Date: 28 February 2019 Time: 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.M. Venue: room 5H, asllc


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Presentation transcript:

Date: 28 February 2019 Time: 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.M. Venue: room 5H, asllc Biliterate and Trilingual Storytelling Competition 2018-2019 Briefing Session Date: 28 February 2019 Time: 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.M. Venue: room 5H, asllc

Objectives This competition aims to cultivate students' interests in learning English, Cantonese and Putonghua by exposing students to stories written by William Shakespeare. In addition, through engaging students in mastering story-telling skills, students could enhance the speaking skills of the three languages. Through engaging students in mastering story-telling skills, students could enhance the speaking skills of the three languages. Theme: In Love with Shakespeare 愛上了莎士比亞

Target participants All students (including full-time and part-time UGC students, self- funding students and postgraduate students) are welcome to participate.

Regulations Each participant will perform individually. There will a screening test for an applicant to become an eligible participant. An eligible participant has to use the story excerpt provided by the Competition Organizer. Each participant has to choose one story script provided and tell the story according to the language required. Each story excerpt consists of three parts in which Cantonese, Putonghua and English are used respectively. Extra points will be awarded if the participant can recite the script. Participants can use more creative methods. The use of props, costumes, background visuals and music, facial expressions, hand and body gestures to make their performance livelier and more engaging. The duration of each performance should not exceed 10 minutes.

Prizes Scripts Hamlet 哈娒雷特 Romeo and Juliet 羅密歐與朱麗葉 The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 Participants can pick up the hard copy of the scripts from the ASLLC during office hours. Prizes Coupons and certificates

Screening Test Video record the reading of the script chosen (showing your face in the video) Upload your video to Youtube Remember to set the video as “Private” Sent the video link to Ms. Natalie Lau, before 5 p.m. 7 March 2019 (Thursday) You should focus on pronunciation accuracy for each parts. The duration of the reading should not exceed 10 minutes. Your video will be judged by a panel of adjudicators. Your will be notified whether you are qualified to enter the final competition.

Stages of competition and timeline Briefing and workshop (28/2/19) 3:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Screening Test Submission of video (07/03/19) Before 5 p.m. Training session for the Finalists (14/03/19) 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. ASLLC Rehearsal (21/3/19 or 22/3/19) Competition (22/03/19) 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

說明會流程 中文演講注意事項: 文白對譯問題(廣州話書面、口語之別) 咬字發音問題(避免懶音) 講故事要點

一、詞彙 文白對譯,粵普之別 係  是 喺  在 讀書  學習 日  天 佢  他 嘅  的 細佬  弟弟 竟然  竟 嘅耳仔入面  耳朵 將佢殺死  將其殺害 哈姆雷特王子是年輕學子,在德國威登堡大學學習。有一天,他的父王在皇宮後花園休息,父王的弟弟克勞狄斯,竟用劇毒注入國王耳朵,將其殺害。

二、語音 吐字清晰 發音標準

語音準確(注意正音,避免懶音) ✗[gw-]或[kw-] (圓唇音) 發聲母時沒有圓唇音 國 [gwok3 ] 誤讀為 各 [gok3] 過 [gwo3 ]  誤讀為 個 [go3 ] ✗[n] (前鼻音) 發聲母時沒有鼻音 難 [nan 4] 誤讀為 蘭 [lan 4] 你 [nei 5] 誤讀為 李 [lei 5] ✗[ŋ] (後鼻音) 發聲母時沒有鼻音/誤讀[m] 我 [ngo5] 誤讀為 [o5] 誤[ng6] 誤讀為 [m6] ✗[ŋ] (後鼻音) 韻母錯讀成[n] (前鼻音) 韻母 朋[pang4] 誤讀為 貧[pan4] 冷 [laŋ5] 誤讀為 懶[lan 5 ] ✗[ k ]、[ t ] 韻尾混淆 筆 [bat1] 北 [bak1] 不分 室 [sat1 ] 塞 [sak1 ] 不分

三、表達 表情恰如其分 感情投入(語速、語調) 能烘托故事角色鮮明個性 兩文三語轉換流暢 故事表述自然,不做作

四、問答環節 我們決賽再見!

哈娒雷特Hamlet Useful links: To be or not to be from Hamlet by William Shakespeare (reading with slides) To be or not to be - Kenneth Branagh’s speech in Hamlet (1996 Movie) To be or not to be; Explained! 哈姆雷特 王子復仇記 (Animated story) 莎士比亞名劇哈姆雷特 (Explanation of characters)

羅密歐與朱麗葉Romeo and Juliet Useful links: Romeo and Juliet: The balcony scene with subtitles (1968 Movie) – 2:05-2:56 5分鐘讀完一本書之《羅密歐與朱麗葉》,莎士比亞最負盛名的作品 Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: Learn English

威尼斯商人The Merchant of Venice Useful links: The Merchant of Venice (2004 Movie: Shylock speech) Shakespeare Summarized: The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 廖雅慧:威尼斯商人中的猶太人 Please complete the online feedback form for today’s workshop. Thank you!