“中国转型时期政府改革国际研讨会” 2003年11月29-30 日


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Presentation transcript:

“中国转型时期政府改革国际研讨会” 2003年11月29-30 日 “新加坡公共部门治理与改革” 陈休强 新加坡国立大学 Clean and effective government, corruption-free, meritocratic, efficient and responsive, fair and impartial - these are the fundamentals of good governance in Singapore.

新环境 市民表达观点需求越来越高. 经济和社会的外向性更加强. 公共管理更加复杂,更加有竞争性. 新的威胁和机遇. 公共管理更加复杂,更加有竞争性. 新的威胁和机遇. 信息流通更加快捷, 不确定性更强, 反应时间更短. 全球化. However, as the regional economic crisis has so starkly reminded us, evidence of current success is no proof of future success. The question is whether governance fundamentals alone are sufficient for the future, a future of greater complexity, exploding information flows, much less predictability and shorter reaction times. We face a future where the survival of nations will become increasingly dependent on their capacity to thrive in a global, knowledge-based economy; where a nation’s wellbeing will lie critically with its ability to anticipate and harness global trends and driving forces.

新环境 我们如何迎接21世纪的挑战? However, as the regional economic crisis has so starkly reminded us, evidence of current success is no proof of future success. The question is whether governance fundamentals alone are sufficient for the future, a future of greater complexity, exploding information flows, much less predictability and shorter reaction times. We face a future where the survival of nations will become increasingly dependent on their capacity to thrive in a global, knowledge-based economy; where a nation’s wellbeing will lie critically with its ability to anticipate and harness global trends and driving forces.

新加坡 21 每一个新加坡人都是重要的. 强大的家族: 我们的基础和文化. 机会共享. 新加坡的心跳: 对新加坡的情感. 活跃市民: 对社会的意义. It is with these pressing issues in mind that PS21 or “Public Service for the 21st Century” was first launched in May 1995 with two basic objectives: first, to nurture an attitude of service excellence in meeting the needs of the public and second, to foster an environment which induces and welcomes continuous improvement.

21世纪的公共服务 Singapore 21 PS In the past months, we have seen the region shaken to its core. We have managed to ride out the storm with quiet confidence. I’d like to think that the efforts of our public officers, has played a part in this calm, by remaining vigilant to the signs of change, developing people and building robust systems in good times, so that we were able to take action in good time. If so, we would have come closer to our vision of PS21.

21世纪的公共服务(PS21) 关于变化的变化 作为永久状态的变化 正当其时 PS21 is fundamentally a change about change. It is about accepting the white-waters of change as a permanent and inevitable state. PS21 is a statement of the belief that we have not arrived, as we will always be for the lookout for continuous improvement, new changes and new challenges.

PS 21 “PS21 是为21世纪的公共服务定位,以应对常变的外部环境和追求更好地内部环境。它不是一场运动 …, 只在时间允许的时候才进行。 这是政府官员思考问题和进行日常工作的方式。 PS21应该成为一种生活方式。” 李一添 , 1995年5月 It is with these pressing issues in mind that PS21 or “Public Service for the 21st Century” was first launched in May 1995 with two basic objectives: first, to nurture an attitude of service excellence in meeting the needs of the public and second, to foster an environment which induces and welcomes continuous improvement.

21世纪公共服务的目标 在满足公众需要的过程中培养优质服务的态度. 2. 培育一个能引起并喜欢持续变化的环境. 2. 培育一个能引起并喜欢持续变化的环境. It is with these pressing issues in mind that PS21 or “Public Service for the 21st Century” was first launched in May 1995 with two basic objectives: first, to nurture an attitude of service excellence in meeting the needs of the public and second, to foster an environment which induces and welcomes continuous improvement.

21世纪公共服务的目标 官员变得积极和具有创造性. 他们需要学会管理在方法、价值和文化方面的变化. 新的态度是 … It is with these pressing issues in mind that PS21 or “Public Service for the 21st Century” was first launched in May 1995 with two basic objectives: first, to nurture an attitude of service excellence in meeting the needs of the public and second, to foster an environment which induces and welcomes continuous improvement.

21世纪公共服务的方法 喜欢变化 预测变化 管理变化 It is clear that the need for the Public Service to anticipate demands, influence developments, and meet needs in ways which are innovative and provide Singapore with the leading competitive edge has become greater than ever. Hence, PS21 continues to drive the process of change, and does so under 3 pillars, namely: )welcoming change )anticipating change; and )executing the change

喜欢变化 解放思想,开阔思路,把变化看作机遇而不是威胁. 每位官员都是促进变化的积极分子. Change is easier to require than to accept. It is not easy for old habits to be lost. Public officers need to be motivated to seek change for themselves. This requires nothing less than a cultural shift in the way we see ourselves as organisations and as public officers. Welcoming change is therefore about opening mental windows to see change as opportunity rather than threat. We aim to see change as an opportunity to grow. Our ideas for change can come from our own departments, or from others; or from the private and people sectors. It can come from leaders or followers. Each officer must contribute these ideas when he has them, because there is no time to lose. Officers close to the action may have a better idea of how events are changing, and how to adapt to them, than any centrally determined policy mechanism. The principle here is in making each and every public officer an activist for change.

喜欢变化 3. 政府是变化的催化剂,管理实践标准的持有者,创新步伐的设定者. 3. 政府是变化的催化剂,管理实践标准的持有者,创新步伐的设定者. 4. 公共服务必须有所超越,不局限于保持一致性和连续性, 提高灵活性和促进创造性。 Change is easier to require than to accept. It is not easy for old habits to be lost. Public officers need to be motivated to seek change for themselves. This requires nothing less than a cultural shift in the way we see ourselves as organisations and as public officers. Welcoming change is therefore about opening mental windows to see change as opportunity rather than threat. We aim to see change as an opportunity to grow. Our ideas for change can come from our own departments, or from others; or from the private and people sectors. It can come from leaders or followers. Each officer must contribute these ideas when he has them, because there is no time to lose. Officers close to the action may have a better idea of how events are changing, and how to adapt to them, than any centrally determined policy mechanism. The principle here is in making each and every public officer an activist for change.

喜欢变化 “只在对环境的反应中才产生进行变革的组织是环境的奴隶。 它注定在紧急变化后才进行变革。” We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said -

预测变化 接受不可预测性,为将来的各种可能性做准备。 使人们对预警信号敏感。环境监控。 假设性规划演习。 Being open to change allows us to question the existing mental models that we have and to be more willing to anticipate changes. Technology has made the world increasingly globalised and integrated. What is uncertain is how the Singapore economy will adapt to such a world. In anticipating such uncertainties, the Public Service has adopted scenario-based planning as a tool to help us navigate the future.

进行变革 财政和人事功能的转移。 自治机构。 人事委员会。 We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said -

改革计划 部委之间确定的四个重要领域: 职员的富裕 通过不断的创新和学习达到优秀 (ExCEL) 组织审查 优质服务 We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said -

PS 21 员工管理 你将如何做 ... 从员工福利到员工发展 压制创造性? 保持兴趣? 改进业绩? 优化产出? We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said - 从员工福利到员工发展

员工管理 通过知识精英的实践获得杰出的组织表现 超越表现,挖掘潜力。 从寻找天才到智力开发 We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said -

管理理念 从关注效率到追求生产率. 偶然成功—系统优秀 We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said - 偶然成功—系统优秀

优质服务 质量是由顾客确定的。 顾客是那些 3. 顾客分为外部顾客 (公众, 客户) 和内部顾客 (同事)。 … 期望从我们这里得到回应的人们 … 我们希望从他们得到回应的人 …是我们工作的延伸 3. 顾客分为外部顾客 (公众, 客户) 和内部顾客 (同事)。

表现标准 新加坡警察力量: 新加坡移民和登记 在10秒内接听紧急电话 15分钟内到达突发事件现场 30分钟内到达非紧急事故现场 受理后7个工作日颁发身份证 10分钟内处理地址更换申请 We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said -

治理与改革 新加坡公共部门治理的战略是什么? We do this because, as a former Perm Sec has said -

超越表现,挖掘潜力 优化人力资源,改善表现,同时挖掘潜力 监管者必须为其他人贡献和展示他们的潜力创造条件。 根据表现,而不是潜力来进行奖励。精英是关键。

超越结果,注重过程 获得结果只是成功的一部分。随着环境的变化,在一定时间内获得预期的结果并不能保证再次成功。 让整个进程保持正确方向也是同样重要的。 政策的改革和过程必须通过文化和价值的变化得到巩固。

从行动到远见 对可能的假设进行规划对不可预测的未来是重要的。不必要系统地考虑未来。 公共管理者必须根据变化的信号进行调节,采取合适的措施。 他们必须有预测和反应的能力。

从管理到领导 激励在公共服务中是关键的,但没有市场约束是很困难的。 领导层必须确定方向,确立目标,提供支持和指导。 模范行为、沟通和激励的能力是很关键的。好领导是建立强大公共服务的关键。

公共服务治理和改革 新加坡 21 Although the PS21 movement was started earlier, it will complement the Singapore 21 vision if the Public Service becomes one that fully embraces the values and spirit of PS21. After all, PS21 is meant to serve Singapore in the 21st century. As our Prime Minister explained in Parliament, the Singapore 21 vision is aimed at the very important task of building our nation. I cannot think of a bigger task that public servants should put their heart and soul into.