蝴蝶奇幻之旅 組別:第一組 成員:陳乙瑄、葉思妘、吳秉奇、蔡友喆、林展頡、劉紀弛.


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Presentation transcript:

蝴蝶奇幻之旅 組別:第一組 成員:陳乙瑄、葉思妘、吳秉奇、蔡友喆、林展頡、劉紀弛

我們最喜歡的蝴蝶是... 我們最喜歡的蝴蝶是... 黃裳鳳蝶(學名:Troides aeacus),是裳鳳蝶屬下的一種大型蝴蝶,亦是中國體型最大的一種。 文獻:雄蝶前翅挾長,雌蝶則較為開闊,外緣略成波狀;後翅形狀較圓,雄蝶外緣略成波狀,雌蝶則呈明顯的波浪狀。雄蝶前翅底色為黑色,翅脈兩側散布有黃灰白色鱗片,後翅除翅緣外皆由金黃色斑所占滿,而外緣在各室均內凹成鋸齒狀,內緣反摺內藏灰白色性毛。雌蝶翅底色與雄蝶相同,但前翅的黃灰色鱗片更為明顯,而後翅的金黃色斑可分為不連續的兩組:一組近翅基處,由黑色翅脈相隔而成一連續性金黃色斑;另一組位於亞外緣處,由許多大型鉤狀金黃色斑排列成弧形所組成。腹部底色為鮮黃色,上有黑色橫紋及斑點。

我們最得意的三民小書包 設計理念:在三民有許多得美麗的蝴蝶,而我們能夠藉此介紹給大家。 設計者:陳乙瑄

4. What can we do for the earth? Recycle, recycle, and recycle. If we all do a small part, like turning the water off when we're brushing our teeth or clean out a jar of jelly and keep loose change in it, or just turning off the lights in rooms that no one is in, or maybe ridding a bike to school/work. If you're not a fan of biking, make a carpool with your friends. There are still more that a billion ways to save the planet, and if you want to see your own children grow up on this earth, just do a small part, just a tiny little part once every day and if everyone else does too, slowly but surely, we'll save the planet. Preserve habitats! Stop bulldozing land for parking lots and shopping malls! Always turn off the water, or lights when you aren't using it, if the water from the sink or the shower leaks, try to stop the leaks. Draw or write on both sides of paper and recycle it. Also, recycle plastic, paper, and cardboard. Instead of taking the bus or car and wasting tons of gas, ride your bike and heal the earth! Stop cutting down trees! Cutting down trees is very terrible because: trees gives you oxygen, and oxygen is one of the reasons you're reading this. Don't forget to play outside once a day if it's not raining, turn off the TV, and the computer when not in use. Also reduce the amount of things that you use and reuse things like plastic bottles.

活動感言 陳乙瑄:這幾天,我學到許多關於蝴蝶的知識,也認識了許多新的單字,而我也新認識了一些人,所以我認為十分的充實。雖然星期四上課時,有很多我沒聽過的單字,但我還是很認真的聽課。而去動物園時,我覺得非常開心,因為看到很多稀有的動物。 葉思妘:我要感謝老師無微不至的照顧,這五天,我本來對蝴蝶的認識不多,可是經過老師生動又有趣的介紹,我對蝴蝶又有更多的認識,而我最喜歡的一天就是星期二,因為去動物園雖然很累,可是我收穫良多,看到了很多可愛的小動物!我很開心 可以來三民上這堂課! 劉紀弛: 經過這次的活動,我學到很多關於蝴蝶和英語的知識,也很謝謝各位老師和各位同學。

吳秉奇:聽完這五堂的蝴蝶生態之旅課程,我覺得這是一場十分值得體會與學習的活動,因為可以拓展視野,豐富知識。還可以跟外面的老師一起學習,一起瞭解一些環保概念,一起拯救地球! 蔡友喆:聽完這四堂的蝴蝶生態之旅,我學到蝴蝶的知識和看到很多蝴蝶,我希望下一次可以在參加這個營隊。