Competitive Intelligence Are we really becoming a profession?
Outline 現況 專業所欠缺的5大特質 趨勢 延伸討論
CI日漸發展 SCIP已創立25年之久 企業界內的CI經費不斷增加 超過85%的主要公司擁有系統性的CI能力 Google scholar search engine CI的關鍵字檢 索筆數增加
CI recognized as a profession?
1. 對CI的功能、角色缺乏一致性理解 Employees: basic library function competitor watch system industrial espionage Clients: need educated what CI is and how it applied 專業應讓使用者明白如何使用以及使用 時機
2. CI功能的重要性、可用性受質疑 重要性價值— 視系統專案和CI結合程度 CI之於客戶關係和管理顯得相當重要 獲取認同- 專業須讓人明白重要性所在、對其產生 尊重和強烈需求
3.缺乏共同定義和知識基礎 外部誤解- pick up information to develop intelligence outsiders think just collecting information 內部分歧- narrow (for competitor) broader (entire competitive environment) professionals do not agree each other
4.缺乏教育有效性 Few course and degree Few major academic associations No special group had competitive intelligence as subdiscipline
5.缺乏學術權威性 Input “competitive intelligence” =no A-level journal appear Proquest /ABI =only one A-level journal appears lack academic underpinning consisting of scholarly courses and publications
Moving back ? Other related domains are taking mind share away from CI ex:technology foresight knowledge management Limited “academic preparation” for CI
延伸討論 CI v.s KM 外部商業環境,早期認知,協助決策 內部知識資產,增進運作效能,強化組織 皆利於分析與決策參考,以求快速適應(市場) 環境變化 解決之道:32145 基礎理論和實務應用相輔相成 焦點置於外部商業環境,以求早期認知市場風險和機會,協助執行策略的決定。 焦點置於組織內知識資產的管理,以求增進運作效能,內容涵蓋人力資源培訓、課程分享、加強競爭優勢、創新等持續精進組織作為。
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