Bingay Metallurgical Coal Project 滨盖冶金煤项目


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Presentation transcript:

Bingay Metallurgical Coal Project 滨盖冶金煤项目 Print 5 copies to bring Centermount Coal Ltd. 加拿大中山焦煤有限公司 Office Suite 1385 1095 West Pender St. Vancouver BC V6H 2N7 Tel: 604-568-3388 Vancouver, Canada 温哥华,加拿大 Oct. 2013年10月

Project Location 项目位置 美国 太平洋 美国 Cinnabar Peak 朱沙峰 Bingay Creek 滨盖小溪   Prince George 加拿大铁路 亚伯达省 Prince Rupert Chetwynd 温哥华 加拿大太平洋铁路 The Bingay Main Asset is located in the southeast corner of B.C., in the East Kootenay portion of the Rocky Mountain coal field, covering 11.57 sq. km. The Asset is adjacent to Teck Coal’s Fording River Operation, which produces 8 million tonnes of coking coal annually, and is located within the “Coal Enhanced Resource Development Zone” incorporated into the south Rocky Mountain Land Use Plan. 滨盖主区位于英属哥伦比亚省东南角,落基山脉煤田的East Kootenay 区域。该矿床靠近Teck Coal 的Fording River 矿作业区,年产焦煤800 万吨;同时位于落基山脉南部土地利用规划中的“强化煤炭资源开发区”内。

Map of Bingay Areas Main, A, B, and C Bingay 主区,A,B,C区地图 Bingay Main 滨盖伊主区 Coal License Number: 执照号:374190 414014 415139 417302 Area 11.57km2 面积11.57平方公里 Bingay Main license 100% owned by Center mount 中山焦煤有限公司拥有100%的滨 盖主区 Bingay ABC licences 100% owned by Centerpoint 中央资源有限公司拥有100%的滨盖ABC Notice of work of Bingay ABC obtained 拥有滨盖ABC工作许可 All licenses are current 所有的权证都是有效的 (Centerpoint is the holding company of Centermount (中央公司为中山公司的控股公司) Bingay A Area 7.50km2 滨盖A区 面积7.5平方公里 Coal License Number: 执照号:418200 A MAIN 主区 Bingay B Area 6.75km2 滨盖B区 面积6.75平方公里 Coal License Number: 执照号:418201 Teck Fording B C Bingay C Area 15km2 滨盖C区 面积15平方公里 Coal License Number: 执照号:418202

Bingay Main Property 滨盖主区 Bingay: 1157 Ha Fording: 20304 Ha Fording coal operations Bingay: 1157 Ha Fording: 20304 Ha Greenhills: 11806 Ha Elkview: 27054 Ha Line Creek: 8183 Ha Coal Mountain: 3836 Ha Figure 1: Map showing Bingay Main coal license location 图1:滨盖主区煤田许可证位置图

Bingay Main Property 滨盖主区 Coal seam No. 10 10号煤层

Bingay Main Property 滨盖主区

交通及基础设施完善 Infrastructure and Transportation Consideration Road :Existing major forest service roadway in place, standard upgrading to be completed during project construction 公路 : 当地已有为林区提供服务的公路干道,在本项目施工过程 中将完成对公路的标准升级改造 Rail & Port: Close to Canadian Pacific Railway which has the capacity for Bingay .Port facilities (Westshore, Neptune) are expected to provide capacity by 2016 to handle the mine production. 铁路和海港 : 临近加拿大太平洋铁路,为滨盖项目提供足够运力。港口设施(西岸和海王星码头) 于2016 年形成 足够运力 满足矿区产出。

交通及基础设施完善 Infrastructure and Transportation Consideration Water : Surface runoff from a nearby creek and groundwater removed from the open pit sufficient for the project development 用水 : 附近小溪的地表径流和露天开采过程中排出的地下水足够满足项目发展的需要 Power : Grid power available through a 138 kV transmission line adjacent to the Asset 电力 : 紧邻本资产有一条138 千伏的输电线路连接电网

Geological Coal Resource 煤炭地质资源 Prefeasibility study report - August 2012 预可研报告 – 2012年8月 Bingay Main 滨盖主区  Measured 探明 Indicated 控制 Inferred 推断 Total Coal 总吨位(Tonnage) Metallurgical 冶金煤 42,430,160 52,902,112 46,473,918 141,806,190 Resource defined from 资源量来自: Excludes seams less than 0.8m and coal below 900m elevation 以上不包含小于0.8米的煤层和海拔900米以下的煤 Huge potential on Bingay A,B & C area 29.25 km2,drill holes show 32 coal seams 滨盖A、B、C面积29.25平方公里潜力巨大,钻孔表明有32个煤层 Nb of DH 钻孔总数   Year 年份 Type 类型 1983 2004 2005 2010 2011 2012 Total 总数 Diamond 金刚钻 3 16 5 27 Rotary 旋转式 6 8 42 12 74 Trench 探槽 9 1 10 67 18 111

Geological Coal Resource 煤炭地质资源 每个煤层百分比 % of each coal seam Coal Seam 煤层 Measured 探明 Indicated 控制 Inferred 推断 1-2 7,432,430 8,478,949 6,542,555 3 2,759,742 3,857,066 3,687,788 4-7 5,353,944 7,306,393 8,067,497 8 262,165 664,684 1,230,532 9-10 8,339,542 9,588,374 10,247,406 10R   186,712 388,344 11-12 6,919,040 7,892,735 6,471,426 13 4,965,480 5,405,247 14-16 4,251,023 3,146,653 1,752,139 17 1,044,205 822,363 512,853 18 746,967 526,555 309,511 19 1,383,096 1,131,716 521,114 20-21 3,938,006 4,334,432 1,337,506 Total 总数 42,430,160 52,902,112 46,473,918 Metallurgical Coal Tonnage Total 焦煤吨位总数 141,806,190

Plan view of Bingay Main deposit 滨盖主区矿床平面图 Resource area under review 在研究中的资源区 北 Recent coal discovery 近期发现煤 (Norwest, 2012)

Bingay – Resource 滨盖资源 1400m米 Coal bearing layer – open pit resource 海拔 滨盖小溪 1400m米 海拔 Coal bearing layer – open pit resource 含煤层 – 露采矿资源 Open pit wall? 露天矿壁 Moose Mountain sandstone ( 39 degree dip) 穆斯山沙岩层(39度倾斜) 1100m米 South 南 海拔 Underground Resource 地下资源 not to scale 不按比例 900m米 海拔

Mine Production 矿山生产 Open pit life 15 years 露天矿生产年限15年 Underground mining until year 20 地采20年 Raw coal strip ratio approximately 5.5:1 原煤剥采比约为 5.5:1 Target 2 Million clean tonnes per year 目标为每年200万吨精煤 Potential coal on Bingay ABC, possibility of additional open pit mine increasing production 滨盖ABC储量潜力巨大,有可能再增加露天开采的产量

Bingay – Coal Quality 滨盖 –煤质 Proximate近似值   煤层 Seam 反应后焦炭强度 焦炭反应性指数 ASH 灰分 RM '残留水分 VM 挥发分 FC 固定碳 FSI自由膨胀 系数 Dry Basis干基灰分 Ro最大镜质 Softening 软化 Max Fluidity 最大流动性 Solidication 固化 Range 范围 CSR CRI % FSI 温度 oC DDPM 温度. oC Delta T #9 to # 10 Seam 9.05 1.24 28.86 60.73 6 1/2 9.17 1.01 420 14 446 462 42 10 68.3 24.3 9号 到10号煤层 #12 Seam 11.60 1.00 25.54 61.86 5 11.72 1.09 417 9 444 467 50 12 65.9 24.7 12号煤层 X Index Y Index 指数 G Factor (Shrinkage) Thickness 厚度 粘结指数 X 指数 Of 收缩 Plastic Layer塑料层 #10 Seam 33.50 12.26 73.12 10号煤层 33.00 12.00 60.90 % of deposit %ASH 灰分 残留 Residual VM 挥发分 FC 固定碳 CV 发热量 'S硫 Softening 软化 Max Fluidit 最大流动性 Solidication 固化 Range 范围 最大镜质 矿床百分比 自由膨胀系数 Dry Basis干基 水分Moisture (adb) Dry干燥 R0m 1. 2012-04DA (120201-120203) Seam 10 煤层 19.9 4 1/2 9.26 1.10 9.16 27.80 61.94 7596 0.16 424 6 38 0.97 2. 2012-04DA (120206-120209) Seam 10煤层 7.34 7.27 27.02 64.74 7682 0.24 426 3 450 24 1.02 3. 2012-05DA (120212-120216) Seam 12煤层 15.0 8.14 0.94 8.06 29.15 61.85 7683 0.26 413 37 442 466 53 4. 2012-05DA (120301-120310) 7.24 1.28 7.15 27.58 63.99 7774 0.19 15 443 5. 2012-05DA (120311-120312) Seam 4煤层 14.6 7 6.88 6.81 27.04 65.14 7812 0.31 423 8 460 1.03 6. 2012-06DA (120313-120352) Seam 20煤层 6.7 7 1/2 6.77 1.15 6.69 28.07 64.09 7850 67 468 48 1.04 7. 2012-08DA (120357-120381) 5.07 1.13 5.01 27.12 66.74 7996 0.11 463 46 4, 10, 12, and 20 seams 56.2% of the deposit

Previous Data from Prefeasibility Study Bingay – Coal Quality滨盖 –煤质 Previous Data from Prefeasibility Study 以前预可研报告的数据   自由 膨胀系数 粘结指数 粘结指数X值 粘结指数Y值 残留水分 灰分 挥发分 固定碳  流动度 硫 磷 反应活性 最大镜质反射率 反应后焦炭强度 Bed 煤层 FSI G Factor G Factor X(mm) G Factor Y(mm) RM % Ash % VM % FC % ddpm % Sulfur Phos. % % Reactives R0m CSR No.10 号 4 93.00 26.50 17.50 0.56 8.75 27.62 63.07 7.00 0.34 0.05 68.10 1.02 36.60 No.12 号 5 1/6 76.00 32.25 12.50 0.60 10.31 28.83 60.26 91.50 0.36 0.09 70.37 0.98 46.35 No.4 号 5 66.00 23.50 9.50 0.52 10.65 29.01 59.82 15.90 0.43 0.03 68.49 0.91 47.60 No.20 号 6 1/2 77.00 28.00 12.00 0.32 5.62 32.17 61.88 66.47 0.58 70.60 0.97 61.80

Bingay EA update – Jan/2013 滨盖环评最新情况 – 2013年/1月 A draft order under section 11 of the EA issued for Bingay in January 环评11号令草案在1月发给滨盖项目 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency determined that a federal environmental assessment is required. 加拿大环评办公室确定了本项目需要联邦级别的环境评估。 During the pre application stage, Centermount have consulted with First Nations and develop a public consultation plan for the approval of the project16 在预申请阶段,中山公司已经征求原著民意见,并且制定出公众意见征询计划 以让本项目得到批准。 Scope of the proposed project and the assessment, application procedure, First Nation consultation procedures and Public consultation procedures are specified 指定了拟定项目及评估、申请程序、原住民意见和公众意见征求的范围。

Operating Cost 运营成本 Surface Mining 露天采矿 $47.00/CMT Coal Processing 煤炭加工处理 $6.77/CMT Other (ie. Overhead) 其他(如管理费用) $7.42/CMT Rail (includes car lease)铁路(含租车) $28.76/CMT Port (includes sampling & commission) 港口(包括采样及服务费) $11.87/CMT Total Operating Cost 总的运营成本 $101.82/CMT Approximately the same as Fording Coal 约和泰克福丁煤矿相同

Teck Second Quarter Results for 2013 泰克煤田2013年上半年报表 Three months ended Six months ended 截止到6月30日第二季度 截止到6月30日上半年 June 30, June 30, 2013 2012 2013 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Production (000's tonnes) 6,014 5,707 12,248 11,972 产量(千吨) Sales (000's tonnes) 6,285 6,716 12,863 12,021 销售 Average sale price 平均售价 US$/tonne 美元/吨 $ 156 $ 202 $ 158 $ 212 C$/tonne 加元/吨 $ 159 $ 203 $ 160 $ 213 Cost of sales (C$/tonne) 销售成本(加元/吨) Operating 运营 $ 50 $ 59 $ 48 $ 59 Transportation 运输 $ 39 $ 37 $ 38 $ 36 Depreciation and amortization 折旧摊销 $ 26 $ 22 $ 26 $ 21 Gross profit summary ($ millions) 毛利(百万) Before depreciation and amortization 折旧摊销前 $ 444 $ 719 $ 960 $ 1,422 amortization 折旧摊销 (167) (150) (337) (255) After depreciation and amortization 折旧摊销后 $ 277 $ 569 $ 623 $ 1,167

Development Timetable 开发时间表 Potential Mining Start in 2016 Q2 2016年第二季度投产

Highlight (要点) This presentation summarises current status at Centermount Coal Ltd.(“Centermount”) Bingay Project (the “Project”). The key parameters of the Project is shown in the following table. 此材料归纳了加拿大中山焦煤有限公司的滨盖主区冶金煤项目的现状。下表是项目的主要参 数。 Project located at high productive coal field surrounded by 5 Teck coal fields with well equipped infrastructure 项目位于高产煤区,附近有泰克5个煤田,基础设施完备。 Open pit life 15 years,target 2 million clean tonnes per year with potential more open pit coal production. 露天矿开发至少15年,年产200万吨精煤,并有潜力未来增加露采年产量。 An extensive testing has shown that Bingay coking coal with high CSR can meet the coke quality requirement of the large size Blast Furnaces. 全面测试表明滨盖主焦煤较高的CSR值能满足大型高炉对焦炭质量的需求。 Based on the current coking coal price and the cost of Teck Coal, the potential net profit is $50 per tonne 基于现有的焦煤价格以及泰克的生产成本,潜在的净利润为每吨50加元。

Centermount Coal Ltd. 加拿大中山焦煤有限公司 Thank you 谢谢 Office Suite 1385 1095 West Pender St. Vancouver BC V6H 2N7 Sept. 2013年9月 Vancouver, Canada Tel: 604-568-3388