(1) The Price is Paid 重價已付


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Presentation transcript:

(1) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, come let us enter into all that Jesus died to make our own. For ev’ry sin more than enough He gave, and bought our freedom from each guilty stain. 重價已付,恩主因祢捨命, 用血買贖我們同來歸祢。 罪債沉重,幸得主恩深厚, 我脫罪惡捆綁,今得自由。 (1) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(C) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, Alleluia, amazing grace, so strong and sure. And so with all my heart, my life in ev’ry part, I live to thank You for the price You paid. 重價已付,哈利路亞, 奇妙救恩,堅定穩固。 我今獻上全心、我命、我力、我能, 活著為祢,因主祢付重價。 (C) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(2) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, see Satan flee away; for Jesus crucified destroys his power. No more to pay, let accusation cease, in Christ there is no condemnation now. 重價已付,撒但離我逃跑, 全因十架,勝過仇敵權勢。 罪債已償,今天再無控告, 不被定罪,基督裏獲釋放。 (2) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(C) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, Alleluia, amazing grace, so strong and sure. And so with all my heart, my life in ev’ry part, I live to thank You for the price You paid. 重價已付,哈利路亞, 奇妙救恩,堅定穩固。 我今獻上全心、我命、我力、我能, 活著為祢,因主祢付重價。 (C) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(3) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, and by that scourging cruel, He took our sicknesses as if His own. And by His wounds His body broken there, His healing touch may now by faith be known. 重價已付,為我祢受鞭傷, 負我重擔,我今得蒙醫治。 主祢創傷,血水為我流淌, 完全救恩,因信我得恩憐。 (3) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(C) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, Alleluia, amazing grace, so strong and sure. And so with all my heart, my life in ev’ry part, I live to thank You for the price You paid. 重價已付,哈利路亞, 奇妙救恩,堅定穩固。 我今獻上全心、我命、我力、我能, 活著為祢,因主祢付重價。 (C) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(4) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, “Worthy the Lamb” we cry. Eternity shall never cease His praise. The Church of Christ shall rule upon the earth, in Jesus’ name we have authority. 重價已付,讚頌〝惟主是配〞, 歡唱歌聲直到永世不已。 教會元首今登榮耀寶座, 在基督裏,屬靈天福永享。 (4) The Price is Paid 重價已付

(C) The Price is Paid 重價已付 The price is paid, Alleluia, amazing grace, so strong and sure. And so with all my heart, my life in ev’ry part, I live to thank You for the price You paid. 重價已付,哈利路亞, 奇妙救恩,堅定穩固。 我今獻上全心、我命、我力、我能, 活著為祢,因主祢付重價。 (C) The Price is Paid 重價已付