來提供回饋 Teaches at or slightly above students’ current level of understanding 以學生目前的了解程度或稍微高出學生目前了解的程度來進行教學 Encourages students to think beyond their current level of functioning 鼓勵學生超越其目前心智運作的程度來進行思考 Varies pace at which content is presented 呈現教學內容時教學進度應有所變化 Makes time for activities at various levels of intensity to achieve momentum (e.g. teach, discuss, practice, review, assess, feedback) 教學活動的時間分配應緩急互用以增加學習的動力 (例如教學、討論、練習、複習、評量、回饋)

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Classroom Management Flow 溫暖 Understanding 了解 Warmth 流暢 班級經營 學習氣氛 Learning Climate 結構 Structure 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Instructional Variety Teacher’s Task Orientation 教學的變化 有效教學的 研究本位面向 教師的任務導向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識 Student Engagement Student Success 學生成功 學生投入

INSTRUCTIONAL VARIETY (TO CREATE ATTENTION) 教學的變化 (建立注意) Uses attention-gaining devices 使用吸引注意的策略 Uses applications to the real world to promote subject-matter interest 透過真實世界的應用以引發學生學科學習的興趣 Shows enthusiasm and animation 顯示熱忱和生動 Moves around the room and varies volume and pitch to emphasize important points 巡迴行間以及使用多變化的音量與語調來強調重點 Varies types of questions 變化問題的類型 Asks both convergent and divergent questions 問聚斂性和擴散性的問題 Incorporates student ideas採納學生的觀念 Weaves student ideas into lesson content 教學內容納入學生的觀念

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Classroom Management Flow 了解 Warmth 溫暖 流暢 Understanding 班級經營 學習氣氛 Learning Climate Lesson Depth and Clarity 單元的深度和清晰 Structure 結構 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Instructional Variety Teacher’s Task Orientation 教學的變化 有效教學的研究本位面向 教師的任務導向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識 Student Engagement Student Success 學生成功 學生投入

LESSON DEPTH AND CLARITY (TO CREATE UNDERSTANDING) 單元深度和清晰 (建立了解) Provides advance organizers 提供前導組織架構 Connects one lesson to another with overarching concepts 以概括性的概念將教學單元相互連結起來 Uses examples, illustrations and demonstrations 運用範例、圖例、以及演示 Brings the real world into the classroom 將真實世界帶進教室 Provides for review and summarization 提供回顧和總結的機會 Uses projects, portfolios and investigations to encourage reflection and application of content taught 運用方案、檔案、以及調查來鼓勵學生將所學內容進行反省與應用

Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Classroom Management Flow 溫暖 Understanding 了解 Warmth 流暢 班級經營 Learning Climate 學習氣氛 Lesson Depth and Clarity 單元的深度和清晰 Structure 結構 注意 Attention Research-Based Dimensions of Effective Teaching Instructional Variety Teacher’s Task Orientation 教學的變化 有效教學的 研究本位面向 教師的任務導向 焦點 Focus Knowledge 知識 Student Engagement Student Success 學生成功 學生投入

Discussion Question 討論問題 How can the research-based dimensions of effective teaching inform both the preservice as well as inservice professional development of teachers? 有效教學的研究本位面向 如何促進職前教師和在職教師的專業發展?

教師效能研究中的自然和控制 較寬廣的真理 較窄化的真理 NATURALNESS AND CONTROL IN TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS RESEARCH 教師效能研究中的自然和控制 Qualitative Research (Interviews/Focus Groups/ Observation) 質化研究 (晤談、焦點小組、觀察) Quantitative Research (Experimental Methods) 量化研究(實驗方法) Naturalness 自然 Control 控制 Broader Truth 較寬廣的真理 Narrower Truth 較窄化的真理