Changhua University of Education


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Changhua University of Education 第二屆亞太健康促進與教育國際交流學術研討會 台灣生命教育的展望 Life education Forward-looking in Taiwan 報告人:胡瀚平 國立彰化師範大學 Professor Hu Han-Ping Changhua University of Education

報告題綱Outline 前言Introduction 終極關懷的探討Explore the ultimate concern processing 靈命與倫理問題的處理Spiritual and ethical issues 順命之福和違命之禍 Obedience is bless while rebellion is woe 結語 Final conclusion

前言Introduction Taiwan began to promote life education since 1997. In 2000, the Ministry of Education established the "Life Education Committee." During these 15 years, the notion of life education has been gradually established.

前言Introduction 面對社會的功利氣息,我們該如何改造學校教育,來啟發學生的生命智慧。 台灣省教育廳於1997年底開始推動生命教育,到教育部於2000年宣佈設立「生命教育委員會」迄今,生命教育在台灣的推動已約有15年的時間 。 生命教育的內涵已經逐漸確立,並已成為高中必選課程的一部份。而多所大專院校更已將生命教育納入通識教育中,也有大學設立生命教育的學程或研究所。 近年來還有許多以推動生命教育為主要宗旨的民間團體成立,讓生命教育的發展由學校系統逐漸進入社會大眾的生活中。

Nowadays , life education has become a required course in Taiwan high school while many colleges have added life education into their general education courses. Moreover, some university started Life Education Program or graduate school.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, there are many non-governmental organizations established to promote life education. Life education was first developed in the school system and now into everybody's daily life.

the earliest infancy of Life Education This article emphasizes the earliest infancy of Life Education in Taiwan which was from 1996 to 1999. It was Xiaoming Girls Catholic School in Taichung City that expanded the traditional ethics education and brought in the basic ideas of the life education,

in a maturing way and then gained support by local government, who also actively promoted life education in Taiwan. Life education in Taiwan has gradually found an attachment to the spiritual enlightenment experiences, in a maturing way. But there are still some issues worthy of re-thinking.

"the Word became flesh." how ethics becomes religious and sanctified. Here I would like to use the incarnation analogy There is a theological, metaphysical "Road" needs to be realized, experienced by some physical, ethical, moral behaviours. At the same time, all those secular, trivial, external sacrifices and practices without a real admiration and belief to a higher origin, is bound to be a hollow ceremonial form.

To believe in any faith, does not mean a man has all of the ideal personalities. But because of faith, a man would realize the need of self-transformation, and be able to continually practice and gradually improve themselves. Faith is special in how it leads all the believers, even on the half way. We can speak about the scenes during the journey, but we are still humble before the unspeakable.

新開設的學士學分班的課程: 1、基礎課程(工作坊┼課綱工作坊): 所授科目為:生命教育概論、生命教育課程綱要概論。 2、專業理論課程: 哲學與人生、性愛婚姻與倫理、生死關懷、基本倫理學上、科技與生命倫理、宗教學概論、基本倫理學下、課程設計與實施、人格統整與發展、試作與實作。 3、靈性培育課程︰ 這堂課要求,每一靈修小組每月均應與靈修導師進行靈修經驗之交流與分享。這可以清楚看見靈性培育課程受到重視的程度。

超性生命知情意的生命,人的生命的哲學 人生哲學( The Philosophy of Life) 生命哲學(Life Philosophy or Philosophy of Life) 價值哲學(The Philosophy of value) 倫理學(Ethics) 道德教育(Moral Education or The Education of Moral) 生死教育(Life Education or The Education About Life and Death) 終極關懷(Ultimate Concern)

信仰是一道光 我們只能看到它在黑暗中逐步展現自己,我們所能講述的也只有這個無限趨近的過程,至於它全然呈現的那一瞬和之後的奧秘,則要靠啟示和領悟而不是語言來獲得。因此,生命教育的任何取材與教學只能是一種取道言說,它必須借助某些其他的主題因素來展開,每個老師及志工都有從自己體驗而來的最喜歡的話題,圍繞著這些主題因素的敍事,最終都聚合在信仰的題旨之下。

《禮記》說: 「賢者之祭也,必受其福,非世之所謂福也。福者備也,備者,百順之名也。無所不順者謂之備,言內盡於己,而外順於道也。」這裡所說的福是具備一個賢者之德,具備內盡於心,外順於道的德行之完備。它是一種高於物質,高於幸運的心靈與品德的深化與超脫。這是順命之福。至於違命之禍則在於「故壞國、喪家、亡人、必先去其禮......夫禮......失之者死,得之者生。

我們對照《利未記》第26章 講到順命之福和違命之禍:順命之福,除豐收、安居、平安之外,更深或更高一層則是人與上帝之間的約的鞏固與更新。即在祭祀上帝、人格追求及倫理道德方面更順從上帝所曉喻的典章與律例;並通過對上帝的歸返盡心至誠與至敬,得以一次又一次地鞏固並更新。對約的堅定或背離,其結果是在福與禍之間,生命與死亡之間一種向背與抉擇。

關懷大師湯瑪斯摩爾(Thomas Moore 1779-1852)提說: 「教育」(education)的本義在於「引出」、帶引出學生「原先已經存在的」。我們自己與孩子都陷在追趕與符應外在所謂的「科學與客觀」績效的迷思中,衍生出越來越多的疑問與生命的空虛感。「我們的生活步伐本身已經喪失了靈魂,我們似乎都匆促地去拮取與消費,卻用極少的時間在單純的樂趣上」;而「教育已變成這種戲碼的一部份,我們不斷地被提示受教育的目的是準備兒童能在全球經濟中競爭,卻鮮少提到更寬廣的教育願景,包括對全人(the whole person)教育的關注。

展望Forward-looking 生命教育過去所面臨的挑戰 生命教育所面臨的挑戰最主要在於社會的支持度能否提昇 其次是升學主義的挑戰,升學主義仍然主控著台灣的中學教育,並造成教育目標的扭曲 最為關鍵的是師資培育的挑戰,教師是改變環境因素的動力來源,因此是推動生命教育最核心的工作 另外一項挑戰就是參考教材的編寫與製作

生命教育未來所面臨的挑戰 十二年國教是否健康由知識灌輸記憶轉向全人、博雅教育 政治的清明度,多元族群文化融合,老人化社會妥善因應 靈性信仰的引入、引發與充實 倫理道德、理想人格正確、不斷地實踐 家庭、校園、社區對前述課題之營造與推動