He’s Been Faithful Carol Cymbala


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Presentation transcript:

He’s Been Faithful Carol Cymbala (1)In my moments of fear Through ev'ry pain ev'ry tear There's a God who's been faithful to me When my strength was all gone When my heart had no song Still in love He's proved faithful to me Ev'ry word He's promised is true What I thought was impossible I see my God do

(2)When my heart looked away The many times I could not pray Still my God He was faithful to me The days I spent so selfishly Reaching out for what pleased me Even then God was faithful to me Ev'ry time I come back to Him He is waiting with open arms And I see once again

He's been faithful faithful to me Looking back His love and mercy I see Though in my heart I have questioned Even failed to believe Yet He's been faithful faithful to me

祂以信實待我 (1)在我懼怕的時刻 經過每一分的痛苦, 每一滴的眼淚 有一位神在那裡, 始終以信實對我. 當我的力量用盡, 當我的心不再有歌, 祂仍然以愛向我顯出祂的信實. 祂所應允的每句話都真實; 我看來不可能的事, 我看到我的神成就. (意譯, 非歌詞)

(副)祂始終以信實待我 回顧以往, 我看到的是祂的慈愛與憐憫. 雖然在我的心裡我曾懷疑, 甚至不願相信, 祂還是以信實待我. (意譯, 非歌詞)

當我的心游移, 許多時候我無法禱告, 我的神仍舊以信實待我. 當我自私的過日子, 照我的歡喜來選擇; 就是在那時神還是以信實待我. 每一次我回轉向祂, 祂總是張開手臂等候我, 我又一次看到, 祂始終以信實, 信實待我…..