一生在神手中 My times are in Thy hand


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Presentation transcript:

一生在神手中 My times are in Thy hand

一生在神手中,愿你支配使用 My times are in Thy hand, my God I wish them there 愿将我命我灵我友,全交托你护佑 My life, my friends, my soul I leave Entirely to Thy care

一生在神手中,不论遇和环境 My times are in Thy hand, whatever they may be 遇福遇祸黑暗光明,全顺服你带领 Pleasing, or painful dark or bright As best may seem to Thee

一生在神手中,被钉十架恩主 My times are in Thy hand, Jesus The crucified! 为我罪过双手刺透,如今带领保守 Those hands my cruel sins had Pierced, are now my guard and guide

一生在神手中,永远信靠顺服 My times are in Thy hand, I’ll always trust in Thee 将来被召到主面前,永享安息美福 And after death at Thy right hand I shall forever be