Series: Rejoice! – The Human Songs of Christmas


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Presentation transcript:

Series: Rejoice! – The Human Songs of Christmas Lk 2:25-35 No Ordinary Baby Talk 非凡兒言

A Gift is a Sign

The Precious Holy Sign

The Precious Holy Sign: Though we sin against Him – though we are not His BFF – God loves us, in that He sent His Son to be our Savior and Lord.

The Precious Holy Sign: Though we sin against Him – though we are not His BFF – God loves us, in that He sent His Son to be our Savior and Lord. God in His holiness gives the best of the His best, who is Jesus, to us, His enemies.

Rom 5:6-8 6 因 我 們 還 軟 弱 的 時 候 , 基 督 就 按 所 定 的 日 期 為 罪 人 死 。7 為 義 人 死 , 是 少 有 的 ; 為 仁 人 死 、 或 者 有 敢 做 的 。8 惟 有 基 督 在 我 們 還 作 罪 人 的 時 候 為 我 們 死 , 神 的 愛 就 在 此 向 我 們 顯 明 了 。 6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Lk 2:25-35

Lk 2:25-35 25 在 耶 路 撒 冷 有 一 個 人 , 名 叫 西 面 ; 這 人 又 公 義 又 虔 誠 , 素 常 盼 望 以 色 列 的 安 慰 者 來 到 , 又 有 聖 靈 在 他 身 上 。26 他 得 了 聖 靈 的 啟 示 , 知 道 自 己 未 死 以 前 , 必 看 見 主 所 立 的 基 督 。27 他 受 了 聖 靈 的 感 動 , 進 入 聖 殿 , 正 遇 見 耶 穌 的 父 母 抱 著 孩 子 進 來 , 要 照 律 法 的 規 矩 辦 理 。

Lk 2:25-35 28 西 面 就 用 手 接 過 他 來 , 稱 頌 神 說 :29 主 阿 ! 如 今 可 以 照 你 的 話 , 釋 放 僕 人 安 然 去 世 ;30 因 為 我 的 眼 睛 已 經 看 見 你 的 救 恩 ─ 31 就 是 你 在 萬 民 面 前 所 預 備 的 :32 是 照 亮 外 邦 人 的 光 , 又 是 你 民 以 色 列 的 榮 耀 。   33 孩 子 的 父 母 因 這 論 耶 穌 的 話 就 希 奇 。

Lk 2:25-35 34 西 面 給 他 們 祝 福 , 又 對 孩 子 的 母 親 馬 利 亞 說 : 這 孩 子 被 立 , 是 要 叫 以 色 列 中 許 多 人 跌 倒 , 許 多 人 興 起 ; 又 要 作 毀 謗 的 話 柄 ,35 叫 許 多 人 心 裡 的 意 念 顯 露 出 來 ; 你 自 己 的 心 也 要 被 刀 刺 透 。

Lk 2:25-35 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required,

33 The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. Lk 2:25-35 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: 29 “Sovereign Lord, as You have promised, You may now dismiss Your servant in peace. 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation, 31 which You have prepared in the sight of all nations: 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.”   33 The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him.

Lk 2:25-35 34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”

Lk 2:30-32 30 因 為 我 的 眼 睛 已 經 看 見 你 的 救 恩 ─ 31 就 是 你 在 萬 民 面 前 所 預 備 的 :32 是 照 亮 外 邦 人 的 光 , 又 是 你 民 以 色 列 的 榮 耀 。 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation, 31 which You have prepared in the sight of all nations: 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

The God-centering message of Lk 2:25-35: 耶穌帶給許多人上帝老早就承諾了的拯救。 Jesus brings to many the salvation long promised by God.

The Precious Holy Sign: v. 28 “Praised” = GK. To bless = (when toward God) an expression of one’s utmost adoration and gratitude toward God

The Precious Holy Sign: More precious than his (Simeon’s) own life is knowing that God is true to His promise and faithful to save!

The Precious Holy Sign: As Simeon holds the child in his arms, he was also beholding the salvation from God.

記 念 他 向 以 色 列 家 所 發 的 慈 愛 , 所 憑 的 信 實 。 地 的 四 極 都 看 見 我 們 神 的 救 恩 。 Psa 98:3 記 念 他 向 以 色 列 家 所 發 的 慈 愛 , 所 憑 的 信 實 。 地 的 四 極 都 看 見 我 們 神 的 救 恩 。 He has remembered his love and His faithfulness to Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

耶 和 華 在 萬 國 眼 前 露 出 聖 臂 ; 地 極 的 人 都 看 見 我 們 神 的 救 恩 了 。 Isa 52:10 耶 和 華 在 萬 國 眼 前 露 出 聖 臂 ; 地 極 的 人 都 看 見 我 們 神 的 救 恩 了 。 The Lord will lay bare His holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

The Precious Holy Sign: As much as he (Simeon) himself was in joy and peace, he knew too that in this new chapter of history: This Christ will most certainly polarize humanity & the salvation he brings will most certainly be costly.

The Precious Holy Sign: By the Holy Spirit, Simeon understood that humanity is foundationally divided into two: Those who are for God and those who are not for God.

How Are You Signed On?

How Are You Signed On?: Will it be as Simeon, who blesses God because of Christmas? Or will it be as one who falls in rejection of Jesus as the Christ in Christmas?

How Are You Signed On?: Let us ask for the Holy Spirit to give us the right grasp of Christmas, for only the Spirit of God will help us see all things ‘God.’ Cf. 1 Cor 2:10-16

How Are You Signed On?: Being in love with God who gave us Christmas, that is everything! Being loved by God who gave us everything, that is worth celebrating!