願祢的國降臨 Thy Kingdom Come 小羊詩歌 Lamb Music
願祢的國降臨 願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上 (2X) May Your kingdom come May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Thy Kingdom Come 1/2
因為國度,權柄, 榮耀全是祢的 (3X) 直到永遠,直到永遠! For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory Forever and ever! Thy Kingdom Come 2/2
願祢的國降臨 願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上 (2X) May Your kingdom come May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Thy Kingdom Come 1/2
願祢的國 降臨 Thy Kingdom Come
願祢的國降臨 願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上 (2X) May Your kingdom come May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Thy Kingdom Come 1/2
因為國度,權柄, 榮耀全是祢的 (3X) 直到永遠,直到永遠! For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory Forever and ever! Thy Kingdom Come 2/2
願祢的國降臨 願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上 (2X) May Your kingdom come May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Thy Kingdom Come 1/2
願祢的國降臨 願祢的旨意行在我身上 如同行在天上 如同行在天上 願祢的國降臨 願祢的旨意行在我身上 如同行在天上 如同行在天上 May Your kingdom come May Your will be done on me as it is in heaven Thy Kingdom Come - the end