神 掌 權 Our God Reigns! OUR GOD REIGNS Leonard E. Smith Jr.


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Presentation transcript:

神 掌 權 Our God Reigns! OUR GOD REIGNS Leonard E. Smith Jr. ©1974 New Jerusalem Music CCLI #1133585

那報佳音,傳平安,報好信,傳救恩的 對錫安說:你的 神 作王了! 這 人 的 腳 登 山 何 等 佳 美 ! “How beautiful on the mountains Are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, Who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, Who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” Isaiah 52:7

How lovely on the mountains 1.傳報福音登山報 How lovely on the mountains 喜信的腳蹤 are the feet of him 何等佳美 Who brings good news 佳美 good news

proclaiming news of happiness 傳報平安 Announcing peace 報好信息的向人 proclaiming news of happiness 神已作王 Our God reigns 神掌權 Our God reigns!

神作王 神掌權 神掌權! Our God reigns! (He reigns with power) Our God reigns! (He reigns with glory) Our God reigns 神掌權! Our God reigns!

衪不被人尊重 無人羨慕 衪美貌 2. 衪無佳形美容 被人 He had no stately form He had no majesty 2. 衪無佳形美容 He had no stately form 衪不被人尊重 He had no majesty 無人羨慕 That we should be 衪美貌 drawn to Him 被人

And we took no account of Him 被人藐視 He was despised 被人厭棄掩面不看 And we took no account of Him 衪已作王 Yet now He reigns 衪掌王權 with the Most High!

掌王權 衪已作王 衪掌王權 Now He reigns (He reigns with power) Now He reigns (He reigns with glory) 衪已作王 Now He reigns 衪掌王權 with the Most High!

He came with grace and majesty 出3. 出離墳墓 Out from the tomb 衪帶能力衪有恩典 He came with grace and majesty 祂已復活 He’s alive 祂活著 He’s alive! 請看

See here His hands, His feet, His side 請看主手 God loves us so 主腳, 衪捨身為愛我 See here His hands, His feet, His side 我深知道 Yes, we know 祂活著 He’s alive!

祂活著 He’s alive! (Hallelujah) He’s alive! (Hallelujah) He’s alive

我們深知 神掌權 神作王 That’s why we know Our God reigns Our God reigns! (x2) Leonard E. Smith Jr. ©1974 New Jerusalem Music CCLI #1133585