Cross-boundary Information Sharing and Integration


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Presentation transcript:

Cross-boundary Information Sharing and Integration

跨边界信息共享与整合 Cross-boundary Information Sharing and Integration Information as an agency resource 信息是部门资源 Agency部门 X Agency部门 Y Information as a government-wide resource 信息是整个政府的资源 Agency 部门 Agency 部门 A Agency 部门 Z Agency 部门 Agency 部门 Government Information Resources 政府信息资源 Agency 部门 Agency 部门 Agency 部门 Agency 部门

Boundaries 边界 Boundaries along the Vertical Direction: 纵向边界 - Hierarchical Boundary 层级 - Personal Boundary 人际 - Geographic Boundary 地域 - Development level Boundary 发展阶段 Boundaries along the Horizontal Direction: 横向边界 - Departmental Boundary 部门 - Development Level Boundary 发展阶段 - Process Boundary 流程 - Sector Boundary 公私部门 3

Vertical strength and horizontal weakness Central Provincial Local

A Dual-dimensional, Multi-factor, and Interactive Framework of Boundaries Individually the difficulty of crossing every boundary seem to be linearly associated with the complexity of information sharing and integration initiatives. That is to say, when the difficulty of crossing a specific boundary increases, the complexity of an initiative also goes up. However, when these boundaries exist collectively and simultaneously, the relationship among them becomes a non-linear interactive matrix. The relationships across various boundaries may amplify, alleviate, or mediate one another, and thus complicate the context of information sharing initiatives. Relationships across boundaries along the same dimension may interact with each other. For example: the difficulty of crossing the personal boundary could further deteriorate the ability to cross organizational and geographic proximity boundaries Vertical boundaries and horizontal boundaries may interact, interweave, and integrate with each other directly. For example, the difficulty of crossing the vertical development level boundary can be caused or aggravated by the difficulty of crossing the horizontal development level boundary. - Interactions between Boundaries along Vertical Dimension Interactions between Boundaries along Horizontal Dimension Interactions between Boundaries along Two Dimensions

Technological Barriers 技术障碍 Infrastructure, Software and Security 基础设施、软件、安全 Legacy System Integration 遗留系统

Information Barriers 信息障碍 Information Quality 信息质量 (Authentic、complete and timely) Data Standards 数据标准

Organizational and Managerial Barriers 组织与管理障碍 Different Goals and Interests 不同组织目标与利益 Diverse Operations and Procedures 不同的运营方式和流程 Different perceptions of Cost and Benefits 不同的成本受益分析 Unpleasant Prior Experiences 不愉快的历史遗留问题 Prolonged Review Process 批示流程冗长 Capabilities Gap 能力差距(部门、地区、年龄、教育) Different Perceptions of Cost and Benefit: workload, losing power and resources, layoff and headcount reduction, no feedback, and no incentives Capabilities: funding, staff skills, lack of staff, awareness, and time constraint

Legal and Political Barriers 法律和政治障碍 Legal System Still Under Development 法律体系尚不完备 Lack of facilitating Institutions and Leadership 缺少顶层管理机构和领导重视 Information Security and Confidentiality Concerns 信息安全和保密顾虑 Internal Problem Exposure 暴露内部问题的顾虑 External Pressure 面对外界压力 Legal System Still Underdevelopment: lack of applicable laws, implicit laws, weak law enforcement, laws changes frequently, and cross-national legal conflict

推动因素 Inherent and Mutual Needs for Information Sharing 内在需求、双赢的驱动因素 Legal Basis 法律法规基础 Institutional Reform 机构改革 High-level Leadership Support and Involvement 高层领导重视和介入 Special Event 特殊事件 Social Impetus 社会推动

Comprehensive and Integrated Strategy 全面、整合的战略 Vision 目标 from citizen, user, partner, customer point of view 从公民、用户、合作伙伴、客户的视角 from government insider’s point of view 从政府内部人士的视角 Governance Structure and integrated plan 顶层管理架构与统一规划 Infrastructure 基础设施 policy, technical, human, legal 政策、技术、人员、法律 Priorities 优先考虑 for infrastructure development 基础设施建设 for process improvement and integration 流程再造与整合 for service design and integration 服务设计与整合

Transnational Public Sector Knowledge Network A Transnational Public Sector Knowledge Network (TPSKN) comprises institutional, organizational, and other social actors linked across national boundaries for common or compatible purposes by information-rich relationships and processes.

Understanding Sharing in TPSKNs 理解公共部门跨国知识网络中的知识与信息分享 Knowledge and information sharing in TPSKNs is a process that involves exchange of knowledge, information, or both between two governmental sub-units located in two countries. Sharing process Knowledge & information content Organizational Context External (national) environment

Influencing Factors

Big picture 框架

Transnational challenges 跨国性挑战 Cultural 文化– personal, organizational, national Political 政治– approach to policy and power Intention 意图– reasons for participating Organizational 组织– culture, structure, size, experience Relational 关系– association and familiarity Knowledge 知识– expertise, level, kind Technical 技术– infrastructures, tools, capabilities Resources 资源– type, amount, general wealth Physical 距离– places and time zones

Transnational challenges 跨国性挑战

Critical success factors 关键的成功要素 Political and organizational support Strong project leadership Clarity of intention and value proposition for all participants Pooling of adequate and appropriate resources Recognition of barriers and differences Mutual respect and be open-minded Time and patience Multiple methods of communication Willingness to share knowledge and learn

Lessons learned – Intentions 经验教训— 意向 Intentions need to be clear and compatible, but not necessarily the same. However, sustainability may be affected by differences in ultimate goals. Barriers Political differences Organizational differences Resource differences Enablers Bi-lingual and bi-cultural participants Willingness to express differences Knowledge sharing Resource pooling

Some examples of lessons learned – Culture 经验教训分析举例—文化 Culture is embedded in thinking and action Barriers Culture and societal difference Language differences Political differences Enablers Face-to-face interaction Bi-lingual & bi-cultural participants Time and experience Patience with mutual learning and adjustment

Lessons learned – Trust 经验教训—信任关系 Trust is essential to any cross-boundary collaboration.. Barriers Political differences Organizational differences Enablers Interaction over time Knowledge sharing Small steps and small risks

Lessons Learned