耶和華祢是我的神 Jehovah, You are my God (1 of 3)


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Presentation transcript:

耶和華祢是我的神 Jehovah, You are my God (1 of 3) 耶和華祢是我的神, 我要時時稱頌祢的名。 祢是我的盾牌,是我的榮耀, 又是叫我抬起頭的神。 Oh God You are my God I will always praise Your Holy name. You alone are my Shield, my Glory Lord, You are the lifter of my head

耶和華祢是我的神 Jehovah, You are my God (2 of 3) 縱然仇敵圍繞攻擊我, 在你懷中必不怕遭害。 你是我的神,我所倚靠的, 你同在使我全然得勝。 When my foes surround me in the night. In Your arms I will not be afraid. I will trust in You, for You are my God. In Your presence there is victory.

耶和華祢是我的神 Jehovah, You are my God (3 of 3) 你是我的神,我所倚靠的, 你同在使我全然得勝。 I will trust in You, for You are my God. In Your presence there is victory.