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Microsoft® Office Project 2007 * Microsoft® Office Project 2007 企業專案管理系統 李宏章 台灣微軟 資深顧問 Project應用發展協會技術總監 Tel:02-23517747

PM-進行專家管理的程序 起始 計劃 Save Baseline 控制 執行 結案

Microsoft Project 的產品演進歷程 企業專案管理與決策 (知識管理及資源管理) 部門小組成員 (小組協同運作及溝通協調) 專案及決策主管 (專案規劃與管理) Project 2003 Project 2000 Project 1 – 4.x Project 2007

一般決策主管面臨的主要挑戰 更清楚掌握企業的運作及狀態 依據專案的目標審視目前的進度 需要更好的工具,能依據策略目標而規劃所有的資源與投資 清楚地掌控預算以及真實的花費 有效率地管理組織的產能以及使用率 能依照時程與預算的規劃完成工作 從專案中學習以便強化效能 風險管理 將管理支出以及學習曲線極小化

IT決策主管面臨的主要挑戰 必須架構一套能對公司組織產生最大效益的解決方案,這套方案必須要讓使用者能輕易上手,並且讓IT人員能夠充分提供支援 經由架構此套解決方案,可以滿足使用者的需求,同時也可以符合公司的期望目標 嘗試找到一個富有彈性的平台以便整合與開發應用程式 透過容易使用的管理工具以及服務,架構一套可信賴、具有規模的EPM解決方案以滿足企業所需 架構在現有的IT投資與訓練上,以達到最佳效果 確保軟體能在供應上、使用者與合作夥伴間持續扮演重要的溝通角色

Microsoft Office Project 2007 解決方案 二○一九年四月十九日 Microsoft Office Project 2007 解決方案 Line of Business Systems Line of Business Systems Project Managers Executives Portfolio Analysts Project Managers Application Managers Executives Resource Managers Team Members The Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 is a key component of the Microsoft EPM Solution The product can be deployed independently to help organizations mange their project, program, and application portfolios Customers that require a full end-to-end project portfolio management solution should also implement the other products within the EPM Solution The Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 includes the Project Server Gateway, a bi-directional link with Office Project Server 2007. This link helps ensure that detailed data in Project Server (such as Named Resources or Detailed Tasks) can be automatically aggregated to the summary level in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 for reporting and portfolio analytics. For example: Schedule Data: Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 provides organizations with phase-level and milestone-level scheduling capabilities. While Office Project Server 2007 helps ensure organizations can plan and track their projects at the detailed level (such as create a detailed project plan), the Project Server Gateway ensures the detailed task data (in Project Server 2007) is automatically synchronized with the relevant phases and milestones in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007. Resource Management: Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 provides resource management capabilities at the skill level only (such as developer, project manager, or business analyst), while Office Project Server 2007 helps ensure organizations can manage resource assignments and track resources at the name level (for example, Matthew Carroll who is a product manager). The Project Server Gateway automatically aggregates the name resources (in Office Project Server 2007) to the appropriate skill types in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007. Enterprise Custom Fields. The Project Server Gateway maps enterprise custom fields (in Office Project Server 2007) with the attributes in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007. The EPM Solution provides customers and partners with an end-to-end project and portfolio management solution. Project Server Gateway © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

關於 EPM Solution 2007 Enterprise Project Management Solution 2007 包含以下的要素: 前端使用者可以經由以下的方式作業: Microsoft Office Project Web Access (CAL) Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 (including CAL) 後端系統架構需求: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 SP3 or later Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 or later Microsoft Windows® SharePoint® Services (version 3) Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+3.0

Project 2007 EPM Server安裝程序 Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 + sp1(加入網域) 建立安裝用帳號 Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 + SP3 or later Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+3.0 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (version 3) [使用[SharePoint設定精靈]進行設定 啟動相關服務 建立擴充Web應用程式(IIS)並建立網站內容資料庫 Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 使用[SharePoint設定精靈]進行設定 使用SharePoint 3.0 管理中心 啟動 Project Server 服務 新增一伺服器陣列的共用服務 使用[管理 Project Web Access 網站]建立PWA網站

Project Web Access

企業專案管理所面對的挑戰 與策略性的目標結合 隨著企業組織的不斷成長,想要清楚地比對對專案的投資與對目標所投入的資源是越來越難了 * 企業專案管理所面對的挑戰 與策略性的目標結合 隨著企業組織的不斷成長,想要清楚地比對對專案的投資與對目標所投入的資源是越來越難了 高階經理人需要獲得所有專案以及活動的況狀報告 策略性的決策需要最新的投資標的財務資訊 使用者需要一個完整的解決方案可以用來管理所有的專案或是程序 掌控專案的生命週期以便能夠清楚瞭解進度

企業專案管理所面對的挑戰 更快速及更廣泛的應用 提供詳盡的專案資訊 與熟悉的工具整合並能追蹤進度 強化資料的正確性並廣泛的參與可以加速使用者應用專案管理

企業專案管理所面對的挑戰 經由彈性的架構,可以將專案所有的訊息在企業的不同組之間傳遞及更新 對於大量的使用單位而言,必須提供快速的效能 必須將眾多專案資訊蒐集管理視為統一的程序

企業專案管理所面對的挑戰 要能輕易地與Microsoft Office Project 2007整合並且自動執行所有的步驟 成長中的企業需要一套具有彈性並可客製化的解決方案 針對客戶需求而設計的作業平台需要花費大量的時間 企業所需要的解決方案是必須能從多個系統中將資訊整合應用 專案必須與企業運作的工作流程充分整合 對於解決方案的管理者而言,學習曲線非常陡峭

專案基本角色及功能 MIS 成員 決策主管 專案經理 小組成員 二○一九年四月十九日 專案分析 專案週期 專案管理 協同運作 進度回報 文件存取 專案週期 協同運作 專案管理 專案分析 專案查詢 專案分析 工作分派 時程規劃 專案成立 專案經理 小組成員 ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

Microsoft Office Project 2007 解決方案 二○一九年四月十九日 Microsoft Office Project 2007 解決方案 專案經理 /小組成員 決策主管/小組成員 The Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 is a key component of the Microsoft EPM Solution The product can be deployed independently to help organizations mange their project, program, and application portfolios Customers that require a full end-to-end project portfolio management solution should also implement the other products within the EPM Solution The Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 includes the Project Server Gateway, a bi-directional link with Office Project Server 2007. This link helps ensure that detailed data in Project Server (such as Named Resources or Detailed Tasks) can be automatically aggregated to the summary level in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 for reporting and portfolio analytics. For example: Schedule Data: Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 provides organizations with phase-level and milestone-level scheduling capabilities. While Office Project Server 2007 helps ensure organizations can plan and track their projects at the detailed level (such as create a detailed project plan), the Project Server Gateway ensures the detailed task data (in Project Server 2007) is automatically synchronized with the relevant phases and milestones in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007. Resource Management: Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 provides resource management capabilities at the skill level only (such as developer, project manager, or business analyst), while Office Project Server 2007 helps ensure organizations can manage resource assignments and track resources at the name level (for example, Matthew Carroll who is a product manager). The Project Server Gateway automatically aggregates the name resources (in Office Project Server 2007) to the appropriate skill types in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007. Enterprise Custom Fields. The Project Server Gateway maps enterprise custom fields (in Office Project Server 2007) with the attributes in Office Project Portfolio Server 2007. The EPM Solution provides customers and partners with an end-to-end project and portfolio management solution. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

專案經理-專案規劃及資源管理 建立最佳的專案計劃 變更醒目提醒 多層次回復 任務導向因素 資源與成本使用最佳化 工作分派 二○一九年四月十九日 專案經理-專案規劃及資源管理 建立最佳的專案計劃 變更醒目提醒 多層次回復 任務導向因素 資源與成本使用最佳化 工作分派 Key Message: Good Enterprise Project management amplifies and optimizes employee productivity. Slide Builds: Slide Script / Talking Points: Imagine the cost of your employees not having the information they need when they need it. What types of contortions and time consuming low-value activities do they participate in to finally find the information they need, when and where they need it? Collaboration. Improved Web-based access empowers team members and stakeholders with permission to view, update and run queries on project information. Centralization. Centralization is made easier through new features such as the integration with SharePoint™ Team Services enabling users to simply link documents to projects, enabling document sharing and issue tracking on individual projects posted to Microsoft Project Server. Relevance. The right information can be useless unless it is in a useful format. Work across geographic boundaries. Projects are not defined by location… Slide Transition: Strips right-down Additional Information for Presenter: ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

小組成員-知識管理及協同合作 專案進度回報 專案資訊(文件、議題、etc..) 集中管理與分享 主動專案資訊異動通知 群組行事曆 二○一九年四月十九日 小組成員-知識管理及協同合作 專案進度回報 專案資訊(文件、議題、etc..) 集中管理與分享 主動專案資訊異動通知 群組行事曆 增進專案成員之溝通 Key Message: EPM solution allows companies to gain maximum value from IT Slide Builds: None Slide Script: Maximizing the value of your IT investments is an ongoing challenge. Here is how Microsoft’s EPM solution can help: Unlock existing data. EPM features an open architecture. Microsoft Project now fully utilizes industry standards (such as XML), allowing easy integration with existing systems to capitalize on existing investments and data, reduce costs of deploying new software and minimize retraining expense. Executive views into projects. EPM delivers visibility into projects by providing executive views into to data stored centrally. Increased customization. EPM provides greater flexibility for custom Microsoft Project application development. (This is through A new XML-based file format, an extended object model, support for COM add-ins and an enhanced OLE DB provider.) Slide Transition: No transition Additional Information for Presenter: ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

決策人員-多專案追蹤 透過專案中心,了解專案狀況、燈號提醒及圖表顯示,了解專案進度與差異,明確掌握企業專案進度。 二○一九年四月十九日 決策人員-多專案追蹤 透過專案中心,了解專案狀況、燈號提醒及圖表顯示,了解專案進度與差異,明確掌握企業專案進度。 透過資源中心,了解企業資源運作狀態,所有資源工作分派,工時可用性 利用多維分析器,可了解數個專案與資源間交差分析 透過問題控制表,可了解專案問題處理狀況 專案週報,做好定期管理,避免專案失控 專案經理: Tonyasdf 部門主管: Cheryl 小組成員:Danielc 決策主管:Erichu ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

MIS人員-系統維護管理 完善的資料庫備援環境 佇列管理,方便追蹤系統狀況 善用事件處理器,整合企業管理流程 二○一九年四月十九日 MIS人員-系統維護管理 完善的資料庫備援環境 佇列管理,方便追蹤系統狀況 善用事件處理器,整合企業管理流程 會計年度調整,方便配合會計帳務處理 專案經理: Tony 部門主管: Cheryl 小組成員:Danielc 決策主管:Erichu ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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