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校本藝術教學單元設計計劃 培訓課程 教學與課程評鑑

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1 校本藝術教學單元設計計劃 培訓課程 教學與課程評鑑
香港美術教育協會主辦 香港教師中心合辦 第四講 講者:余樹德、黃素蘭 2002年1月12日

2 課程的定義 學科和教材 目標 計劃 學習經驗

3 課程發展的四大元素 課程規劃 (curriculum planning) 課程設計 (curriculum design)
課程實施 (curriculum implementation) 課程評鑑 (curriculum evaluation)

4 課程規劃 簡單來說,是指課程發展過程的第一階段,範圍包括對課程的現況、課程變革的需求、課程目標與資料的來源,以及為課程發展中的其他階段(如設計、實施、評鑑)作出分析與決策。 分析:包括選擇及確認參與課程發展的人士,亦需對課程目標、內容、活動、資源等方面進行分析。 決策:是課程規劃最重要的一項工作,當中的決定影響深遠。因此誰是決策者?誰要交代積效責任?向甚麼人交代?課程規劃的(所有)權誰屬?都是重要的思考問題。

5 課程規劃與決策牽涉到不同層次和不同人事的問題。 Goodlad (1979) 嘗試把課程決策分為不同層次來理解。簡單來說,課程的實行要通過:
社會層次 (societal level) 的決策, 再由機構層次 (institutional level) 把它演繹為指定的課程意義, 然後導引教學層次 (instructional level) 的活動;在教學層次中,教師雖然要與校長及學校員工磋商教學事宜,但在課室的教學中,教師仍然是主要的決策者。

6 Six types of curricula Recommended Curriculum: by scholars, ED. …e.g. Curriculum Standard. Written Curriculum: locally produced documents, such as district curriculum guides, teachers’ planning document… Taught Curriculum: teachers actually deliver day by day. Supported Curriculum: resources such as textbooks, software, and other media… Assessed Curriculum: such as HKCE, HKAL, or teacher-made tests. Learned Curriculum: students actually learn.

LEARNED Weak influence (Glatthorn, 1997, p.79) Strong influence

8 課程設計 所以,「課程」在學校教育的大前題下,課程決策者 (校長/教師) 有需要考慮以下問題: 一) 學校尋求達成甚麼教育目標 ?
二) 為了達成這些目標,應提供甚麼教學經驗 ? 三) 如何有效地組織這些經驗 ? 四) 如何確定這些目標被達成 ? (Tyler,1949;黃炳煌譯,1981) 通過以上問題,引伸出在課程設計階段需要思考各 種課程元素,例如:目標、內容、組織、方法、評 估等。

9 Taught and Learned Curricula
Whereas teachers mistakenly assume that students learn all that they are taught, the evidence is otherwise. Doyle (1986) points out that for much of classroom time students are either obviously off-task or feigning on-task behavior, only dimly aware of what the teacher is trying to teach.

10 Close the gap between the taught and the learned, teachers need to:
Clarify the objective. Help students find meaning and purpose in learning the objective. Encourage students to ask questions. Use learning strategies that require a high level of student activity. Use frequent quizzing to monitor learning and maintain high alertness. Use monitoring data to adjust instruction. (Glatthorn, 1997, p.83)

11 何謂教學評鑑? 教學評鑑是一個過程,包括測量、評估與評鑑三個要素。
教師運用測量工具(measurement tools),搜集學生表現的數據 (data),這些數據並不具任何價值。 然後闡釋數據,給予等級,即對學生的表現進行評估 (assessment)。教師可能有自己的評估準則,例如較寬鬆對待學業成績較差的學生,以作鼓勵。 至於教學評鑑 (instructional evaluation) ,是指對整個「教」與「學」作出價值判斷,例如對學生的表現作出評鑑,對自己的教學方法、課業的要求等作出檢討等。 (張善培,1996)

12 教學評鑑的過程 測量 (搜集及處理數據) 評估 (闡釋數提) 評鑑 (判斷價值) (張善培,1996)

13 評鑑學習的分類 教學前 教學中 教學後 安置 形成 診斷 總結 安置式評鑑 (placement evaluation)
進展/形成式評鑑 (formative evaluation) 診斷式評鑑 (diagnostic evaluation) 總結式評鑑 (summative evaluation) (余民寧,1997,頁51-53)

14 What is “Authentic” Assessment
Authentic assessment is an attempt to measure performance directly in a “real life” setting. The word “authentic” is not an especially good choice because it implies that any other kind of assessment is “inauthentic”. Perhaps a better word would be “direct” assessment. All tasks are some form of direct assessment. (Bracey, 2001, Advisory NAEA)

15 Advocates contend that we can’t determine how well someone knows a skill or a body of knowledge unless we have an opportunity to directly observe a performance. e.g. To learn about students’ writing skills, we must observe them perform – they must write! Beyond this, advocates contend that the assessment should reflect some real-life, complex problem. Such assessments are necessarily time-consuming and therefore, expensive. (Bracey, 2001, Advisory NAEA) Bracey, G.W. (2001). What is a test? Advisory NAEA, Fall.

16 What is curriculum evaluation?
Curriculum evaluation is concerned with gathering evidence to describe and make judgements about the value or worth of curriculum plans, processes and outcomes, as a basis for developing and improving them. As this definition suggests, curriculum evaluation is a complex process, which, since it involves values and judgements, is likely to be subject to very fundamental ideological and political differences about the purposes of the curriculum. (Preedy, 2001, p.89)

17 Curriculum evaluation also links to development and ongoing change.
Evaluation should be used to provide the evidence to inform decision-making. Monitoring data is often used as part of the evidence for an evaluation. (Preedy, 2001, p.89)

18 課程評鑑的目的 課程評鑑通常被視為課程發展的最後一項要素,旨在找出新課程之效能或需要作出改善之處。
因此,價值判斷可算是課程評鑑之最重要特徵,有助課程決策者決定是否終止、修正、繼續推行某課程,抑或再次試驗課程、改變其內容及實施策略等。 (張善培,1996) a useful distinction can be made between two broad purposes for curriculum evaluation: 1) Evaluation for justification and accountability 2) Evaluation for improvement (Preedy, 2001, p.90)

19 Dimensions of curriculum evaluation
Intended Curriculum (what is planned) Implemented Curriculum (what teachers teach) Learned Curriculum (what pupils actually experience) Input Process Output

20 行動研究與學術研究之分別 行動研究 尋求問題之改善/解決方案 學術研究 問題是用來研究的 發展現有的教學效果 建立知識、理論
從他人的觀點擴闊 自己的眼界 排除個人主觀因素, 客觀地取得數據進行分析 建立試驗性的理論, 引領未來的改進 建立永恆的王理論及 具推論性的理論原則 (Schmuck, 1997)

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