和撒那 Hosanna 敬拜讚美詩歌 172首.


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Presentation transcript:

和撒那 Hosanna 敬拜讚美詩歌 172首

和撒那, 和撒那, 和撒那归于至高神! Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! 我们齐声赞美, 祢至圣尊名, Lord, we lift up Your name, with hearts full of praise; 权柄、尊荣归主我神, be exalted, O Lord, my God! 和撒那归于至高神。 Hosanna in the highest!

我们齐声赞美, 祢至圣尊名, Lord, we lift up Your name, 荣耀, 荣耀, 愿荣耀归万王之王。 Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings! 荣耀, 荣耀, 愿荣耀归万王之王。 Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings! 我们齐声赞美, 祢至圣尊名, Lord, we lift up Your name, with hearts full of praise; 权柄、尊荣归主我神, be exalted, O Lord, my God! 和撒那归于至高神。 Glory to the King of kings!

和撒那 Hosanna

和撒那, 和撒那, 和撒那归于至高神! Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! 我们齐声赞美, 祢至圣尊名, Lord, we lift up Your name, with hearts full of praise; 权柄、尊荣归主我神, be exalted, O Lord, my God! 和撒那归于至高神。 Hosanna in the highest!

我们齐声赞美, 祢至圣尊名, Lord, we lift up Your name, 荣耀, 荣耀, 愿荣耀归万王之王。 Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings! 荣耀, 荣耀, 愿荣耀归万王之王。 Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings! 我们齐声赞美, 祢至圣尊名, Lord, we lift up Your name, with hearts full of praise; 权柄、尊荣归主我神, be exalted, O Lord, my God! 和撒那归于至高神。 Glory to the King of kings!