GREENR Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources 环境、能源及自然资源参考数据库 1.


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Presentation transcript:

GREENR Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources 环境、能源及自然资源参考数据库 1

GREENR GREENR(全球环境,能源和自然资源参考数据库 )是个权威的,直观的环境、能源和自然资源数据库 它整合了学术期刊、新闻、独特评论、网站和博客、音视频、原始资料、图像、会议报告、统计数据和法律法规、案例分析等 使读者能够通过一站式的检索得到全面的观点,内容涉及能源问题、气候变化、环境污染、资源经济贸易和管理、人口与经济发展、人类健康、农业问题等所有领域

主要内容 包含约950多种与环境、能源等有关的期刊、报纸和杂志,其中800多种全文期刊,260多种同行评审期刊,最早回溯至1965年; 54套由Gale出版的权威参考工具书,《Climate Change: In Context》、《Environmental Science: In Context》、《Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy》、《Encyclopedia of Population》、《Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy》等; 来自全球企业和政府所作环保工作成就的数千个案例研究; 近数千个视频资料,来源于NBC Nightly News、AP Video、Today Show、Nature等;另外,还包含来自Sky News Agenda和NPR的38,000多种音频资料; 20,000多种会议演讲、笔记和报告等资料;

主要特点 对所有资源进行逻辑分类,列出约250多个与环境有关的议题,方便进行直接阅览; 覆盖190多个国家和地区以及组织与环境问题有关的各方面信息; 来自15个国际相关组织如 The Center for International Environmental Law (国际环境法中心) 、Greenpeace(“绿色和平”组织)、Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)(联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会)的总体看法和观点并且能直接链接到这些国际协会

GREENR主页 多媒体 浏览主题 权威案例研究 定制期刊和新闻

Issue Portals 180+ issue portal pages Topic overviews Global perspectives Reference and primary sources Case Studies Conference Presentations and Reports Statistics Full-text periodicals Magazines and Newspapers Podcasts and Web sites Audio and video

GREENR Issue Portal Page

GREENR Portal Page 概 述 Web 2.0 内容共享工具 多媒体资料 案例研究 播 客 学术期刊 相关主题 网站和博客

GREENR Portal Page 统计数据 会议演讲和报告 新 闻 相关主题 相关主题 杂 志

GREENR Portal Page 原始文件 参考资料

Region Portals 160+ region portal pages Geography and cultural information Maps, flags, population data and government Global perspectives Reference articles and primary sources Extensive statistics Related issues and searches Multimedia, video, and podcast

Region Portal

GREENR检索界面 选项 出版物分类

GREENR检索界面 文件类型 内容类型 出版物学科 出版物日期 出版物形式

Example: Water Pollution 举例:水污染 GREENR检索举例 Example: Water Pollution 举例:水污染





检索结果 概述 来自于Encyclopedia of Environment and Society (环境和社会大百科全书)的概述文章,包含污染源、点源和非点源污染、其它类型污染、污染缓解以及参考书目

检索结果 新闻 DRI (Desert Research Institute) expands Chinese partnership to address water pollution, management issues. Ecology, Environment & Conservation, Oct 17, 2014. DRI expands Chinese partnership to address water pollution, management issues. Ecology, Environment & Conservation, Oct 17, 2014.

检索结果 学术期刊 应用多变量技术分析松花江水质——《水资源和保护期刊》

统计数据 检索结果 污染严重的水资源区域-影响因素分析——UNEP联合国环境规划署《深圳环境展望》 Adapted from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Shenzhen Environment Outlook (SEO) Report, 2004-2005

检索结果 案例研究 Emergency Planning and Response for Accidental Release of Water Pollutants in China: Lessons from the Songhuajiang River Incident Zhong Ma. The World Bank

检索结果 图像/视频 与水污染有关的各种图像和新闻视频

检索结果 原始资料 水资源测试:度假海滩水质量指南——Natural Resources Defense Council(自然资源保护委员会)

检索结果 参考资料 非点源污染——Environmental Science: In Context (环境科学)

检索结果 会议 The Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy(土壤、沉积物、水和能源国际会议年会)

Examples of Issue Portals Environment and Ecology Arctic Circle, Biocentrism, Biodiversity, Carrying Capacity, Climate Change, Coral Reefs, Deep Ecology, Deserts and Desertification, Drought, Ecological Modernization, Ecological Restoration, Ecosystems, Endangered Species, Environmental Philosophy, Evolution, Extinction, Habitat Loss, IPCC, Invasive Species, Remediation, The Land Ethic, Wildlife, WWF Science and Technology Biotechnology, E-Waste, Genetic Engineering, Green Architecture, Green Chemistry, Green Engineering, Green Revolution, Sanitation, Seed Banks, Solid Waste, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Health Organization

Examples of Issue Portals (cont’d) Agriculture and Food Systems Agrarianism, Animal Welfare, Aquaculture, Biofuel Energy, Fisheries, Food Security, Hunting and Gathering, Industrial Agriculture, Nutrition/Diets, Organic Agriculture and Organic Foods, Pest Management, Soil Fertility, Subsistence Farming, Sustainable Agriculture, Urban Farming, Vegetarianism Law and Politics Center for International Environmental Law, Copenhagen Accord, Environmental Justice, Environmental Law, Environmental Politics, Governance, International Agreements, Kyoto Protocol, Land Management, Policy and Planning, Precautionary Principle, Property Law, Protected Areas, Risk, Superfund, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, UN Climate Change Conference

Examples of Issue Portals (cont’d) Economics and Trade Agenda 21, Carbon Trading, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Discounting, Economic Development, Economic Growth, Environmental Economics, Externalities, Globalization, Green Economy, Intergenerational Equity, Limits to Growth, Market Mechanisms, Natural Capital, Non-Market Valuation, Poverty, Risk, Trade and Environment, UNDP, Urban Poor, World Bank Group, WTO Pollution Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Carbon Trading, E-Waste, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010, Industrial Disasters, Land and Soil Pollution, Light and Noise Pollution, Medical Waste, Mobile Emissions, Nuclear Waste, Ozone Depletion, Solid Waste, Water Pollution

Examples of Issue Portals (cont’d) Energy Biofuel Energy, Coal Energy, Dams, Energy Efficiency, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Mining, Mobile Emissions, Mountains, Natural Gas Energy, Nuclear Energy, Petroleum Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Water, Wind Energy Resource Management Adaptive Management, Aquifers, Brundtland Report, Common Pool Resources, Consumption, Desalination, ICDPs, Indicators and Monitoring, Land Management, Land Use, Landscape Architecture, Policy and Planning, Protected Areas, Recycling, Resource Management, Sanitation, Soil Erosion, Soil Fertility

Examples of Issue Portals (cont’d) Humans in the Natural World Biosecurity, Disease, Ecofeminism, Ecological Footprint, Ecoterrorism, Family Planning, Green Architecture, Human Health, Impact of Tourism and Recreation, Indigenous Peoples, Natural Disasters, Rural Development, Sustainable Cities, Transportation, Urban Environment, Urban Farming, Urbanization Social Factors Industrial Disasters, Industrialization, Intergenerational Equity, Migration of People, NGOs, Organic Agriculture and Organic Foods, Overpopulation, Poverty, Regionalism, Religion, Social Justice, Urban Poor, Vegetarianism, War and Conflict
